What made this timeline cement itself? Was it feminism? SJW politics? Orange man bad? Hateful incels?
also, will it be kino?
What made this timeline cement itself? Was it feminism? SJW politics? Orange man bad? Hateful incels?
also, will it be kino?
I thought anakin becomes dark vader why does he look like skinny santa claus in this poster
I think it's funny that all the "plot leaks" here are just disney doing marketing because they don't have an ending yet. They are trying to pick the best one and going with it.
It's going to be a disaster.
Retards that sucked TFA dick. Those fags are the reason the stopped trying. It proved fuckers would pay and watch and defend anything with some nostalgic bullshit from the OT. which fucked the OT and it's own universe.
TFA was just a reaction to the prequels though...
>stuff we know
>practical effects
>rubber suits
And of course disney trying to cut Lucas out of his 25
but TLJ was the exact opposite of that
God who photoshops this fucking nigger faggot ass pictures fuck off
They cancelled some panel with HC and Palpy because they were afraid they were going to spoil things. So it's pretty much confirmed HC is going to be in the film.
>Those fags are the reason the stopped trying.
When has Disney ever "tried"? Every franchise they've done has been absolute shit.
The backlash is funnier because the sheer level of incompetence required to spark it is fucking baffling.
Any one of a hundred different steps could have mitigated or even avoided most of it, yet they showed the most staggering display of hubris since Heaven's Gate
I don't care.
I don't care anymore.
Kill who you want.
Redeem who you want.
Star Wars under Disney is illegitimate.
It's false.
It's empty.
I won't see it in the theatres. I might, MIGHT, pirate it later to see the autopsy of what they did to the corpse of my first franchise.
But I won't give Disney one thin dime.
maybe he's a clone or something. Who the fuck knows.
I never saw TLJ. Once I found out they were shitting on LUKE i kept my money. I fast forwarded though a rip months after the blue ray and I still haven't watched it.
>stuff we know
>practical effects
>rubber suits
PT Litterally had that and more.
>but TLJ was the exact opposite of that
It wasn't. TLJ was a ESB rip off as well, they just flipped things on their heads and tweaked things into complete retardation. TFA ripped off ANH+ some parts of ESB. TLJ ripped off ESB and some parts of ROTJ all while subverting your expetion in the mst absurd way. Now there's not much to rip off from the OT so JJ went back to the prequels and seems to be copying stuff from ROTS
Meh. It had an image problem. Lucas did use too much CGI and it stuck. Not that they didn't use some suits.. you have to - but TFA made it a point to make that a marketing issue.
That's how this shit works bro.
I don't intend on even seeing it.
I'm just going to get the basic gist through shitpost osmosis, then pretend I've seen it when I shitpost about it myself.
This makes no sense, why would they announce them then cancel? I think they are doing reshoots and not sure what they want to keep or remove so they don't want to say there's Palpataine and Anakin if at the end they delete their scenes. It sounds stupid anyway. Going out of their way to kill the past and the OT heroes, and then revive Anakin and Palpy. Why not Tarkin and Jabba while they're at it.
>also, will it be kino?
The movie won't, the fallout and the backlash will
It was Disney official response.
They have spent millions on clickbait articles, paid opinion pieces, reviews and social media bots trying to deny that they fucked up big time and they imply it is the audience fault.
They got Ridley Scott to defend The Last Jedi.
TLJ was shit but had they let everyone rip it apart people would had not lost interest in the franchise.
Disney executives freaked out and went ahead and tried to censor anyone with an opinion, not to mention that their treatment of the franchise only got worse from there.
So for me, the entertainment comes from the fact that they fucked up and that they will REEEEEE during the entire opening weekend, watch for articles that will blame white straight men for the failure of the movie and articles praising how empowering it was, I can see at least one article stating that "it has something for everyone".
I do not give a shit about the movie but I am looking forward to the plinkett review and Yea Forums stream.
You will pay the Mouse.
Fans have nothing to do with the state of the franchise.
TFA was not as bad in execution as the prequels and people settled for that.
