What is the most /kino/ animal?

What is the most /kino/ animal?

For me, it's the urang utan

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Other urls found in this thread:


watch them cast a white woman


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For me, it's ouranus outanus


That's how Emma Roberts was born:

"This [i.e. rape] was almost the fate of Julia Roberts when she made a documentary at Camp Leakey in 1996. One male took a shine to her and grabbed her as she walked along a path. Luckily, a film crew was present, though it took five men to free her from the ape’s grasp."

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>horrible skin
Is that a weeb?


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For me? It's the gorilla


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I hate alignments.

do you think best Emma could dominate her bf with her ape strength?

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My favourite is the cheetah.

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Beautiful cattos ugly nigress

le monke


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How do they get the cats to keep their claws withdrawn? My thai cat is incredibly friendly and polite, but once in a while it will pull out the claws by mistake or by instinctive reaction. I only get a scratch because it's a small cat, but you could easily lose an arm with something of this size.

no doubt

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american hours are showing

Monkeys are never kino, they're just annoying. The great apes are better.

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Based macaco

Have sex

The greatest thing about this video is that both of these animals are dogs

It's true.

Attached: ice dog.webm (1024x576, 2.89M)

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Orangutans are the white men of the Primate world



That would be humans.

I love this artist


I think it's the first Planet Earth series.

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I see some other similarities though

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when the fuck did they add a huge fucking seal to street fighter?

The chad elephant seal vs the virgin vehicle

They're the smartest so I can see it.

Attached: buddies.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

I watched a documentary about Orangutans. The males literally keep females prisoner by grabbing their arm, and they rape them for days.

based chad valentino


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What the hell is his problem? Women trouble no doubt, amirite lmao.

Watermelons are healthy, but Orangutans are smarter than consuming KFC as their primary source of nutrition


lmao that giant fucking face. what a retard

Only apes are based to watch. There’s something fascinating about watching something that’s not human try so hard to do human things

Dogs, great apes, and birds are the best and most kino animals.

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What would you do if you went into the club and this big motherfucker grabbed your arm

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Suck his tiny ass peener

Yeah I know that feeling, that why I love the Democrat Debates

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fucker seems considerate and borderline sentient but unable to speak his mind properly.

For me? It's le Russian monke

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and america's president is a monkey in real life.

Oh no, janny is going to delete thread now

Do they run so fast they blew off her eyebrows?

*previous president

every president after bill clinton.
but bill married a reptiloid so he's also not without a sin.

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How the fuck can it be good for them to be so fat?
>That's their healthy bodyweight blah blah blah
But they're what one of human's closest relatives? And when humans look that fucking obese like we think they're disgusting. So how are they not disgusting too?

I mean pic related looks like an Ape in good shape, are the guys in OP's video the American Orangutan?

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Jesus I only now realise how big those actually are


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Elephant seals are big guys.

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Lol, cameraman got scared too


Ever see that documentary about the king orangutan that celebrities would fly out to see in the jungle? He grabbed julia roberts by the back of the neck and scared the shit out of her.

Kino doc.

Oh nvm here it is

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lol just like our president

disgustingly rotund fella

We might as well give up now. Planet of the apes coming 2020

Can car cook your meals?
Can car have your kids?
Can car wash your tusk?
Can car make your home?

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Son... I am disappoint.

she was turned on by it you can tell by the way she touched her lips remembering what happend

They may be humans closest relative but they're still not humans. Orang-utans are supposed to have bellies.

>american wildlife documentaries

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ghetto reports?

>Compares female orangutan to male which are sexually dimorphic
Gee, I wonder why they don't look the same.

For me, it's lizards.

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She's indian, she doesn't have negress features.

Anyone enjoy watching monkeys get tortured?


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Penguins are Yea Forums favorite animals

>What is the most /kino/ animal?
Most underwater animals, honestly.

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Is he a janitor?

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WTF was his problem???

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Jannies only eat hot pockets.

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There are literally only two penguins that Yea Forums loves. Yea Forums is a Phant board

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what kind of pitviper is this?

