Post greatest good vs evil kinos

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Didn't realise that Latvia was such a big player in the G20

Is there really any answer other than LotR?

There’s an even greater good behind those guys. I won’t spoil who it is though.


No they’re up there. Don’t you see their flag with the stars?

Notice the big-head

The Yehudim are in front

>every evil country is represented with a spooky head of a filthy animal
>Germany is represented with the skull of a German soldier
Why did they mean by this?

Nazis liked their skulls

someone 'splain to me what countries the pig-headed one and the piglet/rat biting its ear represent.

Israel and Latvia respectively

Israel isn't even in the G20 and has little to do with Latvia. Also Russia/China don't care about Israel much and are on generally good terms with it.

Doesnt make much sense unless the artist is a mad muslim or w/e

Well unless it's Peru, it's Israel

Head of a swine demonstrates

It's Estonia's flag

why Latvia is connected to it. Though neither are in the G20 but Russia is butthurt about both

Attached: 194069315144-eesti_lipp-enam-crop_png_690x518_q100.jpg (387x246, 10K)

Israel is probably friendlier to Russia than it is to Latvia. Israel and Russia both chew them out for honoring Latvian SS

I don't see how/why it's israel

>It's Estonia's flag

Attached: NO!.jpg (389x187, 35K)

flag doesn't look like israel's either and Latvia would suggest it's Estonia much more than israel

Argentina and Canada

The Bakshi Lotr is okay, but the Peter Jackson ones are just awful
Birth of a Nation

Attached: griffithkino.png (1442x1078, 1.75M)

Why would you deliberately type this? It's only one character less than 'explain' and it makes you sound retarded

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