Rogue One for me was a good movie but I understood that was not what Disney wanted with the franchise, Rogue One was simply put hard to produce and Disney was looking to implant the Marvel formula into Star Wars, they wanted cheap thrills done quick reason how Solo and TLJ came to be. I mean the script for Rogue One was almost a decade old, TLJ was written beginning to end on a week.
I think it is funny that Disney own greed killed the franchise they bought for gorillions to George Lucas only to fuck it up when they could had done their own IP given how no one actually cares about Star Wars.
It's definitely the reaction from cucks and shills plus schadenfreude for Disney's astronomical failure
>then pretend I've seen it when I shitpost about it myself.
Nigga, just wait for the torrents, I am looking forward to watching a stream with Yea Forums with the chat enabled. It will be magical.
the "force flash" scene where Rey and Kylo are fighting in space and they "time travel" through different scenes in the Star Wars universe will also include alternate universes, hence the evil Rey and apparently good-anakin
Because the films are bad and enthusiasm is in the shitter. The last one had serious competition from Jumanji for fucks sake. Kids don't care about Star Wars and they pissed on the core fanbase that still did care.
>It proved
Heh heh, but truth turned out otherwise; after the hype had died, TFA became forgettable.
It is just as bad as you fear, user. They shit all over everything we love about this stupid franchise. For what? For what?
>evil Rey
That was the only good direction for the franchise but the reason Rian Johnson did not go ahead with it because Disney did not want to upset feminists and waymen.
Rey is technically a Disney princess hence why she cannot be evil.
>They got Ridley Scott to defend The Last Jedi.
He actually said KAthleen Kennedy was full of shit
Hayden and Ian also did panels together prior to TLJ, and they were definitely not in that movie. So why is them doing another panel together evidence that Hayden will be in TROS?
Also, it looks like Disney didn't even cancel the panel. Here's a of Hayden and Ian with a fan at the panel last week twitter.com
>TFA became forgettable.
People forget that Starkiller base destroying six planets with a FTL beam made out of plasma was WAAAAAY more retarded than any single scene in TLJ. The issue is that TLJ had more collectively bad scenes.
This is from a Mike Zeroh YouTube video. He posts mostly fake spoilers.
>Rogue One for me was a good movie
It was a dumb concept to introduce a story we already knew, and characters that would all die. But, it probably comes the closest to capturing some Star Wars feeling of the nu-Wars.
The sets and settings obviously, the force sensitive idea was good, the imperial base, temple and shielded planet ideas were good settings that fit without just feeling recycled. Murderbot was a good idea.
Lots of material that worked ultimately let down by the core plot just being redundant and hard to care about. Main character was kind of unlikable and had strange motivations. They did dare show the Han Solo stand-in rebel leader to be morally grey which is also interesting (he straight up shoots a collaborator at the start).
There is a tweet where Ridley Scott is insulting people who disliked TLJ. Was around the release week, that is how desperate Disney got.
Was no one supervising that project? I heard Disney went bananas over Rogue one and Solo and they were heavily managing the projects. Meanwhile Rian Johnson apparently had free reigns or something else happened.
Sitting through TLJ was a miserable experience. I would not re-watch that ironically looking for memes. I do not understand how can anyone do something so bad, worst yet, boring.
I'm gonna reveal myself as a wagecuck here but here's my story: kids don't care about Star Wars. How do I know? I'm a house cleaner. I clean houses all day long. I see the rooms of children all over the city. Here's what I've learned: KIDS DON'T CARE ABOUT STAR WARS. You will find the occasional kiddo with some SW stuff, but I see way, way more Minecraft or Mario merch than I see Star Wars stuff. Every so often, I actually see a child's room that's full of Star Wars stuff but it is all, without exception, Darth Vader and/or Chewbacca shit.
Disney can bullshit till they're blue in the face, but every single day when I go to work scrubbing toilets and vacuuming carpets, I see a great void.
You know who does care about Star Wars stuff? Their stupid parents. Every so often I'll see a SW-themed media room, but even THAT is always Darth Vader themed. I have seen exactly one (1) poster of Rey in three years of cleaning. One. ONE.