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>tfw those shitskins beat the shit out of that elephant daily since it was torn from its mother in order to train it to smack white roasties asses so they can put it on instagram

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For me, it's E.T.

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For me, it's crows

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Grab his arm like in Predator and say 'you sunnuva bitch'


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Only acceptable answer is the Hippo.

Who was in the wrong here?

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I like chickens because they lay eggs and we get to eat them and the chickens

I may adopt a wiener dog early next year, need some company and they look like good doggos

I thought Yea Forums was the elephant board and Yea Forums was the penguin board..

Attached: BattleOfTheTItans.webm (480x320, 2.86M)


Every living being is "sentient" to a degree

The word you're looking for is sapience

And that one is either a youngster or a female. Males have a different nose and are bigger

God Valentino is a literal nigger
Moving in and stealing the others milk, too stupid to figure shit out...

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Orangutans sound really cute for some reason.

Oof that stinger to the eye

why are Indonesia's killing all the adults?

>and Yea Forums was the penguin board..

Yea Forums is both a penguin, elephant, and general animal board.

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There's fanart

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Are you for real?? Is this true? :(

>not getting slaughtered by a hawk vs losing a grub and scorpion
meerkats, drongo just wanted some food for saving their lives

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No love for sea gang. They're the closest thing we'll ever have to aliens.

here you go fren

Attached: playfull hippo.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)

I dunno, probably. I've heard stuff like that anyways

damn that guy was inches away from death and he probably didn't even know it

No way

based hipper

no and yes

If not oppressed by white men, they'll eventually learn to build an airplane.

*nibbles your tail* :3

what's this hippo trying to do anyways, is it just bored?

They're the biggest carnivoran. Bigger than Polar Bears.

maybe it's a young male trying to act tough for status, not sure


For me it's the hippo

Attached: that's no shark....webm (720x404, 2.57M)

Fuck, that's terrifying.

>women are literally too stupid to avoid becoming an orangutans bitch

crazy thing is that apparently they can't even swim, they run on the bottom and must be like jumping up there

looks so fast too, but apparently they're only 8kmh in water, but maybe that's just the average speed

Yea Forums certainly loves its penguins

Attached: penguin kino.webm (1024x576, 2.91M)

I remember reading some story, where there was a female orangutang specialist out and an orangutang was gonna rape her, and she told the guy with her that he should just let it happen, since the orangutang penis is very small so it's the safer option than trying to fight him off
but the rape didn't happen because the orangutang lost interest, let her go and fucked off

Manlet rage appears to be a phenomenon in the entire animal kingdom.

>they can't even swim
purely economical reasons.

Her vagina is too loose for the orangutang

Based /int/ with the gets

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They are absolute shitheads but you'll never find anything that loves you more.

Its a fake "what if" clip. Relax spergs.

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In the wild, male orangutans live solitary lives. So yeah they are the official Yea Forums animal

white girls would rather play with apes than with black men. sad.

trying to make the croc leave the area because it knows it will eat their kids

Can we all agree that Chimps are the niggers of the Ape family?



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Didn't they free an Orang in some brothel over there where they dressed her up and shit?

shut the fuck up i posted it first


poop funny haha

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This thing running is actually pretty scary

Name a bigger chad than my boy Gustave
>survived gun fire and multiple attempts at trapping him
>said to have killed 300 people
>so fuckhuge he's forced to eat megafauna to sustain himself
>causes a pod of hippos, one of the most aggressive and territorial animals out there, to shit themselves in fear by his mere presence

le monke

For you.

Attached: Dinosaur attacks.webm (855x480, 1.65M)

holy shit

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this greentext reads like a boggandoffpost

>said to have killed 300 people
The best part, he doesn't seem to kill people for food, he just leaves them
it's for sport

I want to build a statue for him, but maybe it's too soon

>a row of scars bear witness to assault by machine gun fire
what the fuck


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mega dot nz slash # F!Cq5HgJoI!d4ZU0B1fLKjRj9fB3iOdxw

don't worry user i got you

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Jesus fuck.

cassowaries are meme dangerous

Cassowaries are fucking terrifying mate.

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>tries to push around a female
>gets chased away
Inceldom in the animal kingdom....

