Hey bro, we glad you finnaly here. Man...

Hey bro, we glad you finnaly here. Man, take of your shirt and join us! We are gonna watch Batman Vs Superman Ultimate Edition.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hey bros here have these bottles of water I brought from home to hydrate. Drink up quick before it warms up.


Sorry, bros, but I'm going to my nigga Robert's home to watch Godzilla: The King of Monsters. You know, I'm a fan of kino myself, not that kind of capeshit which manchildren and soiboys love.

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>take off your shirt
I'm fat and ugly. Leave me alone. BVS is also shit.

sure bro here let's go to the kino

fuck, I look at these guys and look at myself and realize I'm not a man, I'm a fucking brat, an inferior being

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I want to have sex with you

im sorry im just really gay

No problem

Long hair guy recently married. I thought he is a faggot like other two.

Haha maybe next time guys! I'm actually just here to pick up your sister for our date. Have fun watching Batman!

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Alright, but i warn you not to cross me, i have a coomside

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Oscar Wilde was married

Your torso is long

No, fuck you user, you're fine as you are.

You're watching it for one reason

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I fucking love going on a 2 week fast just to make my gf thirsty. I take one protein shake and the next thing you know I'm absolutely POUNDING her!

Why don't you just start lifting if you care? It's not very hard

I tried once

Also, there's no consensus on what actually works, the information is too varying, contradictory and vast, it discourages me

why are their vagina bones so pronounced? is it a genetic thing?

Low body fat

The long haired dude has to run away from the two chads to an area when men average 5'7~ and there is no internet connection (no dating apps) to score a date with a 4/10

You just have to pick a plan that's comfortable for you and don't overdo it. Since I started working out again I feel a lot better physically. I basically just do a few barbell exercises. Feels good

Why are gay guys always so ripped?

I see three facelets. I could easily steal their women

but i wear a dress :3

that's the gayest thing I've ever heard

>tfw this is actually me at the beach with friends
they're hairless ottermode twinks and I'm fat, hairy and bald but at least I'm 6'4 so G-d isn't too cruel on me
somewhere along the way you really just stop giving a shit because none of it really matters since I also have prostate cancer

>c-can I leave my shirt on?

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Just work on leveling your clavicles and you'll be 90% if the way there


lmao if you think they are gay, they are chads, they get more dates than women

just go to the gym and ask an instructor to give you a routine, starting is easy, cutting to that low bf + muscle is not, but these guys are extreme cases. keep in mind that if you are incel (short or deformed) you will still be incel regardless of muscle mass or how ripped you are, and if you are not you can still have girls without gym maxxing

>since I also have prostate cancer
How old are you man? Are you going to die?

Squats, military press, bench, barbell rows, dips

I love you OP.

RIP user (or at least your prostate)

Yeah, the fucked if is that I'll have to research all of these names and find a way to find the correct form for each fucking one of these exercises
i'm tall at least
but yeah, getting to an actual good body it the fucked part

Just watch a fucking youtube video and start with a bare bar to practice
Wide grip head up back straight

late 20s
doctor said it was still in the early stage so there's still hope but you can never be sure with these things
I'm not hopeful that I'll live another decade but I'm not too sad either because I know I've seen and done most of what I'd like to get out of it anyway

>something worthwhile requires effort
stop being a pussy faggot

How did you initially find out? What was the symptom that finally brought you to the doctor?

How did you find out you had it? What are the signs?

Imagine the upkeep, fuck that

I would also like to know this

had an MRI for an unrelated back surgery that went bad and it all went south from there
don't skip your biyearly prostate exams bros
honestly not even that scared of the cancer anymore, I'm just as likely to die from all the smoking and drinking, I'd genuinely be surprised if I make it to my mid 30s

>used to go out with my mates, take our shorts off and blast Venga Boys in my friend's sisters purple car and drive around heavily populated areas yelling things at cute girls
>haven't had dumb fun like this in over a decade

Why did the fun have to end? It's like nobody genuinely enjoys themselves anymore. I literally can't remember the last time I heard someone laugh uproarously in public

I wasn't even aware I was supposed to be having prostate exams. Either way, it sounds like you have a reasonable outlook. Good luck.

>user will die before i get laid
fuck bros

>It's like nobody genuinely enjoys themselves anymore. I literally can't remember the last time I heard someone laugh uproarously in public
Zoomer here.

One of the problems is that all the "mischief" that the boomers got up to is now treated with deadly seriousness. One fight can get you kicked out of school. One "prank" can get you arrested and ruin your life. Even one bad joke can be very dangerous. The world has no sense of humour, and the system is fundamentally sociopathic.

>"Sure bro. We were all going to have sex later anyway. You can join in if you want."

>>tfw this is actually me at the beach with friends
>they're hairless ottermode twinks
Lol those guys aren't twinks. Pic related is a twink.

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Based and Kaijupilled

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Even a couple years ago I said nigger in a text message once and got suspended for two weeks

Me on the right