Why did it bomb at the box office?
Blade Runner 2049
Because it's the best film of the decade. The masses can't relate to any aspect of it.
Lack of marketing and most people thought it would just be a cash grab
Because adults today are just grown children who only want to see capeshit.
same reason avengers is at the top of the box office
The original blade runner doesn't have the interest of the younger generation in the way that star wars or alien do. It's also look and people have short attention spans.
It wasn't made by Disney, which means it falls outside the purview of the pop-culture review machine that drives most of modern movie sales.
It was too smart for the masses
The marketing was stupid, as expected of Sony.
The way I have interpreted from the trailers, the movie was just a souless action trash reboot who was using the original movie's name to cash grab. If weren't for Yea Forums saying in unison it was a masterpiece, I wouldn't have given the movie the chance.
it wasn't a good movie
It doubled it's money
It's boring, meandering, and so bloatedly written that the seriously shortened final cut still manages to feel sloppy and rushed at the same time as being uncomfortably long to sit through.
It was dishonest
Audiences aren't used to having their intelligence respected.
this, 2deep for the sheep
>Budget: $150–185 million
>Box office: $259.2 million
The studio only keeps about 50% of the box office and with the marketing budget is usually similar to the production budget for these types of movies.
Stop being disingenuous, it's a mediocre movie that you latched onto because you relate to his inceldom. Not a single aspect of it was superior to the original, it even looked worse
It's not really surprising. A very small fraction of people in the world are Blade Runner fans, or even care about it. Most People either dont like the original, dont care about it, or are completely indifferent to its existence. And people generally dont see a sequel if they haven't seen or dont like the original. So who was really expected to pay money to see this?
Also Ryan Gosling is not a draw.
I only watched it recently and I enjoyed it
I did not like leto in it all all
He almost ruined the movie
It needed more city night time location stuff, the big wall sea, the desert and the beginning were all similarly desolate and antiseptic looking
Also the whole Joy thing was kinda stupid
Replace Bautista with the rock and you would had a billion dollar movie.
Leto has a habit of doing that. I don't know how he finds work
The original Blade Runner bombed at the box office too, if that's any consolation.
It was a shit film and got bad word of mouth
Who do you want to come home to?
>Let's make Bladerunner with 1/10 the talent and 1/100 the vision
Geeze I wonder why
The majority of people have an IQ of 100 or less
It was too long
Its long, slow, focused on building an atmosphere, and slightly intellectual.
There are action scenes in it, but they are secondary to the rest of the film. And there is no romance or standard interpersonal drama to suck in the other demographics.
It wasn't all that well advertised either compared to its contemporaries. Honestly the movie had too much money spent on it to be sensible - it could have been made cheaper, and probably should have.
>Video Game Iconography
>Dishonest Cinematography
>Proto-Slysoy Disenfranchisement peddled as Incel entertainment/Beta Powerplay
>Barking indefinite hipster score
>Neo Yea Forumseddit hangups: camera schizophrenia and meme dialogue
>Meta-Quip syndrome (refusing to quip is just as problematic as indulging in See: Nolan)
>Post-Capeshit inversions
>Stoicism as social currency inverted through solipsistic imdb fetish
And still you wonder why it bombed
What marketing?
K-keep going, I'm almost there.
first off, the rock is overexposed so his role as sapper wasn't the draw that disney thought it would be. secondly, it was a dishonest film and the plot made no sense. the curved windows and lack of mirrors in the film made it hard to suspend disbelief.
fun fact: the producers originally wanted david bowie to play leto's chatacter
An R rating will do that to most movies.
don't forget bisexual lighting
Am I the only one who really dug Luv's character?
It was too big to succeed. An arthouse flick with the budget of the summer blockbuster of the year. It had no chance. Based Villeneuve for not giving a fuck but also the movie wasn't that great anyway. Looks pretty and sounds great but the story was bland and forgettable. The only ones who disagree are people who have convinced themselves it's deep, as if that makes up for weak storytelling somehow.
>Looks pretty and sounds great but the story was bland and forgettable. The only ones who disagree are people who have convinced themselves it's deep, as if that makes up for weak storytelling somehow.
Because it's not the Godfather part 2. On its own, it doesn't stand up very well. But together with the original it is a cinema masterclass.
It's sequel bait.
cause it's a pleb filter movie
i saw it with a group of friends. three were normalfags, two of them were good at pretending to be normal but enjoyed kino from time to time. the three normalfags within 3 minutes of the movie were confused and started asking things like "Why is there so much reading?" and "Is this actually the movie we're watching?" and were immediately incredibly bored and kept talking during the movie. kind of ruined my experience desu. By the end of it those three guys were all fairly unanimous in saying, "that was one of the most boring, shitty movies I've ever seen in my life. I have no idea what happened or what it was even about."
