Itt movie quotes that strike home for you. Ill start:

Itt movie quotes that strike home for you. Ill start:

>Who did this? Huh, where are you? This isn't funny, alright. A small dick is like a disability, man. Huh, would you make fun of a guy in a wheelchair, huh? Would you? Come on out here, you sick fuck! I'll kick the shit out of you right now! Alright? It's not the size of the hammer, it's the nail you're throwing in at!

Attached: Umythrg.png (620x452, 202K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>you're a big guy
>for you

>I have eyes on Loki, 14th floor
>I'm not Loki

Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

>dance club conversation (whatever, 1999) [embed]

>A small dick is like a disability

Is this true?

lol no, sis. you can’t claim benefits and stop working cause of that. unless you’re a porn star.

the Reese has no friends episode

>hahah that's you user
>lmao is that what you're like at school (the part where Reese is hovering around a group of friends pretending that he is part of the group)

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But it can cause mental anguish. And there is literally nothing you can do to fix it. Like being retarded.

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lol dicklets. When will they learn?

Fuck off. There is literally nothing we can do about it

Are you at least 6 inches?

Best rant ever.


Im 4.7 inches. Which ironically enough is average. Yet the mainstream media wants to portray anything under 7 inches as basically a micro dick.

Rate the Scary Movie series faggots. Im gonna say


>tfw when I laughed my ass off at this when I was a kid
>tfw when grew up and could no longer laugh at it any more

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i haven't watched any of them in a decade


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hahahaha lol

>You haven't really failed, son, because you haven't really tried to succeed. So don't credit yourself as a failure - you're worse than that


Who is angrier? Dicklets or manlets?

What was up with late 90s humor?

is it better or worse than todays humor?

Probably a hairlet/dicklet/manlet trifecta.

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>You don't like real girls
>How come you don't smile?

>Today's humour
Comedy is dead

Shriek if You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth was better than Scary Movie.

Reminder that if you have a small dick it's over for you

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What is small?

Bellow 6.5 inches

If you're asking
its already confirmed

Would gladly lose an inch in length for
an inch of girth to be honest

nice try, anything under 8 x 6 is asian tier

Probably, I'm not trying to argue just saying it's over.

I’m just under six inches but my dick is no narrow condoms slip off. I’m married so that doesn’t matter but length is only half the story.

You’re practically a woman.

Speaking as a tall guy, I never make manlet jokes in general or neg manlets I work with unless I've known them a long time and our banter isn't going to cause any resentment.
But I don't know how small cocks enter the conversation at all. We're not kids anymore dressing for gym class in communal locker rooms. If you do have a small dick, you only have yourself to blame for somehow outing yourself with something stupid like talking about how you don't know what dressing to the left or right means.


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