Remember when Marge was a panther?
Remember when Marge was a panther?
First its fuck drumpf, now Marge is a furry
Christ did the shit hit the fan
does this count as bestiality?
eed isn't 5 letters long tho
but it isnt a word, its a sound
Why not just "Make every word sneed?"
What would he do with his other 2 wishes retard?
I do now
make every second word seed
make seed third seed feed
make seed feed seed sneed
user, the furry thing was from a Halloween special over a decade ago.
Return the rightful ownership of Sneed's to Chuck.
Make the Simpsons good again.
I don't remember that. I do remember the episode where sneed.
Dead meme
Wish for feed
Wish for seed
Groening wanted to make her a bunny and have a shared universe with his In Hell strip. He was promptly shouted down in a writers meeting, but Marge's hidden bunny ears can be seen in the Simpsons arcade game.
Remember when Lisa was scared that her family would be sent to hell for stealing grapes?
Now, she's a liberal Tumblrina who thinks religion is for idiots.
>who thinks religion is for idiots.
She's Buddhist though.
And she's a shit one. Remember the episode where she gave everyone a hard time for believing in angels because it wasn't scientific?
She wasn't a Buddhist yet.