>time travel
>different universes
Literally the absolute bottom scrapings of capeshit, stuff that's never worked out well outside of What If type one-shots.
TFA litterally reset the universe and makes the OT pointless. And inverse makes everyone a retard for repeating the same shit and never learning from the past.
>Starkiller base destroying six planets with a FTL beam made out of plasma was WAAAAAY more retarded than any single scene in TLJ
No. Because it's still self contained. As ludicrous as nu-Empire building something that powerful and shooting it across the galaxy is, it's actually not as lore breaking as hyperspace ramming is.
Starkiller is ultimately just "what if an even biggerer Death Star". It's dumb. But nobody had that before, and it got blowed up at the end.
Hyperspace ramming has no explanation for why it's unique. Every goddamn ship even the small fighters have hyperspace drives. We know the ships can be piloted by droids. All they had to do was minimal effort handwaving. Why did it work that one time only? Some McGuffin from the Casino planet? An actual secret Holdo had? No. Nothing.
Because they don't really care.
I played Halo reach which is about the same.
a story we already knew, and characters that would all die
I do not think a predictable plot is bad. Movies often lead to a climax and that was a really spectacular climax, if anything it made me rewatch the original trilogy.
I hate the thought that every movie needs a twist or something form keeping it unpredictable. There is nothing wrong with good and consistent story telling, it was a first for the franchise since the original movie.
I am not a SW fan, the movies are all over the place. I think Return of the Jedi is fun as a family film but it does not fit the tone of New Hope or Empire but I do enjoy Rogue One and Return because they are really snappy movies, Return much more than any of the other films in the franchise.
If anything Return of the Jedi is the perfect movie to use as a template, full of shit of the children and families and great vehicles that make really cool toys.
Unlike the new trilogy that is so bad it spawned a line of shitty toys that no one wants and they will pollute the earth for the next 100 years. I would not be surprised if at least 10 Chinese factory workers developed some sort of tumor on the assembly line of the fucking things.
>No. Because it's still self contained.
>it's actually not as lore breaking as hyperspace ramming is.
Dude they literally killed trillions of people with a super weapon that either was close enough to be seen or far enough to make the shot extremely ridiculous and hard to believe.
It is all retarded and careless, so much that even JJ Abrams backed out of the consequences of said actions in order to wank more the OT. The new trilogy is obsessed about the OT in such way that is ridiculous.
Nothing literally came out of a fucking space holocaust.
Just entertain this thought; imagine how huge it would be if the U.S, half of Europe, all of south America and half of India were suddenly nuked to oblivion. I believe a lot would come out of it. I mean people still remember 9/11 and that is not as big as an entire collective genocide.
The fact that was ignored as fast as it happened should had warned us just how bad the NU was going to be.
How does that post have anything to do with what I posted?
>TFA litterally reset the universe and makes the OT pointless.
I know, reason why I find funny Disney bought the license for a gorillion when they are clearly doing their own thing. It would had been smarted to make a SW inspired IP rather than buying a license for something they are not even using.
TFA's biggest problem for me, nowadays, is how it just made the galaxy feel so small and empty. And then it pulled that classic sequel crap of ruining the good and happy ending from the original trilogy.
Alien 3 is a perfectly good film but I will never not be pissed off at it for killing Newt, Hicks, Bishop and ruining Ripley's happy ending.
Misdirection. Disney plant.
Thanks, this comment means nothing.
They're testing the waters, trying to see people's/fans reactions to a possible Hayden/Anakin return. At this moment in time, Dianey has 6 different endings filmed and they are becoming increasingly efficient at it.
>will it be kino?
>The new trilogy is obsessed about the OT in such way that is ridiculous
Well no shit, they're desperate to recreate the 40 year merchandising cash cow that the OT is or was. OP's pic, that's new fucking toys. I honestly don't know BUT IF the shit people post around here and on twitter is to be believed Rey and Finn just aren't selling. Not to kids and not ot collectors. All I see here is 'complete my Palpatine and Vader set with the clone versions.
