Anthony Jeselnik: Chappelle comedy 'Punching down'

is he right, Yea Forums?

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I guess they promised him a bigger push if he took the hit here? Or is he part-kike?

>Chappelle also jokes in the special that LGBTQ people are like passengers on a road trip who don’t always get along
Wow, such bigotry. I hope the LGBTQ community can heal from this attack.

Exactly. SJW are worse than nignogs

>Chappelle also jokes in the special that LGBTQ people are like passengers on a road trip who don’t always get along
Is he wrong though? Just below the surface they all fucking hate each other

Isn't Jeselnik suppose to be an "edgy" comedian? Why the fuck does he care about punching down when he made his initial image is an edgy and no holds bar?

Fuck this guy. His criticism is the only way he can get people talking about him.

When did all this punching up/down stuff start? I don't remember comedy discussions ever mentioning this until very recently.

No, the complete opposite is true. Chappelle is punching up. Fags are the new bullies. The Gay Mafia rules Hollywood.

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I don't remember gays ever being slaves.

>some literally who mouths off about one of the all-time greats
I think this little faggot should sit down and shut the fuck up.

Jeselnik's Trump roast bit is ESSENTIAL comedy kino and most of you shitters dont even know it

I don't know, I'm not reading that shit. Dave is amazing though.

A new way to keep people from making jokes about coloreds and faggots, really. Lefties have a grab bag of guilt trip garbage that they dig into once one of their tricks stop working on normies.

I agree with Anthony,OP is a fag for not giving a summary of the story instead of trying to make us read his shit news story.

In their endless vanity and born out of the meaninglessness of modern existence, comedians are desperate to present themself as heroic figures challenging power and everyone not doing that is forsaking their sacred responsibility as a strip mall stand up.

LMAO what a fucking hypocrite

>Chappelle also jokes in the special that LGBTQ people are like passengers on a road trip who don’t always get along
Because it's fucking true. No one likes trannies. No one wants to date trannies, not even other trannies. T might as well stand for tacked-on, its the most inauthentic and pushed "civil rights movement" currently going on

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Read the interview, he sort of defends him. Kind of. He says he doesn’t think there was anything to be mad about, but he explains why someone like Dave gets criticized and someone like him doesn’t.

>punching up/down
just makes you sound like an insane commie who wants to punish groups of people because you have some insane theory desu

>but he explains why someone like Dave gets criticized and someone like him doesn’t.
Maybe because people actually know who Chappelle is?

Isn’t he the one who dated Any Schumer and basically catapulted her career by writing for her? He deserves to die.

>Can't even make jokes about transgenders anymore
>*room gets quiet*
>Nowadays, you can't call them Chicks with Days
>Now they're just Men who Talk Too Much

I like Jeselnik. He's actually clever, Chapelle's recent shit was just whiny. Bill Burr's was good, too.

I'm a fag and I fucking hate trannies. I wish (((they))) would stop lumping them in with us.

All jeselniks jokes are preapproved by the left such as
>anti religion
>more dead babies
>people with degenerative brain diseases

>you have to punch up you can't just laugh at people comedy needs strict rules that one must abide by

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This if only because they enable them and disable whites

Fuck this guy I watched his comedy special and that was the most unfunny shit I turned it off halfway through

Based. Trannies and bisexuals can fuck off.

It doesn't matter how factually correct he may or may not be we DON'T PUNCH DOWN.


Jeselnik is a faggot coward

>Anthony Jeselnik: Chappelle comedy 'Punching down'
>ctrl + F "punching
>no results found

OP you editorializing faggot

Maybe you should actually read the article you mong.

>basically catapulted her career by writing for her
no Apatow catapulted her career
took her from cable darling to legitimate movie star

He doesn't even answer the question, he takes it and makes it about promoting his new show.

White people are so fucking soft. You people are so goddamn annoying. Can you go a day without whining like the cum slurping pussies you are? Jesus Christ.

What do you mean 'you people'?

the only way to win is not to play the game.

he did the best he could

Cum skins.


OP is a lying faggot.

>“When I walk out on stage, I’m from the first second to the last just an evil person. So no one would ever say, ‘I can’t believe Anthony is doing this’ because it’s just what I do. I think people want Dave to be someone he’s not.”

Jeselnik is straight up saying that discord trannies are mad at Dave because they see him as an Übermensch Black Man who just tells the straight up truth. Whereas Jeselnik proclaims he can be as offensive as he desires because his role is to be a villian. BTW I've never paid attention to Jeselnik so I don't know if he's a total hack like that faggot Nick Kroll.

He could have had a career like Sarah Silverman he had his own show.
Hell, he could have been on her show's cast and still got a big boost. I think it's a shame he never took off, he's my kind of humor.

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>the law of comedy means you can only punch down
No. Comedy isn't about power differentials. That is one genre.

Comedy always had a "line" between acceptable and not. Some people stayed one side of the line or the other. Other people straddled it. Some people would cross it.

Lefties put up a wall on the line (ironic considering how much they love open borders). And now everytime someone crosses it they act like that person is an illegal migrant of comedy. Edgy boys can't even see the wall because they are flying over it where it doesn't bother them.

