Mad Men

It's been 4 years since it ended and 12 years since it premiered. Nothing has even come close to being as good as this show was. Golden age of tv ended with Mad Men. You can't refute this. Every good show nowadays only has one good season (game of thrones, westworld, true detective) and then sinks into retardation. Nobody seems to be able to make a decent, thought provoking television series anymore. There isn't even any point left to watch tv shows past its first season anymore.

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A shittier version of the Sopranos for middle-aged women.

1st season of True Detective is better than all 7 seasons of Mad Men.

mad men is much better than sopranos, but both are decent

Says who asshole?

and season 2 of true detective is worse than vampire diaries season 1. OP's point still stands

Not even fucking close. I feel sorry for your brain.


Why do Hendricks boobies look so small here?

don't know, pic related is from s01E10 and her boobs look bigger there, must be the dresses she wears

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Mad Men is one of the greatest things ever assembled. Sopranos was good but it hasn’t aged well; had a stupid finale; went on longer than it should have; we saw the mob bullshit 50 times before with less caricatureized characters out of a Dick Tracy comic.

>it hasn't aged well

Sopranos has aged incredibly well. It’s quite literally the only show to encapsulate the massive cultural and technological shifts of the turn of the millennium in real time in a way that transcends the time period. Mad Men can’t come close to the thematic breadth and depth of Sopranos, period, end of story.

mad men is a cringey soap opera style show for psueds that glamorizes the 60s and has bad acting throughout. entire episodes are filled with filler subplots that go nowhere, and characters rarely get even close to the amount of depth the sopranos pulled off. the sopranos started off the golden age of tv, mad men killed it.

how would you react if you'd get this for your birthday in front of everyone?

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joan.... joan

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Mad Men has its moments but overall it's not consistent and has piles of stupid bullshit in it. You can skip every scene that doesn't include Don, Pete, Peggy, Roger or Bert and you wouldn't be missing anything of value. The show is just Don feeling sorry for himself, then something good happens, then he feels sorry for himself, them something good happens. Sopranos captures how mob life changes as the years go by and it shows Tony's slow decay from season 1 to the end of the show and how organised crime destroys the lives of everyone involved.

Cringe to who? Mad Men is regularly listed among the ten best written shows of all time.

lolwut? by this argument you can skip half of the sopranos because there are so many random characters with their irrelevant lives throughout the series

wonder woman got a 90%+ on rotten tomatoes. still think reviewers know quality?

> The show is just Don feeling sorry for himself
>Tony Soprano talks to a shrink practically every episode

It wasn't a very good show, but I did enjoy seeing vintage stuff like Howard Johnson's

mad men captures how american society changed throughout the 1960s. both shows are good. OP's points is that ever since those shows nothing alike has been made

to add on to this, sopranos also covers depression, the decay of western civilization, the death of the nuclear family, homosexuality, and many other topics that were controversial at the time. suicide immediately comes to mind with tony's goomar and artie. also
james gandolfini's performance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jon hamm looking handsome and spouting mediocre lines

What the fuck are you on about? Mad Men covers everything besides mob life. It’s actually more relatable to the average person than Sopranos.

this, besides dr milf there isn't a single character on the sopranos that is relatable, all those fucks are hateable

cringe show t-b-h where nothing happens. it's literally soap opera like bold and beauty, emmerdale etc. but it's for slightly different audience.

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Honestly this is the truth

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I forced myself to the fifth episode or so. It was just dull, I expected so much more considering everyone here seems to rank it alongside Deadwood and Sopranos. I didn't know or care what was happening.


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>but there ain’t no boobs, bang bang or dirty words!

>mad men
>glamorizes the 60s

What’s your point?

These guys are obviously 15 and never watched the show because it doesn’t glamorize the 60s. It doesn’t condemn them entirely either. It doesn’t tell us how to think about it which is why it’s a rarity for a show so well produced and acted that they don’t force you to think about it a certain way. Weiner himself has stated this.

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I just grab her and make out while playfully waving off everyone
>then invite everyone into the other room for cake, and take her into the hall

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i'll see your drunk donny and raise you another

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somebody post the wojak edit of season 6 finale

Mad men existed? Jesus Christ I am so fucking glad I don't watch television shows. I can't imagine wasting so much of my life obsessing about "the greatest tv show of all time". Lord almighty, you people will never amount to anything.

not even giving that a (you) put some effort into it next time you retard

There's nothing "glamourizing" about Mad Men, it paints a very bleak portrait of the 60s. Most of the businessmen are depressed alcoholics stuck in failing marriages and the "counter-culture" hippies (Abe, Roger's daughter, Midge's friends) are just self-righteous assholes. There's isn't a single character on the show who is content with their life.

>don't you get it, draper! You, me, every single one of us - we're all AMC's Emmy-award-winning hit TV series Mad Men!

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Seething gabagoolists always have to mess up these threads and Wire threads. Embarrassing.
These guys get it. I like both shows a lot but Mad Men is definitely more relatable to the average person. Plus Pete's arc is more satisfying the anything from the Sopranos too.

Have sex lol

Great points but not everyone was totally miserable. Ken Cosgrove, Bert Cooper, Jim Cutler, Lou Avery, Stan Rizzo, Harry Crane. Every character was looking at brighter pastures ahead by the end.

>cuts strangers down for their perceived wasted time
>is on Yea Forums on a Friday

I want to bend those two piggies over the table and pump them until they're leaking my seed. otherwise, i'm not interested in this stopped being good after season 1.

JJ really aged like wine.

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it was like a point of sopranos, they are all horible evil people, but they try to keep a facade of being "relatable", with family, and hobbies playing golf after work in middle class club etc

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>mad men captures how american society changed throughout the 1960s
a bit more than that
it shows how society changed from the perspective of individual's whose entire careers were reflecting society to make money from it


Mad men is boring and gay

It's weird how she can look so hot like in this scene then super ugly in other scenes. The horse teeth don't help I guess.

it's literally sopranos for brainlets like you.

Mad Men was created by a (((person))) who grew up in Beverly Hills and thought he was oppressed, as a hate-valentine to white America and the past. It has no basis in reality but kids think it's some painstaking reconstriction. Advertisers at midcentury would never use the term mad to describe themselves, they thought they were being scientific.

idk about "much better" but I prefer Mad Men. Don Draper's mental illness (narcissism and alcohol addiction) is a lot more interesting/relatable than Tony's (sociopathy)