Big cat, same as smol cat

When God made otters, he said
>You know, most animals have to suffer and struggle throughout their lives. Just this once I'll make an animal that has it good.


Attached: rate my cat.webm (576x720, 1.71M)

Oh no! That poor doggo is going to get raped by a dolphin!


How can something so fat move so gracefully?

You train them 8 hours a day.

Jesus Christ I'd have run into the water

Ah, the vw polo

This is a fucking comic book villain

For me it's bear.

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Me too, m8.

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That's not a cat, are you blind? Cats bathe like this

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Based Valentino simply takes what he wants

I hate people like you so much, that bird wasn't aggressive at all.


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You don't. Just live with the pain.

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What are some movies where persistence and hard work pay off against impossible odds?

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Is that the fella with the pizza?

monkes and apes are pure kinos

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What the fuck is this



A classic from a more civilized internet age.

me on holiday in Thailand

le monke

Anyway. I was reading about Orangutans. Apparently they are notorious in East Asia for raping women. They used to be much more common and if they came across a female human women they wouldn't hesitate to rape right then and there. There's also rumours of reclusive human/orangutan hybrids from the area.


delet this.

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Bitches love taking The Knot

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Le monke

delet this and stop it.

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el rato

Fuck. I want to be dominated by Emma. I even looked like Peters. Only in my fantasies.

for me it's the female human

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Oh fucking kek

hehe look at them 'tans bashing the coconuts.

They are really loving, but because of their fucked up bodies they don't last a very long time and are prone to needing medical care. If you have a lot of stairs in your house I would recommend picking a different doge, their knees can't handle the stress.

Do canines get aroused by female human hormones?

Attached: Friendly wolf.webm (720x404, 1.99M)

RIP Koko


That's so rad.

Running right at the camera got my heart moving a little faster, It's probably a good thing the guy didn't try to take off.

Bonedigger concurs.

Walrus-kun wants to protect Trainer-chan's smile!

white girls

This orangutan keeps stealing fruit from my yard every night, how do I get it to fuck off?

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Bang his wife and show him the photos.

Call an exorcist.

Make Sasquatch noises at it.

>"Also Sprach Zarathustra" plays faintly in background

no, he gets compensated with food

As it is with evolution, the more advanced being comes out on top.


need more spiderkino

Attached: spider.webm (1272x720, 2.3M)

>Did someone lose an orangutang?
Oddly enough, if these pictures are a hoax (and they probably are) the hoaxer knew enough about primates to recreate two different facial reactions that are authentic to how great apes normally react in the same situation.

Why is torto so mad?

Imagine having to go to the pub and tell all your mates that you had your ass kicked by a monkey.

He's a dog person.

it's fucked up how hippos can hide their monstrous bodies with a bit of blubber and extra skin

Attached: hippo skull.jpg (2016x1512, 828K)

Cassowaries can swim, and climb trees. If it wants you dead you're dead.

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tortoises are just crotchety and territorial like that
also really fucking stupid

Any one else watch treerat kino? I love orangutans and other big apes, but I hate monkeys.


It's amazing isn't it. Getting such a visceral instinctual reaction from a video.

The hair on the back of my neck rose and I could feel my fight or flight adrenaline reaction kicking in.
My monkey lizard brain recognizes a predatory bird when it sees one.

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>huh that's a big gu-
>fucking la creatura at 0:40

hi im bob gymlan

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Hippos are extremely territorial. They'll attack anything even elephants. They kill crocs, lions, and humans all the time.

a retard will buy a monkey and then get rid of it, but what kind of psycho keeps one?
the property destruction of ten flying puppies, and a fascination with smearing its shit all over itself and everything around it
it's like a permanent German toddler

I remember redditors posting this shit on /an/ years ago, this "Gustav" fanboys are extremely cringe and majority are unironically niggers.

Cassowary talons are no joke! Look at how fucking wide & deep those wounds are!

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Pretty sure that's a gigantopithecus.

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goddamn RGB scum

>“Haha yeah I think letting it fuck me is safer hahah haha”
Imagine getting fuckin mogged by an orangutang

For me its the horse.

