>Yea Forums recommends a movie
>it's actually shit
What movie was it for you bros?
Yea Forums recommends a movie
>falling for the Yea Forums recomends meme
TDKR. I'm never getting those 3 hours back.
I see all movies before Yea Forums recommends them so I already know. It helps that most of you just recommend the same thing over and over with each passing generation. Very easy to stay ahead of the curve.
ur mom's pussy lmao
I don't base what I watch on what Yea Forums says
>he watched the post credit scenes
most american "classics", apocalypse now was one of the worst
bro he asked for a movie, not a 9 months long kinographic overdose
>Literally make a throw away thread just to post a girl
Fuck off coombrain
A place beyond the pines
>pretty girl bad
You wanna know how i know you are a tranny?
>Just any old place beyond the pines
I don't watch movies or TV shows
I m a straight male that HAS SEX regularly. I’m satisfied to the point where I don’t need women and porn shoved in my face all day like you do, you depraved incel
reddit as fuck, hated this shit
How? Not him but I'd like to know.
Alita Battle Angel.
It was painfully mediocre. Mary Sue protagonist, like Yea Forums bitches about.
I think they only liked it to counter Captain Mavel.
go back to 9gag normieshit
Looks like the girl I'm marrying.
Seems any picture of a pretty girl for the sake of it threw you into an incel rage, pal
It's crazy to think that all the girl has to do is exist, and somewhere in the world, there is some guy so head over heels infatuated with her, that he's dedicating threads to her on Yea Forums.
Do you monitor her whereabouts all hours of the day just to be sure?
It's a single picture. Are jesus freaks, unironic puritans and muslims flooding the boards now? Get a fucking grip
bird box
Wouldn't that be more of a gay thing than a tranny thing
Good for you user. Have a good life together
>This inane question thread is dedicated to my girl, Stacy#1484375.
lol devilish
You’re the orbiter with pictures of women you fantasize about you sad man
You made a thread as just an excuse to post this women
Well we live together but I'm not that clingy.
Not OP, but either way you need to re-evaluate your lives if this gets you seething that much
lol, you’re a faggot
>amerisharts woke up
It's 4. Are you faggot yuros so lazy that 4 is normal time to wake up? Oh sorry it's 16 bitch tits.
im not y*ro
this shitheap here was recommended by you mongs, thanks a lot
Have you looked at the catalogue. 1/8th of Yea Forums's content is just a girl looking toward the camera, and the OP asking something completely pointless. It's an ongoing trend.
imagine thinking your meme of having no sex drive is going to work on Yea Forums, a place that has been posting hot girls for decades lmao
stop taking your tranny medication and you'll actually get a boner again freak
anything Refn
How horrible, we should talk more about superhero movies.
Ya ya anonymous image board etc...
But I will bet you I have had sex more than you will attain in your life. Desperate porn addicted man
Why yes, we should discuss the topic of the board.
>"Oh its alright, just a bit slow and doesn't have much going for it"
What I got
>Poor fucker can't decide to wake up someone to fuck without feeling guilt, with a "shit the spaceship is going to catastrophic fail soon, we gotta find the problem!" quick third act
Utter garbage. I don't know what I was expecting.
At least I had put it on while being semi attentive to something else.
Hold your dogs tight, you won't have them forever. I miss you Ranger.
Imagine, not only being a janny, but being a janny wannabe.
>Yea Forums, a place that has been posting hot girls for decades lmao
>multiple decades
you're unironically a faggot if you didn't like apocalypse now
anything a24
anything tv considers smart or extistential or deep is always reddit garbage
this place is only good or finding out what movies suck never for good movies
kys virgin
Mulholland Drive. I can't believe so many morons on this site love that movie
>DUDE what if like the old people from earlier turned into tiny ghosts and spooked the girl also it was all a dream LMAO
a literal unpaid janitor internship
Is this tripfag a funny Yea Forums joke or an actual single person posting? I've always wondered.
