Defend this, zoomers

Defend this, zoomers.

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i'm a zoomer
who is that supposed to be?

i hate these funko pop things so fucking much

Zoomers aren't the ones propping up Funkopops. That shit is totally for Boomers.

The fact it costs like a penny to produce a billion of them is what’s propping them up.

>boomers buying toys
Yeah for their zoomer grandchildren.

okay, but zoomers like me don't know what the fuck is even in the op pic

Zoomers haven't married yet (and don't plan to)

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remember when beetlejuice wanted to rape a 15 year old?

Anyone remember that Scooby Doo cinnamon flavored cereal with the marshmallows? Shit was cash

Wrong. Again Funko makes money off Boomers.

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Zoomers buy japanese figurines of their "waifus"

Millennials or Zoomers because any youtoober or streamer has them

I wonder how rich the people who started Funko are. I give them credit, this shit is still selling.

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Why the fuck are these things so popular? They look like fucking shit! What the fuck is wrong with people?!

one day you will die, and these plastic figures will outlast you

To zoomers geek cred is important and people posing as zoomers like boogie

Not if I melt them or there is a house fire.

Beanie Babies were really fucking lame plush dolls that I wouldn't even look twice at. It didn't stop collector autists from obsessing over them treating them like valued pieces of art.

Could wax about "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and all that but at the end of the day Collector/Hoarding can be a real sickness.

usually cheap gift for people to give their nerdy relatives friends

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It is funny how people thought they would be worth something but they have been completely forgotten.

I refuse to believe that is real.

>b-but zoomers!!!

I'm going to fucking vomit

I bought an anime figure when I was 14 and had buyers remorse

I had this thought when I was sat looking at it cringing, never wasted my money on crap again and sold some stuff

its better wasting your money on something that will create a memory then something that you will have to hoarder most of your life and will enviably end up in a landfill when you die

My gf has a few of these and loves capeshit and everything Disney, and pleb taste in everything in general. Media isn't enough of my life for it to cause a breakup, but it does occasionally sicken me

wow OP! no need to hate. it's just a little hobby, it's not something that can take over your whole li--

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>only funko i own is a vegeta i bought almost 5 years ago

im ok with that

They look awful. Worked at a Walmart some years ago as a side job and despite working at the gun counter, I often also had to cover toys. We had regulars for "collectibles", like hotwheels and these things. Long story short, we'd have 30-35 year old fat males coming in telling you their sob story about missing a special Funko because they'd already used their weekly allowance on them and their wife would kill them. If I didn't hear it myself, I'd think it was a cuck meme from Yea Forums.

Funny how the thread was about a beetle juice cereal but became about American nendoroids.

if you go through the funko pop forums you'll find people talking about how their wives and even children give them shit for throwing money away on this stuff. if anything, the shitposters don't exaggerate enough.

That's why you work 3rd shift at Walmart. Fewer weirdos.

I haven't really looked through those, just seen a few screencaps. The hot wheels people were far more annoying though, because they were all resellers and expected a person that worked at a gun counter to go to the back room, go through the toys bins looking for a box labeled hot wheels, and bring that out to them so they could rummage through it, find nothing, and then storm out.

I worked second since I was doing other work at the time too. We just had the regular thieves that no one stopped in on third shift due to no AP. We literally just didn't have AP at all, so people stole all day without repercussions.

Protip, now is a wonderful time to buy beanie babies. Nostalgia will cause a brief resurgence in BB popularity. Great time to nab the once rare ones for nothing.

>t. guy who bought into beanie babies and is now selling on ebay

What is ap?

Asset Protection, the only people in the store technically authorized to stop people from stealing by company policy

I guess they also didn't need to sit at their cages then?

I don't even know what you're saying

Trying to make a wagie-cage joke. They need to be able to get out of the cage, to stop anyone, right?

Well, I guess it's not that funny anyway.

We just called them security and we had police on the premises all the time with a car parked out front next to the only open exit.

I worked in a white area in Ohio, cops patrolled once every 8 hours through the parking lot, but I suspect that was mainly to pretend to work while not working.

The only company I remember giving a fancy name to security I worked for was Sears and I think they called them loss prevention.

Walmart had a very convoluted system of job ranks, but they just pruned out a ton of them over the past 3-4 years. I haven't worked there since before that, but I've got a few friends left that do. Everything had a fancy name and there were about 5 different tiers of managers.

>I refuse to believe that is real.
Imagine being this young.

In the 3rd shift there was the shift manager, two assistant managers, and some sort of supervisor for each side. Sometimes the store manager would stop by. Most nights there was only one manager or assistant manger for the entire store maybe a supervisor or two which was basically a stocking position. There might have been a csm up front.

It is not about youth but realities you refuse to accept no matter how true.

>That's why you work 3rd shift at Walmart. Fewer weirdos.

Where the fuck do YOU live?

>mmmm, any version of Lydia Deetz
Funko, not even once. I'd rather go into debt with a severely overpriced, undersized, flawed clay maquette.

NY. There were fewer people in general during the night shift. Even on a Friday or Saturday by 1 am the store was a ghost town and the only really active area after midnight on a weekend was by the registers.