Sequels were a shitty idea to begin with, and the movies are a mess. Nothing more or less. It's not the fact they have a woman as the lead or a black guy in a supporting role. The movies are just poorly written sequels to a trilogy that never needed sequels (or prequels, for that matter).
Is everyone on Yea Forums a batshit insane conspiracy theorist? Do you really think Disney orgnaised a fan meet and greet with Hayden Christensen in Utah to try and somehow work out whether or not people want him in the final Star Wars film?
Your story doesn't even match the articles above. Get your stories straight conspiracy theorists.
>Is everyone on Yea Forums a batshit insane conspiracy theorist?
> is on Yea Forums
>soulless when it caters to mass audiences
>retarded when it doesn't
there's no winning
>focusing on my imperfectly worded statement rather that its substance
Haven't you heard of hyperbole or figure of speech you autist
>let's play it save and clone a new hope
>fuck that let's subvert the fan base
>shit shit shit the goyim didn't like it, revert everything and clone original trilogy again
This is a no brainer OP
You can do interesting things in ways that still make sense. My issue with TLJ isn't the risks that it takes, but in how lazy it is about its ideas wjile simultaneously being derivative anyway.
Maybe they should actually just try making a good movie. Because TLJ's biggest problems have nothing to do with the Star Wars lore or anything but with its terrible pacing, pointless plots, bad lead actress, inconsistency with the movie it's a sequel to that only came out two years earlier, and general stupidity of the characters.
I like the poster tho.
>Haven't you heard of hyperbole or figure of speech you autist
No, not really
>bad lead actress
Her character is shit but I don't think Ridley herself is that big of an issue. She was fairly wooden in TFA but in TLJ she's passable.
> this
Honestly how do they even end it now? The story is so fucked from the last movie I don't even know where they can even go with the story now that makes it interesting or worth going to the theater to watch.
yeah cuz corporations aren't greedy pieces of shit that don't know how online marketing works.
You should probably go back if this is too advanced for you.
Rogue One was a overall good movie. The new trilogy was shit but hey, did anyone expect different form Abrams?
I was willing to put up with the new trilogy if it founded something like Rogue One every 4 years. Who knew Disney was really this fucking retarded?
I liked TFA for what it was I guess. But I will always have a deep hatred specifically because they decided to make it a rehash of ANH? I expected there to be some progress made not another round of empire vs. rebels, seriously?
Gonna watch it solely for Sheev.
>Dude they literally killed trillions of people with a super weapon that either was close enough to be seen or far enough to make the shot extremely ridiculous and hard to believe.
But they already did this with the Death Star (Alderaan). The point is that TLJ hyperspace ramming manages to retroactively fuck up the entire lore, and nobody noticed.
The Starkiller does not exist previously. It doesn't start a whole ball of "well why didn't everyone do this always?" questions. Why isn't hyperspace missiles the default? Attacking any capital ship with fighters is suddenly retarded.
>online marketing
I do online marketing and I can tell you it is worthless for opinion surveys which is what the event tries to figure out.
Otherwise the data you get is that Rey should be a furry and Kylo Ren should be replaced by Sora from Kingdom Hearts.
In other words, using online surveys is what lead to the SJW infestation. What I guess you are referring to is big data analysis which is different, that is when you get objective data from a trustworthy source then you estimate potential results.
It would be useful in the case of the expanded universe to figure out which stories would be ok to adapt into movies based on sales, reception and audience.
>There is a tweet where Ridley Scott is insulting people who disliked TLJ. Was around the release week, that is how desperate Disney got.
Considering how much he destroyed the Alien franchise with his god awful prequel films, Scott has no place in saying anything negative about the fan backlash to nu-Wars. Fucking cocksucking bong.
>did anyone expect different form Abrams?
unironically many people actually did for some reason
The theory that kinda fixes that shit is that it only worked because they had that hyperspace tracking device, which would also fix the question of "Why wouldn't very ship have hyperspace-tracking devices?".
It still raises the question how Hodor would've known about it, but it's better than nothing.