Europa Report
>t. 67 IQ ape
Valhalla Rising was one of the worst pieces of shit ive ever seen
they liked it because muh anime
I haven't seen a movie in years, haven't seen a tv show in months. I give recommendations all the time though hahahhah
wrong it was good
oh hey, sorry about earlier lolno, you're not that black dude
you're some spic jew with shitty hair SupaHotFag
I still got your pic
No one cares about your garbage opinions
t. old tripfag who doesn't trip because it doesn't matter and Yea Forums went to shit in 2012, no need for trips after that
did he steal that caretaker job .
Protip: that wasn’t me either.
Hehe post him, i wanna see what this shitskin looks like
Mandy had some dope cinematography and atmosphere in general. The movie was pure cosmic ambiance mixed with this weird trucker aesthetic. It was dope as fuck.
Alita is a pretty bad movie. It has camp value though, it has acting, scenes, pacing, dialogue that is so bad it is funny. They happen enough in the movie to govern a rewatch. It all comes together when fucking edward norton has a cameo at the end.
a24 films are some serious hipster shit. The horror films they produce are the most popular though, they stand out from other horror and are actually not shit due to having great cinematography, sound, and use of color. Color palettes are a huge staple of a24 that goes unnoticed.
imm brown. and mexican
That means she owes me 12 kids to make up for being white. So when are white women going to just come up to mme and tell me they want my babies?>
>i-it’s not me i-i swear
You are one ugly beaner Pablo
sure thing buddy
imagine an italian but with jew fro, very curly
might more white due to him having a 2700K warm light source
>Mary Sue
pls stop using words and terms you dont understand
For me it's Terrifier, what a piece of shit, thank you Yea Forums.
What a faggot
was tdrk really 3 hours?
wow it went by so fast.
I didn't think it was amazing or anything but damn I didn't feel that shit like I felt once upon a time, now that one felt long
ironic because 67iq ameritards are the only ones who think apocalypse now is anything other than a shitty unfunny action flick
doesn't she get literally dismembered to tiny pieces by the big bad guy? not very Mary Sue like
Beyond the Black Rainbow
Any John Carpenter movie.
Escape from New York was great, though.
she purdy. phone number? I'd bet she says y'all a lot.
Literally anything from Lars Von Trier and Gus Van Sant.
anything Yea Forums recommends is bullshit capeshit or mainstream norm trash.
figure out what you like and don't like by watching movies that seem interesting.
this so much
I have no idea what tv saw in this heaping sack of shit
The Thing was great, though.
House That Jack Built
switched off immediately when it just looked like a tv show. idk why maybe its the camera/film/ filter but it just didnt look like a movie
I remember the constant threads shilling it and thought it was good
99% of movies are shit, and 99.5% of modern movies are shit
she needs to trim those ends
t. third worlder
Blade runner, Conan, Twin peaks, any Tarkovsky
Alita, what a terrible movie
Mission Impossible: Fallout
Now, what was a decent movie you found out thanks to Yea Forums instead?
Holy cringe. Zoomer faggot or woman?
Literally the most boring movie I've ever watched
>Are jesus freaks, unironic puritans and muslims flooding the boards now?
i wish they were desu
attack on precinct 13 is good
yep, i got suckered into solaris and stalker. fucking waste of time.
worlds greatest dad
only god forgives
to live and die in la
guardians of the galaxy
miami vice (or anything by michael mann, no idea why plebs are so fascinated by him)
>consuming caffeine
i agree with this
its just a dumb movie about some govt retard as he sits on his ass in a boat the entire movie watching and tutting at all the shit going down around him
the ending was fucking garbage and boring
the only good part was the kickass surfing colonel
>UCC coffee
Based would put a ring on this bitch though she's white and will age like milk out in the sun
>Marvel movies
>DC movies
>Man on the Moon
chungking express is garbage
had to stop watching halfway through, I couldn't stomach the long scene of that beta basedincel jerking off
this, I was so mad I stopped coming here for months. Lynch is a fucking hack and that movie was like watching a pretentious hipster's high school project
Alita Battle Angel. That shit was made for teenage girls, not for grown men in their 20s
They're either very good or very bad
Like, Ginger Snaps is really fucking good
The movie about the chick who gets raped by a poltergeist fucking sucks
fuck, I'm currently dating a girl who is oddly close to this. Canadian too.
He only made one good movie (Drive) and everything after has been pure shit.