Real Time With Bill Maher

You tuning in, Yea Forums? We're about to go live. Based Bill will be shitting on the far left and incels once again tonight.
He's /ourlib/.

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_shooting

Fuck Marvel and Fuck Fatasses


not on Netflix, not watching shill

Will ben affleck be on the program tonight

Bill Maher predicted incel violence a long time ago. He's pretty based

Bill Maher the nigger guy.

how do i stream this with hbo go? cordcutter here

Maher is /ourkike/. He hates mudslimes which makes him based in my book

Can't. He's an old out of touch man who thinks there's something inherently wrong with streaming, and so you have to watch the show on TV to get it live.

Poor, trashy whites?

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and it takes so long to be added to the service too, like 12 hours or more



I generally enjoy Maher even though I disagree with plenty of his views, his smug demeanor is second to none though I would really love to firebomb his audience of clapping seals.

maher is a typical antiwhite antichristian atheist jew who is a hypocrite for supporting a theocracy. if youre a jew hes your lib

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#Yea Forumsshows on Rizon IRC

>teh joos are everywhere!

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not fooling anyone shlomo

Maher is a jew you fucking idiot

Glasses guy has the right idea, but he's being shouted down by the hysterical libtards.

Wait a second,was Bill in an action adventure movie?

>raised catholic
>half irish
>a jew
cry somewhere else, faggot

No, and only a fucking idiot would care.

I don't watch television, but I always watch his monologues and his New Rules on youtube. Love the guy and I hope my youtube views support him enough.

But it probably has nothing to do with avocados.

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Not that guy and I don't care, but he's half Jewish and he's a Zionist. Argue amongst yourselves.

when is he going to admit he was wrong about russiagate

That is where you are wrong!

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>teh joos

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I just can’t look at this ugly repulsive looking old Jew. He’s disgusting to me.

incel violence goes back's_shooting

>obviously a refugee from the_donald
>accuses everyone else of being a redditor

Go back.

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what the fuck

yeah the donald is known for hating jews and israel


this is really good b8. some of the best I've ever seen and I've been on Yea Forums for 5 years.

>I've been on Yea Forums for 5 years

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He's just another open borders-supporting commie leftist to me.

Why is his company called Kid Love Productions?

You know why

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>watching late night talk shows in the current year
>muh politics

These fucking hacks have literally nothing to talk about but politics. They are all the same and can all go fuck themselves.

>nothing to talk about but politics
what would you like them to discuss? Your manga cartoons?

>what would you like them to discuss
Yea man you’re right. There is literally nothing else to talk about in the entire world. My mistake.

You can talk about vapid horseshit, sure. But I'm talking about interesting content for adults, here. This is a professional production, not some podcast.

>implying politics isn’t vapid horseshit
At this point it’s not only horseshit, it’s horseshit that’s been talked about a million times already.

Try out the rogan podcast or something, I'm thinking that's more your speed

makes Sense why Muslims would hate Maher after his fat shaming comments

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the towlies hated him long before

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it’s not the Jews fault you’re fat

What’s pay like at the Fatty Internet Defense Force?

I dunno. Not a big fan of Rogan. I could only really listen to him if he had a good guest

hello hasbara subhumans. the app is working well i see


Bill Maher IS FAR LEFT you dumb fucking faggot.


I liked this movie as a kid

>Bill Maher interviews Michael Scheuer

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the hell with this transphobic piece of shit. he actually went on to say there are only two genders.

HBO needs to seriously consider finding a new liberal who is actually progressive. boomers just don't understand.

His show is politically themed, always has been

I've seen this like twenty times. Guy's based.

he supports reparations for blacks
yeah he's totally redpilled bro

>posts without reading the op

based retard.

he's still far left on most issues including the economy and racism

he's also a neocon israeli firster

Michael Moore and Krystal Ball fucking destroyed Bill tonight.

His show is sickening, it’s on right now. Of course they’re talking about white supremacy and anti Semitic and Israel first with another Jew and he’s not letting into his Jewish heritage “I don’t know much about Judaism” he literally said that then made a joke, then goes on to defend Israel. A theocratic ultranationalist state.
And then they talk about how Twitter verse is dictating political discourse, and they coerifnkating this vocal platform of retards, yet they’re making the alt right and white and anti semitic people the biggest threat in the world.
Jew bitch just called SA our great allies and Israel our great democratic ally

How does one become so smug?

And he just thanked the CIA and FBI for their work with 9/11 lmao
By being a crypto Jew and pretending to be irish

I don't like Bill because somehow he still believes his anti-religion shtick is about saving the world. In other words, he's that breed of atheist who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room but is too stupid to embrace nihilism and rib theists purely because he thinks it's funny. That or he's made the connection and is too chickenshit to admit it.

He’s an atheist that will only condemn two branches of abrahamism, look enough into them to ridicule them. Where are his snide interviews with rabbis and his condemnation of Judaism?

Defend Israel at all costs.
Only good when Israel does it.

When is the Megan Boyle episode?

hunter schafer will make a guest appearance in a future episode.

fucking based

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it'll be one of those moments when everyone in the audience is flicking their beans and jerking off their cocks

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>And he just thanked the CIA and FBI for their work with 9/11

Holy fuck I hate Bari Weiss