Why didn’t he kill Anakin instead of leaving him as a limbless inferno?

Why didn’t he kill Anakin instead of leaving him as a limbless inferno?

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“I cannot kill Anakin”- Obi Wan... he figured Anakin would die.

He heard Lava with pumice scrubs away the dark side.
Why didn't Anakin just lift himself up and float around like he did that pear in Ep 2? Floating Anakin star fish. Picturesque.


The force influenced him in a certain direction because it knew that Anakin would eventually bring balance to the force before Disney would come along and fuck it up.

i dunno, it cost a lot of folks their lives. good one obi wan

He had no limbs and and he was falling into a fucking lava river, pretty sure he figured he was moments away from death and couldn't bear to watch

To show the Jedi are the villain all along

He knew all about those sick Republic disability benefits. Anakin would be a NEET in days watching Padme anime pron online and playing video games.

Because Anakin couldn't posibly survived that, no one could. The problem is that siths are strongly cling to life just like jedis are detach, that's why siths can survive to almost anything.

He had a vision of the future and wanted to ensure the reign of Darth Vader and the Emperor happens, because he knew that Rey had to be the one to kill Sheev. That's why his voice was in Force Awakens.

because george lucas is a retard

Because if he died, it would contradict the original trilogy, in which Anakin is Darth Vader. That's also why Yoda and Obi Wan don't die in III either. They also appear in the OT.

I hate to even reference it, but someone should calculate if spaceLeia achieves sufficient acceleration in TLJ to hypothetically be able to float under normal gravity. Everyone bitching about Rian breaking hyperspace, he might have created hovering Jedi too.

Jokes aside, if you can float a pear, and Yoda can float an X-Wing, and I guess in the Eu someone crashed a star destroyer, how hard is floating 150-200 pounds of dude? I thought they used this ability when they race super fast when the script calls for it and jumped around like mexican jumping jedis.

Probably couldn't bring himself to personally end Anakin

Wasn't luke levitating at the end of TLJ? During his Skype fight against kylo? I'm sure I remember a bit where after he is tired from force projecting he falls a foot or so onto the rock. I'm phone poasting so can't actually check rn

He loved him. Weren't you paying attention?

It's been a while. I know that in Ep 1 with all the flying faggots; hidden dragon stuff at the end of the movie, someone should know the skill.

Because George Lucas is a hack

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He loved him so much that he didn't have the heart to kill him.
Which is ironic, because Obi-wan was basically outright denying the jedi code by refusing to do so.

>be Kenobi
>Basically shill and put yourself on the line for this faggot for almost a full decade
>Find out that he's killing kids, helped in the fall of the Republic and is now the apprentice to Space Hitler
>You have enough pent up rage to fuck him up
>You let him live, fuck him