We had:
Store Manager
2 Co-managers
15-20 Assistants (varying shifts)
2 Support Managers
Department Managers
Freight Managers
and the AP manager, which was outsourced and not technically walmart when we did have one

Our security was just one or two guys who walked around the store. They tried not to stick out but if you were there enough you noticed them.

>t. Rusty Brown

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>implying I don't still have all the ones my mom and I bought in the 90s

The old-school Beetlejuice cartoon was pure kino.

As a zoomer I am ashamed of my people

why not sperg out collecting something at least somewhat useful, like vinyl records?

I own 100 fucko pops and i love them all.
I dont care what anyone says.

That second guy is totally a zoomer, probably all those were bought for him by his rich parents.

I genuinely don't get the appeal of Funko Pops. They seem like the kind of thing a dad might get his son because "hey he's into Batman and this is a Batman character." But I guess some people like collecting shit.

>nooo I want some of your worthless toys as part of the settlement!
Women are so incredibly petty.

those things sold gangbusters in the 90s; some people thought the rarer ones would hold value indefinitely

theyre trying to edge in on count chocoulas money

>letting a roastie tell you how you're going to spend your money
soi shit or not, I make the cash, she is the wet hole.

What the fuck happened to modern men.

>zoomer goes to hot topics
>buys lydia cereal
>never eats it
The state of zoomers today. topkek

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Women were probably the ones who bought the most beanie babies.

Where do you draw the line then? What is the "least somewhat useful" thing a person can still collect?

It's all about amassing. You don't just buy a funko or two. You buy a wall. And because they cover every piece of popculture, you are bound to find all the characters you love.

I think the non-human ones tend to look pretty good, it's the human ones that tend to be bland and boring.

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I’m not a /toy/fag but Funko is literally unpurchasable.

>somebody thought this was an appopriate toy to put on the market

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/biz/ I'm not falling for this one

>blaming zoomers for dumb corporate bullshit
we hate them too

They are not toys. It even says so on the box.

Is it weird to collect coins still?

some of those have their features so simplified thay you wouldn't even recognize them if there wasn't the name of the character written on the box

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It is stranger to collect stamps.

So what? Funko Pops are Funko Pops. It's kinda dumb doing comparisons like that.

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They all compete in the same marketplace thanks to the internet.

What does the cereal taste like though.

isn't it the girl from Beetlejuice?

Imagine if there was a cereal that had the taste of teenage Winona Ryder.

Yeah, that's true, but if that is supposed to be an argument of some sort, I don't get it?

Nah it just says "Beetlejuice" in big letters on the cereal box for no reason.

they're a good litmus test for potential friends tho. i see so much as one beedy little eye and thats it

menstrual blood because that's what it looks like.

I am hearing this word more and more. Millennials are overjoyed that gen z has come of age so they have a younger generation to shit on relentlessly just like the boomers and gen xers did to them. We don't need to perpetuate the cycle anymore. Why can't all the generations just live in harmony?
That being said, funko pops are a millenial thing. How do I know this? Gen Z isn't very economically established, so they don't have the money to spend thousands on these worthless plastic figures. I'm not even saying this to dig at millenials. Every generation has its issues.

Every generation thinks it will be the one to stop perpetuating the vicious cycle of bullying but the fact is it’s just too gratifying to take a hot, wet shit on our successors.
Don’t worry to much about it, generation alpha looks to be the most bully-able generation yet, have some fun!
And you’re absolutely right about Funkos being a millennial thing.

>Why can't all the generations just live in harmony?
Because boomers (the real ones) still hold all the cards and refuse to let go. At the same time gen x grew up in a rough transition time, when boomer advice (like "go to school and get a good job") was starting to become obsolete. Some of us failed to establish ourselves, and is has made us bitter.

And now we have zoomers enjoying the wave without any real effort. They have all the gadgets, combined with their naive zest for life - and zero respect for the elders.

If you’re really gen-x you have only yourself to blame. The zoomers literally came out of your dicks and twats.

The thing is, words like "gen x", "millennial", etc, don't have a fixed meaning. Not to mention "generations" change faster nowadays, at least in my opinion. Previously we had actual generations, meaning people were 20-30 (or even 40) years apart from each other.

But when I look at youngsters today, even those that were born only 10-15 years later than me, they start to be unrecognizable. Are they part of my generation, or not? And I'm old enough that I could have teenage children too. So I guess they would be true zoomers? Who knows.

I can see the appeal. Collect your favorite characters across a wide range of genres and mediums, but they still have a cohesive form and aesthetic. Too bad they're ugly little fuckers.

I just don't get it. They're tacky as fuck. Investment? Those are going to age like Ellen Page.

Look how they massacred my girl

Why are millennials like this?