So they pretty much killed/ruined everything from the OT to realise they couldn't come up with anything original for ep 9 and stole something from the OT.
if u faggot go to watch this movie you are part of the problem. Just wait for torrents
So what you will about TFA, but there's worse ways to spend 2 hours. If you want to sit down and rewatch TFA you've got
>an actual plot to follow
>decent action
>some likeable characters
>a real lightsaber fight
End of the day, this trilogy is only going to have 2 movies. TLJ felt like a 3 hour B-plot without a single memorable line or scene
The Death Star was always close enough to fire, in the case of Scarif it was inside the orbit of the planet it wanted to destroy. teleported into hyper space and it was not common knowledge what it did to except elite members of the Empire and some key Resistance members. Even in Episode 4 it existence was still somewhat concealed.
Reason why Vader order to stop fucking around with it due to all the political implications as the Empire at that point still had a Senate.
Starkiller base was an orbiting planet that fired planet killing beams from a solar system away to other solar systems using Faster than Light lasers, that is, faster than light LIGHT. It fuel source was a sun that it absorbed.
At least Hyperspace ramming is not as apparently retarded as Starkiller base.
I, for one, I am not entirely certain what is Hyperspace ramming in terms of actions.
Accelerating a ship that big into FTL speeds should had unleashed a nuclear catastrophe that should had killed everyone then and there.
Do you guys purposely look for the dumbest people possible to take surveys? That's been my opinion for years and shit like...
>Otherwise the data you get is that Rey should be a furry and Kylo Ren should be replaced by Sora from Kingdom Hearts.
...seems to confirm it.
Nice trips.
Oh and its Star Trek was terrible, Beyond was the only fun one and surprise, surprise it was NOT directed by Abrams.
I do not think SW is unsalvageable but Disney has done its best between the nitwit idiots behind the scripts and terrible marketing.
>SW fans are literally Nazis but don't forget to watch Rise of Skywalker December 18th you fucking white manchild.
Is it truly so out there? Think about it logically. If these corporations are incompetent enough to waste millions on reshoots, on shoving forced political/social agenda's in their body of work, then why not this?
Seriously TFA seemed like it was written by an algorithm.
Like it just blended a handful of SW tropes together and exaggerated them.
>Do you guys purposely look for the dumbest people possible to take surveys?
Have you ever work in surveys or collecting consumer information?
Online is worse due to the number of fake accounts and bots, you can justify about any opinion for a survey using social media. You will find millions of backs to support it no matter how wrong it is. This is how I imagine Nu star wars came to be.
>trying to see people's/fans reactions to a possible Hayden/Anakin return
I don't think they need to test any waters for that. Hayden has been completely exonerated and widely appreciated for his role now that the fans have begun to appreciate what they once had once they lost it.
Only a sexist racist homophob WOULDN'T watch this next exciting installment to the SW franchise.
Not quite.
The new characters are honestly shit. I hate Rey and Finn so much. Poe should not even count as a main character given how little he does in every movie, I forgot what his role was on TFA.
An algorithm would had come with some cookie cutter characters and that would had been an improvement. I hate Finn so much. Rey is simply put a bad Mary Sue.
>Have you ever work in surveys or collecting consumer information?
thank fucking christ no.
wait aniken is back and he's a grandpa looking fucker?
and also maybe vader?
this has got to be some hail mary level alternate reality/ time travel bullshit for sure.
Because we're part of the backlash.
>lucasfilm hq right now
>Have you ever work in surveys or collecting consumer information?
I've worked for some call centers but never doing anything Yea Forums related. The reason I thought so was from years ago when I worked at a theater and a guy came in asked people if they would be willing to take a group survey. And he was signing people up for times. I wanted to take one because he said there would be some form of catering and I thought oh simple way to get some free food. But I got declined because according to him, me working at a movie theater made me to well informed about the industry and that they were looking for average opinions. I thought he was fucking with me and joking around until more customers came through But he was serious. He explains to me that there's a chance that I see too many movies and even subconsciously could have developed a nuanced opinion of films and in general that's why they didn't want movie theater employees taking surveys. Because what they were looking for was a "casual movie goers experiences".
