Inuyasha Netflix live action when

Inuyasha Netflix live action when

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Hopefully never

>tfw always wanted to fuck inuyasha when I was younger

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>tfw inuyasha and gundam gave me my fetish for femboys and twinks
You're not alone user.

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i guess if you want him to be black

Was this show targeted towards males or females?


it's a shoujo so females technically

wasn't the creator arrested for cp?

rumiko takahashi is a legendary mangaka

i feel gay that i used to watch this

What went wrong?

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>naruto for girls

>tfw no demon dog husbando

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came here to post this

my mistake bros i was thinking about other mangaka

Kikyo was so much hotter than Kagome

There are way gayer shows you could be watching in the current decade.
In truth, you caught one of the last good ones.

You're a loser if you don't like the closing songs btw.

>not sango

too much filler shit
common issue with many long running series

I didn't like any of the movies. Even Naruto ones were more enjoyable.

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>the final act
>it has filler
Please don't tell me this is true. Does it end well at least?

Both garbage, yura is better.

CW live action when?

actually it's shounen (look it up)

patrician taste

I'd be more happy if they got the rest of the show on there, they only have the first two seasons

Why didn’t Kagome bring back Inuyasha some Nikes or some shit? She was going back to Tokyo all the time, get him some Air Force Ones or something so he’s not walking around barefoot like a peasant

Haha imagine how dirty his feet must be haha!

Literally the only correct choice! Good job user!

Ya this makes sense to my tastes now....

worst girl won

Patrician taste.

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Kagura > > > > the rest

me too.

>the episode where he takes a bath in kagome's house
>the hot spring episode
>the episode where he is possessed by some horny demon and starts taking off his clothes with half-lidded eyes
>the episode where he turns human
so many boners were had.

Japan already made a musical 2 years ago and it did well, user.
I dont think theres much more money to made it in it since shes already doing Mao, now.

I'm waiting for Mao to get good but it never does.
The characters are also so bland.

I hate that show
>everybody has medevil Japanese names that roll off the tounge like a 6 lane car crash
>everybody constantly shouting those names

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