My film professor said this was his favorite film of the decade. Is he a pleb or a kinosseur?

My film professor said this was his favorite film of the decade. Is he a pleb or a kinosseur?

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he's a pleb who thinks he's a kinosseur

Tell him Drive is better

I liked it

He's a kinoer.

good cgi I guess but gay movie

is his name matt by any chance?

He’s a nu-male soiboy

your professor obviously hasn't seen first reformed. where is he teaching anyway? preschool? lmao! worldstar!!! GOT HIS ASS


First Reformed was middle of the road at best

The question can only be answered if he explains why it's his favorite. Judge him on that.

what? I can't see what your posting, is it because of my filter?

For everyone who thinks it’s a masterpiece, explain what the film is about…I’ll wait

kinosseur if he's genuine
but i'm getting the feeling he's just aware of how dry most people found the movie and he's just peacocking

god is thai and he's cruising for ladyboi puss

receiving the forgiveness of god

You have to admit the fighting is impressive though

Same thing as Drive but better

*cricket noises*

it's about Billy literally doing nothing wrong and how his mom was based and devoted to getting revenge for him. Julian deservedly gets his hands chopped off for pussying out

he's better than an kinosseur

he's honest about what he likes

It's okay, but the trailers were better than the actual movie. I have no idea what he was trying to say with the hands and vagina symbolism or whatever you nerds call it.

he's a kinosseur who thinks he's a pleb, a man of culture...


It was a really good movie, I don't understand why people hate it. Drive is indeed better though.

Your professor sounds pretty based desu

Cooter. Sometimes poon tang.

I just watched 15 minutes of this on netflix and have no idea what was going on. I turned it off because it felt like dumb shit to me. The cinematography was shit too.

Attached: at this point i realized i made a huge mistake.png (1046x658, 1.01M)

The cinematography is incredible. The problem is that everything else is boring as shit. The story is easy enough to follow, but it's drawn out SOOO fucking long by tracking shots and pans.

Kinosseur. It's a masterpiece

didn't know Yea Forums anons taught film

It’s better than the dudes who keep touting 2001 and Citizen Kane as the best films of all time