So to me, if a fucking usher is too biased an opinion for these things i just imagined they're looking for the dumbest possible suggestions that would make some dumb fucking executives ideas look good by comparison. It's the only thing that makes since to me. Like when some producer says the audience doesn't know what they want I'm always imagining them asking literal special needs people about what they'd like to see in a movie.
nah ive made up about 5 different leaks
>Rogue One was a overall good movie
no, it was not. the characters were bland and uninspired, the movie was hastily and poorly edited, and the fan service ending retroactively ruined the beginning of a new hope
As dumb as SKB was, it's not universe-breaking like Hyperspace Ram. That shit is just fucking laughable. If they don't address it, they'll look like cowards(and that's the route they'll take), if they do, it will make Retard Johnson look even worse, because they'll have literally no choice but to tweek things to explain it as a one-off, one-in-a-million attack, and yet the bridge crew of the Supremacy reacted to it in fear as if they knew what was coming and the Resistance(oh wait, just read the memo - "Rebels") treated it like it was just another day at the office.
The documentary that covers this clusterfuck WILL be kino though.
Based as fuck story. Wage on, brother.
Incompetent and impatient upper management hiring yes-men hacks to write and and direct the franchise within an extremely rushed (and therefore, poorly-planned) time frame.
nothing "universe breaking" about it.
it goes like this:
No one thought of it before because that galaxy is full of retards.
>are the hyperspace ramming shields up?
first line in the next film
I agree with what you're saying. Not having all the systems rise up in vengeance and crush the First Order like a bug for the destruction of the Hosnian system is just incredibly shitty writing on both Abrams's and Johnson's parts, but the fact remains that while it's an unrealistic reaction, it still doesn't break the conventions of the setting like Hyperspace Ram does. I can wave some weird superluminal, split-beam weapon. That's just Star Wars "tech," but HSR is outright ignoring the previously-established conventions and retroactively weaponizing every hyperdrive everywhere. For all time.
You're right. On the surface, that does fix it, but it still makes Johnson(deservedly) look like a hack, because it's exceedingly clear that he didn't think he was breaking any rules when he wrote it. If he *had* known, we absolutely would have gotten a teaser line about it earlier on, foreshadowing it. Given some of the other embarrassing technobabble("It's a Class 1 P4ocess") and doublespeqk("They're faster than us, but they cwn't lose us!"), Rian wouldn't have been able to stop sucking his own dick over how clever he was to think of it.
And it still, as you point out, wouldn't explain why Holdo would think it would work.
>but it still makes Johnson(deservedly) look like a hack
Of course it does. He IS a hack, I've never disputed that. Just trying to make the best of it.
Oh, so in other words, "universe-breaking," because who gives a fuck about an entire Galaxy of retards?
better writing usually
>I won't give Disney one thin dime.
>I never saw TLJ. Once I found out they were shitting on LUKE i kept my money.
Same. I won't go see IX either.
...and no one will never thought to do it ever again.. it's quite clever really
Kids don't care about Star Wars because Disney made Star Wars shit.
Disney has yet to realize that Star Wars is a longstanding IP that's already suffered from a shitty trilogy (the prequels) and that they can't just take the shitty 'Marvel' and "live-action remake" approach by hiring hacks and constantly churning out rushed, rehashed garbage for tasteless Chinese audiences and the broadest family-friendly demographics out there.
They actually have to drop the excessive kid-friendly label and put genuine effort into this franchise if they ever truly want it to succeed at this point. Because at the end of the day, people just want to see something GOOD from Star Wars again. Once it does get something, then people will join in (eventually) That's it. But it's like Disney has become so ingrained in their mass-produced Marval/Live Action adaptation ways, that they don't even know when to take a creative risk or how to make a quality product anymore.
>A New Hope has Jawas/Jabba/Cantina Aliens
>Empire Strikes Back has minimal alien presence
>Return of the Jedi has Jabba, his minions, Ewoks
>Phantom Menace has Gungans and Neimodians
>Attack of the Clones has Kaminoans and Geonosians
>Attack of the Sith has General Grevious and the Separatist Council, and the Utapuans
>The Force Awakens has Maz and some Cantina aliens, alien involvement in plot minimal
>The Last Jedi has even less aliens
Why the fuck does disney hate aliens in SciFi so much?
