Why can't I thread about boogie2988?
Well janjan?
Why can't I thread about boogie2988?
Well janjan?
Other urls found in this thread:
One for me and one for the hooker
Because he's a revolting subhuman that stains anything he comes into contact with?
No wonder Janny doesn't want to risk his paycheck by keeping it up.
What a nice smile on that young man
>goes to a cemetary
>has his camera man set up a lighting rig right there in a fucking tomb
>gets filmed talking to his dead mom despite that it should be a deeply personal moment that shouldn't be filmed
>does this, so he can keep the narrative up that he's a good person
What a disgusting human being. Reminds me of the dudes that take pictures of their dying family members for the upvotes on reddit.
what was he thinking. no seriously, what the fuck was he thinking?
I can afford this Tesla
They'll look more natural over the years as they stain.
I think social media is inherently bad in that it allows a normal person to be in intimate contact with potentially millions of people nearly instantly. Such social interaction is not natural, humans didn't evolve in an environment that could facilitate such interaction. I think we are starting to see the results now: it drives people absolutely fucking crazy, and it's only going to get worse.
Welcome to the clown world
my thoughts exactly. its fucked
he doesn't have many years left
>could have bought a $40k tesla like a normal person
>goes for the deluxe model worth like $120k
he has some legit mental problems. i hope he gets help before its too late. should just leave the internet all together.
Why can't I have a thread about Gavin McInnes?
The image that saved Yea Forums
Well humans obviously did evolve for it because we are doing it. Either humans are apart of nature and hence everything we do is natural or we are exempt making nothing we do natural.
I think his two reddits are pretty funny circlejerks despite going for different goals.
There's two kinds of mental issues, physiological and personality. Physiological being shit like downs, or where your brain is legit wired wrong. These are the legit issues. Boogie has the personality problems, where you don't actually have mental disorders, you're just a dumbass making excuses for your stupid behavior. Boogie is the equivalent of that tumblr teenager looking up disorders in the DSM V and going "that's so me LOL"
This is the same person who has cut off all ties with his siblings because they said his claims of being raped by his parents were false.
wasnt it his mom that sexually abused him?
Evolving to have the capacity to do something doesn't mean that something is beneficial. Numerous technologies that we have developed run counter to our biological tolerances. We have developed headphones and earbuds that have contributed significantly to early-onset hearing loss. We have developed clothing and footwear that lead to skeletal malformation. We have developed forms of illumination that strain the eyes and lead to interruptions in the natural sleep cycle. Our development of technology has rapidly outpaced our ability to evolve ways to cope with it.
So he claims, but he's such a pathological liar that I wouldn't trust him if he said his mother gave birth to him.
Cringe incarnate
What a fucking faggot
>Diet consisting of frozen processed food
>Tendency to lash out and then shut down
>Craves attention
>A life revolving around shit
Could it be...?
His life story somehow manages to get worse and worse than the story he spun in his Draw my Life video. Nothing about a conspiracy of child rape, and even if that is true that has to be one of the worst crimes in America that somehow wasn't ever investigated
I got to it admit it’s entertaining watching him slowly going more and more insane over the past year
Well, Boogie is supposedly an oldfag. It makes sense that his nice guy persona is all bullshit
I dunno man, boogie comes off as a narcissistic faggot especially if this is true.
>Boogie obviously kept in contact with his mom up until some time she died
Makes no sense if she was a pedophile, allowed some other person to rape him, and beat him. What utter bullshit. Sob story after sob story because he has nothing besides Fwancis and knows that humor(angry fat guy freak out, angry grandpa freak out, etc) is no longer relevant in 2019 YT
shame that DSP produces such low quality khantent that even garden variety fat normie wrangler morbid sperg like boogie is more interesting