This. Most people get filtered by these cyberpunk masterworks.
Because other than a handful of admittedly cool scenes it was a terrible movie with an idiotic plot.
it honestly wasn't that good, man
Hopefully you're baiting, but IQ is normalized so that 100 is the median. So hopefully this is deep satire of fans of Blade Runner 2.
Yes that was my point. And two thirds of people are under 115 IQ
because it was pretentious unimaginative trash
Narrative driven movies that aren't indie productions aren't as well received in the box office.
take a look at the movies that make money these days
he's not an incel
>atomized white men relate to atomized robotic man
wow whoa
>i said some pulp
It's an incredibly slow paced arthouse film that was a sequel to an already obscure scifi film nobody particularly cared for in the first place that was very vaguely based on a book nobody had ever heard of spare the basement dwelling film enthusiasts.
The original bombed too. It took years for it to develop cult status.
I don't think that is going to happen with this one. Not sure why. I just don't. The spark isn't there.
It's better on rewatch at home than it was in the cinema, and I watched it on IMAX first.
It's a decent attempt at a serious science fiction film, but it has some serious problems. First of all Ryan Gosling doesn't get enough screen time with Joi. Ironically, it's Joi (a hologram) that "humanises" him, but their relationship is underdeveloped. Jared Leto is terrible, and Harrison Ford just shouldn't have been in this film, or any film (for god's sake Harrison just retire).
Also it was fucking dumb as shit how Luv was able to stroll into LAPD TWICE and murder high ranking cops both times
>b-but she is a trained assassin replicant
bullshit, LAPD would be heavily guarded with it's own Goose-model warrior replicants and security systems
I actually liked the art direction and the music. it was good seeing a bit of detective work going on too. And the weird Joi / hooker threesome was kino.
I still want to watch this shit again in the cinema or in IMAX. But knowing my country if this shit is replayed it’s going to be in the capital.
worth a trip to Adis Ababa if you ask me
>reddit spacing
>reddit spacing
Because its a whiteoid virgin’s overhyped kino and majority of the world gets laid
You have to leave.
>Why did it bomb at the box office?
3 hours long, sequel to a cult classic that also bombed, philosophical. Its a miracle it got made in the first place.
Unironically looks better than Mexico City.
Just saw this 20 seconds ago.
I must say, it was GREATLY helped by the fact that I didn't watch any marketing for this as it came out, (as I was a bit tired of reboots) and I completely and utterly forgot that Harrison Ford was in this. Made the fact that they go see him a pleasant surprise. I'm sure that if I had seen it when it was released, I would have anticipated Ford, which would have taken from my enjoyment.
One thing to note: This movie had been on my "should watch this" list since it was added on my regional Netflix a while ago, But I had to wait to watch it until I found myself in the right mindset to watch an almost 3h long sci-fi noir. I knew that if I was a bit too tired / hungry / whatever I would likely pause the film and do something else. I'm glad I found a good moment to watch it.
>3 hours long blade runner remake with dumbed down plot ripped-off from pale fire
I wonder
My only problem with the movie was that there wasn't enough synthwave
you need to go back
What do you mean?
i really don't understand the modern trend of making movie so long, they always overstay their welcome.
People just don't appreciate good sci-fi/cyberpunk. As a genre, people aren't into it that much. So any good sci-fi/cyberpunk show will eventually get cancelled, and any movie will bomb at the box office. And those that do well will be one-off things. It's our curse.
Cyberpunk 2077 is looking good but we all know it's not the level of cyberpunk most cyberpunk fans appreciate. At least we're getting something though.
>Video Game Iconography
>Dishonest Cinematography
>Proto-Slysoy Disenfranchisement peddled as Incel entertainment/Beta Powerplay
>Barking indefinite hipster score
>Neo Yea Forumseddit hangups: camera schizophrenia and meme dialogue
>Meta-Quip syndrome (refusing to quip is just as problematic as indulging in See: Nolan)
>Post-Capeshit inversions
>Stoicism as social currency inverted through solipsistic imdb fetish
It's a dishonest flick genetically engineered to appeal to juvenile imdbspawn redditors with no sense of sophistication who laud pseudo visuals, which supports upvote groupthink mentality, and meme acting with a good movie pandering reddit tier "subversion entertainment" sensibilities and a wannabe classic aesthetic
hello yes I also can't form my original opinions without mentioning reddit at least 5 times, am i right fellow 4chinner
hi newfriend enjoy your stay
I'm just pointing out you're retarded for thinking of other people so much when forming your opinion, no need to get your panties in a bunch. its a helpful comment more than anything, really.
it's a copypasta newfriend