>I'm going to waste my money on overpriced toys for children becouse I'm a man
Americans were a mistake

my dad does the same thing except with blu-ray movies. like over half of his collection is still sealed it's fucking pointless. then again I can't say much I collect video games, but I shop used and feel that the format isn't quite as replaceable so shit I'm buying won't crater in value as much as movie format #7.

fuck walmart for having shitty AP and getting the public to pick up the tab

Capitalism in action, faggots. Embrace it.

it makes no sense to me either but when you put it alongside stuff like magic cards, shitcoins, and fucking video game hats it makes sense I guess. fuck manufactured scarcity

remember the princess diana one people put in a plastic coffin? tickle me elmo dolls? holy shit

I got the mothman from fallout 76 for like £3, probably because its both niche and doesnt look like a funko pop so they had piles of them.

Just looks like a cool cryptid model. Never even played 76.

My brother is 17 and he's bought all the Overwatch pops and a frieza and cell pop. It's zoomers too.

you don't have to defend retarded consumerism if your a capitalist

this reminds me of when I went to meet a guy I was bestfriends with in HS.

we went to his apartment to drink some beers and his whole fucking apartment was full of star wars and video games figures. it was creepy as fuck. "i have started to collect figurines, as you might see" i never picked up the phone when he called after that

The people that "collect" them might not actually play with them like such, but they are still toys. It is quite sad actually that adults find the need to deflect from that fact. It shows that they're insecure about their own maturity level. They don't want to admit that by collecting these figures, they're reconnecting with their childhood. And that somewhere deep inside them, there's that inner innocence that is inciting them to purchase and collect these figures, and then display their funko toys much as they would have when they were a child.

High sodium leading to hypertension and excessive sugar leading to diabetes. And some carcinogenic additives to preserve the taste and texture.

If that was the only reason why you didn't want to hang out again you're a fuckwit. He doesn't need a friend like you. And no, I don't collect Star wars toys.

Is it still edgy to hate Funko Pops? I'd have figured it would be the reverse at this point, based on how casual hating them is.

Why there isn't a realistic Lydia figurine?

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Can't believe we've had a whole thread and no weeb has posted a Nentendoroid, as if they are any better than Pops.

Defend this, OP

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Google it retard, it's real.

>but they are

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Sup bros

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Where do I buy Evangelion toys

This is photoshopped, r-r-right?

Never bought a Funko in my life. Just not my style. I like kind of edgy looking figures.

Edgy, like has actual sharp corners, or edgy like Japanese?

People actually still eat cereal in 2019? I thought that was a 90s thing.

I think it's like comic book collecting. It's to brag how much you love something based on how much you buy into it.

One less person to buy up my investments! Enjoy your FOMO!

well he obviously had no friends so i bet he needed a fuckwit friend like me. same goes for you, you sad piece of shit.

go jerk off on your figurines you fucking LOSER

same garbage

Not true. The bottom one is Japanese and costs more money. That means its fans are more classy.

yes sir very good toy great investment sir buy

The Beanie Baby posters are super salty about missing out on some high-end Pop figures, and trying to tank the market by shitposting on Yea Forums. Hey bud, if you keep trying, it might work!!

delete this

bullying younger generations mainly stems from the fact that you're seeing younger people committing the same mistakes and believing the dumb shit you already learned not to, but also enjoying things and being happy and confident about the future the same way you can't be anymore

>The zoomers literally came out of your dicks and twats.
we're witnessing such rapid change that the same generation is giving birth to two different ones or more

So many things to spend or save for and faggot choose some shit plastic shits. What a faggot.


I know. It's stupid. It's like why invest in something ugly/intangible like pop/stocks. I need real world heft to make money.

you have to get your brain checked. You are retarded

The angry weeb has spotted the thread. He needs to make his $50 overpriced Pop buys justified!

Get on my level.
Just saved up and bought this for my collection.

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You don't buy Evangelion toys.
You purchase collectibles for a masterpiece.
You embrace the true gospel of Anno and build a shrine to his new testament of humanity. Give yourself unto Eva. Relax and float down stream. It is not dying. It is not dying.

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Any Funko Pop figure that isn't based off a human looks pretty good. Prove me wrong.

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all that money spent on the wrong girl.

Lay down all thoughts. Surrender to the void.
It is shining. It is shining.

Yet you may see the meaning of within.
It is being. It is being.

Love is all and love is everyone.
It is knowing. It is knowing.

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Cartoon shipped her with Beetlejuice for real

My ex gf bought me a load of them one xmas. I donated them to a charity shop in the new year.

>opinion discarded

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reference to a silver age story.

Those figurines are literally plastic sculptures. Sculptures as in art. They are very well done, very expensive, and totally worth the value if you're a fan of art. Anime is modern art.

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oy vey


yes, it's a valid excuse to compare both products

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For all you zoomers out there beanie babies would sell for fuck loads on eBay for some stupid reason.

The guy who made beanie babies was a fucking genius.

They're too gimmicky for me. And they all look soulless as fuck.

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>You don't buy Evangelion toys.
You purchase collectibles for a masterpiece.

Funko released the first EVA Pop at SDCC this year, pictured from my personal collection with both stickers. No others yet announced but leaks have sprouted for Shinji, Rei, and Asuka (again), presumably in their pilot suits. There's also been a leak for a 6" (standard Pops are 4") metallic paint Unit 01.


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