>t. hippofag


>inb4 HURR smarter than some africans

Because its in water.

When I'm in water all I do is flail around like Magigarp...

You're evolved to function on land you muppet.

>How can something so fat move so gracefully?
That ain't shit.

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nigger detected, learn to swim

It grows more powerful with every life it takes.

If he out filming the fucking things chances are he knows the risks they pose you arrogant fucking mongoloid.

This, there's no way Steve Irwin will be hurt by an animal he's used to dealin wi

Steve knew the risks as well and judged them to be low enough to be worth the effort. He just got unlucky.

But koko's able to speak her mind

>Man those things could just rip you to shreds. Jamie, pull up that sawing Orang.

Was able.

Only a woman could make such a big deal out of noodling such a small catfish.

The stinger is such an obvious advantage, should have put a huge crab against that scorpion fuck

Alex the Parrot > Koko
To this day he is still the only animal ever recorded to ask a question about himself.

suck gentle, beautiful creatures

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Is Gustave still alive?

If Gustave survived the death of the dinosaurs, why would he be dead now?

This is my favorite monkey video of all time

Last reported sighting was in 2015

What Kino is she working on

A boy falls in love with a girl. Unable to confess, he is granted by a deus ex machina a banana phone.
Ring-ring-ring-ring-ring, banana phone.

>tfw he's channeling the power of Deinosuchus

Attached: DEINO.jpg (800x666, 237K)

the siberian tiger.

>What killed the dinosaurs? GUSTAVE!

These kinosseurs are guaranteed to be near everyone reading this right now. Go interact with these niggas, they remember good people for fucking years. I used to feed them every day on my break at work, got a new job and twelve years later walking through the area eating a sandwich I got swarmed by them, people were horrified.

I know one that keeps an empty beer can around since some drunks always pour out beer for him if he brings the empty can to them.

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>the average american who lost his car keys

shake his hand and ask what rappers he likes

This could be turned into a movie script.

>An actual good, on-point thread on Yea Forums
wtf is this

Water is wet. Did you know that?



I don't think we ever met them. Denisovans might have.

take the /beav/ pill

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>Why yes I do build large-scale structures that change my environment, how'd you know?

honorary sapients

I don't want to say this but.. coconuts are overrated.

Holy shit just take the fucking stairs show-off

>Lick my box

Two years ago I walked into this old diner in Texas, I think it was a Marty’s or a Barty’s or whatever the fuck, and I go inside and I sit next to this big hairy dude with a massive set of balls that hung through a specially made hole in his pants. He was clearly a fucking Orangutan, no doubt about it. Orange as all hell, big bulbous mouth, you name it. He weighed like a fucking ton. The seat he was perched on had iron supports because if it didn’t he’d probably just fall straight through to the center of the fucking earth or some shit.

But wouldn’t you fucking know it, the man exuded sex. All the waitresses were petting his furry neck or marveling at the size of his testicles. I thought he was ugly as hell, but I guess I have assholes for eyes. He even seemed pretty annoyed, he had to bat them away with his long gangly arms.

I asked him, I said, “What the fuck are you doing? Those women are clearly into you.”

He turned and looked at me, with that black ape stare of his, and said “Isn’t it obvious? It’s in my fucking name, you daft motherfucker. It’s my burden.”

“I still am not sure I understand.”

“Of course you wouldn’t you fleshy dullard.” He sighed and continued his meal.

Later that night, he lumbered out of the diner with his arm around the hottest fucking waitress in that joint, and right before he left he spun around and hooted at me to get my attention. He said “If you hadn’t figured it out by now, I’ll clue you in.” He said behind the coolest fucking aviators I’d ever seen, even though it was pitch black outside. “I’m orange as fuck. And I’m forever cursed to always get that tang.”

He disappeared through the door and into the night, and I never saw him again.

whats it gonna do lay an egg on his head? lmao dumb bird

Footage of the emu war (1928, colorized)

Hippos are based.

Attached: gru.jpg (780x805, 114K)

Any other good documentaries like this?

Fuck me, wrong image.

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>those comments

Live-action JoJolion is looking great.