Let the past die.
Kill it.
If you have to.
that's not what you have to show. you have to show that in the last 30,000 years no one did it on accident
because they have to pay to use the old designs
Inb4 /pol/tv
No joke, there are bad faith artists and producers who are using culture and cinema to socially engineer society—but they make shit.
yeah there is faggot its called making a good movie, you can do something different just make it not shit
how does that address the issue of why no one did it before?
It will be a financial success
It's a bad photoshop from this fuck on Youtube who spams garbage clickbait fake news for views.
I mean Disney is so big and so in the culture that their movies just don't bomb. They are bomb proof.. it could be weird accounting which they are under investigation for.. or it could be their reach.
At any rate they aren't making MORE money per movie or on the franchise as a whole because expectations and box office are trending down.
Corporations only run on profits going up, so for them it's a failure, even though if you look at TLJ in a vacuum it made money. If they make 20 movies and only make 400 million per movie next year they won't keep profits up. They put out so much they have to have big hits to off-set the lower numbers elsewhere.
I’m an agnostic fan. I was a Star Wars purist and hated the prequels. How hard is it to do a simple prequel of Star Wars? To give some perspective I never saw TFA until TLJ came out. I watched both in the same day. TFW at least felt like an adventurous Star Wars movie. all the SJW and WN stuff turned me off. But holy fuck, TLJ was shocking to me. It was Guardians of the Galaxy. Politics aside, you have too many activists masquerading as artists who care more about social perception than the art. Star Wars was a simple and magical space opera. But it’s become a shallow leviathan of a corporate property.
Luke’s arc was fine. Change my mind.
it took a galaxy of retards billions of years to stumble upon it. a bit like the monkeys typing shake spear meme.
Purple gril didn't even mean to do it. she tried to escape by herself but hit the wrong buttons
I was going to say that Disney is sidelining the aliens because normies can't relate to non-human characters, but that doesn't explain the weird amount of attention that droids seem to be getting now.
My guess is that it's a mix of what this user said , along with aliens being less merch-marketable than droids in general. But then again I don't understand why Disney can't make their own new alien-race for mascot potential. Porgs are the closest thing we've gotten to that so far, but they're just non-sentient side fodder and don't add anything to the narrative or the world-building.
The sequels completely fail at doing this though. Rey is a Mary Sue and a fucking insult to actual, well-written female protagonists. Finn and Poe had a ton of potential but all of that was thrown out the window when The Last Jedi treated them like shitty comedy relief sidekicks. The two Chinese guys from Rogue 1 were literally one-dimensional cardboard-cutout stereotypes of asian characters you'd find in 90's action movies and were thrown in as a shit attempt to grab Chinese box offic $$$.
Rose, Holdo and L337 were supposed to be strong feminist characters but they were all so poorly-written and over-the-top that their mere presence severely detrimented the plot of whatever movie they're in.
Hollywood and Disney are pushing hard on the SJW shit because more minority audiences = more target groups. More target groups = more money for them; simple as that.
The problem with nostalgia and looking back is that art is always caught up in politics. Most art types and younger people want to be hip and rebellion is hip. Lucas was a rebel in his day.
Your argument is more one of a traditionalism that is lost vs a change. Lucas was trying to be political with the OT. He had things to say about vietnam but it was so well buried you couldn't tell.
Hacks like Rian Johnson aren't skilled enough to conceal their motives and subversive messages. A good filmmaker buries it so deep in the art it's only there for those who want to see and satisfies all lovers of stories.
It's a skill gap for sure. And I think the nepotism of the feminist take-over at Lucasfilm lead directly to not hiring a good story tell and artist and more about pushing their agenda through Rian. They knew he was a stooge.
JJ is a souless centrist who just looks for a big audience and being successful. He's a bit better at telling stories but he's still out of his league.