This is a genuinely brilliant film and basically Lawrence of Arabia in Space
This is a genuinely brilliant film and basically Lawrence of Arabia in Space
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I agree. Misunderstood classic
you're a genuinely retarded idiot and basically Faggot of Ass in Sneed
It’s better than Lawrence of Arabia
idk about brilliant but I never got the hate, the setpieces are all great especially the podrace
Nice opinion. Too bad it isn’t yours.
it was misunderstood
True Lucasian Star Wars is kino.
>This, ATOC and the Ewok Movies will always be higher rated movies than the sequel trilogy
ST's just a big ol bandwagon
agreed. nice quads.
Anything to get thread clicks these days.
>opens up with trade embargo
>Jar Jar arrives
>thanking a machine for doing what it was programmed to do
>Anakin is too young to be a compelling introduction
>podracing is entirely too long a sequence and boring
>again Anakin is way too young to be taken seriously by winning the race
>cool lightsaber fight
>film goes full retarded trash mode with toddler Anakin blowing up the droid ship
>extremely creepy shot of Padme and toddler Anakin locking eyes
>film ends
Just because it's "better" (and I use that term loosely) than the sequel trilogy doesn't mean that the prequels were halfway decent films.
Leaving George Lucas to his own devices proves what a garbage filmmaker he is.
The OT was only good because people came in and cleaned up his mess to create a cohesive story.
Do the Special Editions still bother you or are you on Disney's payroll
>This is a genuinely brilliant film
>Episode I
lmfao Yea Forums is so fucking stupid it's unreal at this point
You literally just described Lawrence of Arabia
Yet the Sequel Trilogy copies off every beat-for-beat of the original Star Wars trilogy, i wouldn't be suprised that Rise does the same
What is with the extreme amount of contrarian cope these days?
>implying this place isn't full of retards who aren't baiting
Yoda's monologue in the trailer actually does sound like something Robert Bolt would write, it has this odd call-and-respond kind of structure.
The prequels always have and always will suck. All 3 of them. No amount of autistic memeing because of Disney hate will change that.
every single Star Wars is just capeshit in space. It's fine to like it but trying to make any of them out to be actually good as far as films go is kind of ridiculous. The series is pretty good for kids movies, I would agree with that.
watching usually good actors act like they've had all their charisma sucked out of them and they're all suffering from facial paralysis is a unique kind of entertaining. it's almost like watching autism in film form. the only comparable movie i can think of was directed by herzog, in which he had all of the actors hypnotized before their scenes.
I agree and I think it's why it's a highlight. Totally filmic but also fantastic. It's why I think LoA has one of the greatest screenplays ever - the dialogue fits the scale of the medium perfectly - the film manages to channel Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom both visually and thematically, and the dialogue is an extension of this
Christensen has a kind of Yul Brynner vibe going for him, but they went a really strange emo direction with it. Anakin is a weirdly aspirational, yuppie kind of Jedi. He's an individualist and a kind of political consumer, not someone who is inwardly directed.
Don't even go there
Even the original Star Wars was just The Bridge on the River Kwai but dumber.
They should have let him bring some Pharaonic swagger to the role.
>"I hate Chipotle. Their tacos are too big, when they could easily just put all those ingredients into 3 smaller tacos. It falls apart when you pick it up and gets everywhere."
"But Obi, it's so big! It hurts!"
"Certainly it hurts."
"Well what's the trick then?"
"The trick, Anakin Skywalker, is not minding that it hurts ;)"
yeah, i've always maintained that it's good if you watch it on mute. it'd be even better if you could watch with just the musical track. it'd make a great silent film.
There's also a touch of O'Toole in this film
yea it's pretty good, solid 7 or 7.5 out of 10, doesn't deserve the insane hate, it's a fun, funny, action packed ride and '99 portman is top tier white female
its fine, the actors were all fucking terrible though
and its kind of annoying that there is no new story being told - merely the fleshing out of lore established in the luke skywalker films
>slave boy earns his freedom by winning a podrace
>disgraced Gungan becomes a hero to his people
>a Queen disguises herself as a servant girl
>a young Jedi watches his master die
How are there no new stories being told?
3rd best lightsabre duel
you misunderstand, I'm talking about the general plot of palpatines rise to power, the death of qui gon, the fall of anikin to the dark side, these events should not have been told and should merely been left as a precursor to set the scene for the first movies
all the stuff you mentioned was great, I enjoyed that a lot when I was a kid
Why though?
They're actually westerns in space. Zoomer detected