Could this guy beat up the average Yea Forums user?
Could this guy beat up the average Yea Forums user?
He could probably beat up three or four average Yea Forums users at the same time
>could a guy whose spent his whole life doing hard manual labor and then conditioned for fighting for extended periods of time in brutal warfare beat up a bunch of low T basketweavers
huh idk
He could probably take over a few small European countries single handedly
>could a malnourished 5' 5" frenchman beat up the average tv user
I've been to Rome and seen those tiny little gladiator doors. Old time people were basically fucking hobbits. I would be a god to them.
>yeah my eyes get watery when i go outside and look at the sun but i could totally beat a soldier in a hand to hand fight
Yeah, life was physically harder and more violent. People used to die in games of soccer and it was just considered part of the risk of playing the game.
People don't realise how weak and domesticated we've become, especially men. Even your average dude 100 years ago would shit all over your average guy today.
inb4 "but muh height and natty gym gains"
Doesn't mean shit unless you're absolutely ripped and six foot six, in which case you're hardly "average". Strength is as much about sinew as it is muscle bulk and you need to develop that from childhood.
boogie could sit on them
this nigger looks at the sun
Medieval man were 50 kilo manlets. I would just sit at the midget, fuck
Why would he be malnourished?
Medieval peasants ate healthier than most people today.
t. neckbeard science
The biggest reason people were so small back then, and so much bigger today, is because of the differences in diets, retard. Medicine and childhood sickness plays a part aswell, but it's mostly because of diet
The average soldier has survived many battles of hand to hand combat. Of course he would tear a Yea Forums user a new asshole.
No you could not beat a medieval peasant in a fistfight
because he's not a peasant he's a fucking townie who was born in a slum
i bet you think bruce lee should have won that fight in the tarantino film
I could just push him to the ground because he'd be barely 5 feet tall.
Where can I get more of these? This book looks cool.
Medieval warfare magazine. They're really good
Bring it bitch
looking based bro
this! i could totally beat any medieval soldier 1v1 because i eat mcdonalds!
you could literally sit on the average unarmed medieval soldier lol
>What are weightclasses
Why do you think nigger tier vikings did so good for themselves on the continent?
Because they were like 5'10 on avarage, which basically made them giants in comparrison to most europeans
Wtf vikangz were literal manlets. They got beat by 5'0 frenchies
>the cleaver meme
Exaggerated even during Roman times
The real advantage was arriving out of nowhere and being able to leave before an equivalent number of fighters could be assembled by the defending land-based societies