What's wrong with "punching down"? Making fun of people who are better than you can come off as bitter and jealous if you overdo it.

It's a faux pas in the current victim culture dedicated to championing historically marginalized identities

>said the rich, white jew to the weed-addicted nigger


As soon as society says you can't make fun of something, "punching down" as a concept falls apart. It will always be funny to do something that you aren't supposed to do.

One argument I've seen a lot against Chapelle is "making fun of oppressed groups while there are nazi's around makes him a boot licker". Isn't every other comedian already making nazi jokes though?

>punching up or down

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>It will always be funny to do something that you aren't supposed to do
That’s retarded. You’re just looking for a justification where there isn’t one. Most things you’re not supposed to do are like that for a reason. Go get drunk and drive with no lights on the freeway at night. It’ll be hilarious

faggots are just as twisted as trannies. fuck off

Article says nothing about chappelle comedy punching down
the fuck are you on about?
Did you even read the article you made a thread around?

Fragile white people aren't allowed to make jokes about strong people of color because it might hurt their feelings.

I fucking hate lesbos as a fag myself. They're loud and violent. I don't want that shit near me. Also, fuck trannies and whatever severe package of mental illnesses that would lead them to think their dick removal is the same thing as me sucking a cock.

It started with the "progressive stack". At protests like Occupy if you formed a queue it had to be based on privilege. So like, a gay black woman would be first, but a white straight male would be last.

Also they define things like racism, not as discrimination based on race, but discrimination based on power structure.

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Jeselnik does it all the time though, and nobody gets upset

I'm sure that progs do, but I'm glad that nobody listens to them.

Who gives a fuck about any of these faggots?

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>I'm sure that progs do
What? No literally nobody gets mad at him. It’s all about his onstage persona. He makes it very clear it’s an act and he doesn’t believe any of it, so nobody would ever think to get upset at a joke. Chappelle doesn’t do that, at least not as clearly, so people feel like he means the stuff he’s saying.

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Rome would like a word with you

I will amend my statement. It will always be funny to do things you aren't supposed to do when the consequences cannot lead to tangible harm.

Sounds incredibly gay.

People, who would eventually be diagnosed with Nanette Syndrome, started going on about comedy as a way to push acceptance and societies standards by not "punching down." Ex. making fun Asians is bad because Asians are a minority in white countries and jokes could cause them to face discrimination from the people who hear them. What these people don't understand is comedy has always been about pushing acceptance and standards by equally making fun of everyone. By not making fun of certain groups all you do is turn them into sacred cows and make it harder to push for acceptance.

Occupy was intentionally destroyed by the CIA via idpol retardation. Do not think for one second that any of this shit is rational or acceptable.

>literally nobody
I don't follow him at all, but how can you be so sure? There are 7.7 billion people in the world. At least one of them has probably gotten mad at something that he's said. Jokes aside, I don't care if people get mad at him or not. I was just pointing out the irony of woke scolds simultaneously saying that whites are fragile and that they're also not allowed to make fun of anybody else because that would make them meanies. Surely you don't deny the existence of such people?

It was organized by the CIA from the get-go.

false dichotomy. just because X exists while your doing Y doesn't mean there's a relationship between X and Y. The truth is both the extreme wings of current ideologies need the piss taken out of them but the left has a stranglehold on entertainment media so we (the audience) are subjected to an inordinate amount of bullshit from only one side.

>my mom was a Holocaust denier
>showed her Schindler's list and made her speak with a rabbi
>since then she's done a complete 180
>now wonders why it hasn't happened again

This is an Anthony Jeselnik joke.

No phrase quite infuriates me to a degree like punching down does. It’s so fucking pompous and faggot, anyone who uses it should immediately be clubbed

Yeah I actually read the article and Jeselnik didn't criticize Chappelle at all. This is bullshit.

he also defended the new gentleman with downs on SNL. this is clickbait.

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Well this is a Gay shill thread trying to stir up manufactured controversy and attention for Netflix shit.

>ca 2 people acknowledged that OP didn't actually quote the article and refused to engage for lack of a summary
>ca 3 people read the article and knew not to be baited by OP and lash out in Daves defense
>the rest were morons who did lash out at 'fake news'
fucking sheep

>hypothetically someone neither one of us has ever heard of could have found Anthony Jeselnik offensive
>this is the same as thousands of people being offended and voicing their opinion about it
You keep complaining about how white people cant say mean or controversial things in stand up, yet we’re sitting here talking about the backlash Chappelle got, not Jeselnik. Jeselnik makes fun of gays, blacks, trans, latinos- literally every taboo subject you can think of, he jokes about. And he get’s praised for it.


you're gonna need a trebuchet for that bitch

Doesn't this guy do incest child rape jokes on comedy central roasts?

Not so much on the roasts, but that’s one of the subjects he jokes about the most

I'm not saying that he's physically incapable of it or that it will result in a swift black-listing. I'm mocking a retarded, cultist, sub-population of humanity (that apparently doesn't exist) which says that whites are both fragile and that they shouldn't be allowed to hurt colored peoples' feelings. This has next to nothing to do with Tony Jizzelnik, it's all about progressive stack, punching-up/punching-down loons.

Anthony Jeselnik is absolutely based, the dude has countless stellar jokes. Also the retards in this thread should really read the article and realize he's siding with Chapelle

>control f "punching down"

This is why right wing comedy sucks.

>le punching in the wrong direction
opinion discarded

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yeah right. feudalist humor is the tits.

Jesus fuck. You guys are just like the left getting triggered on headlines or fake summaries.
Jeselnik is right in that people looked at Chapelle as a kind of morale compass.

Most sane gay people seem to hate the LGBTQBBQBLTMTVwhateverthefuck types.

Gender reassignment surgery is a shitty bandaid solution to a problem we don’t understand well enough. They are mentally ill. Period. They need treatment, they don’t need to chop their dicks off and dress like ladies.

>Gender reassignment surgery is a shitty bandaid solution to a problem we don’t understand well enough
So it's like the gender/sex equivalent of those really shitty, early, bolt-on tits? Just a few more Frankenstein's monsters and they'll get it right.

this fagit fuked amy jewmer.

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The thread is bait. He's saying he doesn't think there's anything to be outraged about with Chappelle.

Jeselnik is actually witty and has a certain mannerism to his speech and delivery I find intensely hilarious.

I see it more like in the future, we’ll probably see it in much the same way we look at lobotomys now. It’s a barbaric practise that causes great harm to people who are sick and need help.

>Gender reassignment surgery is a shitty bandaid solution to a problem we don’t understand well enough
Not to mention, incredibly sexist and demeaning to women if you want to look at it objectively.
It belittles womanhood to being a hole.

That’s actually a pretty good point. I mean, if chicks were sticking carrots in their cunts, wearing men’s clothes, and then calling themselves men, I’d find that pretty insulting.

How retarded are people...he jokes about killing babies and kids n shit but him defending dave chapelle is too much? Over joking about homos? Is this a gay mafia hit piece?

Jeselnik and Chapelle are the best working comedians right now, their abortion jokes are top tier.

Difference between Dave Chappelle, Bill Burr and Anthony is that people actually talk about them.

Any comedian shitting on another comedian is garbage.

I think it is more to do with not wanting to have balls and a slong
No one wants a gaping wound.which is alll science has to offer.

Read the actual article. The headline is bait. He says there's nothing to be outraged about in his special.

See, though, there are people with body dysmorphic disorders who have delusions that certain parts of their bodies somehow are responsible for all their troubles in life. Like, there’s a whole scene of underground surgery for people to have their leg or hand or whatever body part amputated. This is underground because it is highly illegal and considered extremely unethical.

So chopping off a dude’s leg because he has a delusion that makes him hate it is horrible and wrong, but chopping off a dude’s cock because he has a delusion that makes him hate it is brave and progressive?

Wow so gheys feel THAT attacked by jokes that THATS the comparison you would make? Fascinating.

I dunno, i just don't see any stories out there of men who have had the surgery and are totally happy with the results so is this because it never happens or because the rights obsession with this tiny fraction of people is creating a false narrative?

So what?

Did you even read the fucking article? He said the exact opposite.
Once again OP is a faggot.

>After the publication of this article, he said on an episode of “The Jeselnik and Rosenthal Vanity Project” that he watched Chappelle’s special and did not “understand what any of the outrage was about. Even the stuff about, like, not believing Michael Jackson’s accusers, I thought there was twinkle in his eye when he did it. If you read it, it sounds worse than when you see it. I thought this was the best of Dave Chapelle’s Netflix specials.”

I think it’s because they’re mentally ill, and once they’ve had the surgery and realize it didn’t actually change anything, they regret it. Probably why so many of them kill themselves, too.

I would 100% watch someone drive drunk with their headlights off on the freeway and would laugh when they die.

LivePD plz.


Am I the only one who thinks his name is the funny thing about him?
>jizzle neck
>jizz neck

>Punching down

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I liked Jeselniks standup but I recently listened to his podcast and it was so bad it put me off his standup.

This is just a promo, retard.


Why? What is someone "below" me is utterly absurd and deserves that punch?

If he were truly punching down, the jokes wouldn't be controversial, and wouldn't potentially cost him his career. Fact is, he made multiple jokes about white people and there were zero complaints, zero outcry. That's punching down, that's hitting easy targets.

He looks like a medieval waiter, bring me a turkey leg.

Stopped reading at Rosenthal. This goofy tap dancing cracker can kick rocks, in my opinion.

He said both things. He said Dave "attacked" trans people and then said he didn't get the outrage. When he's talking to woke journalists he's throwing Dave under the bus but when he's on his own podcast suddenly he's cool again.

Isn’t this the guy who made jokes about kiwis getting eaten by sharks?

>Jeselnik is an atheist.[22] He has dated comedian Amy Schumer.[23]
look at this doode

Is he saying Dave didn’t really mean it? No fucking black person on earth believes the MJ accusers.

>believing in god


based retard

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Anthony Jeselnik is such a hack fraud