Hop in dude

hop in dude

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Don't fucking say it



Well well, look at the city-slicker pulling up in his fancy German car...


sneed in dude

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formerly hop out


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Sneed and Chuck entered the Nigger Annihilator 3000, lights and screens whirring to life as they settled into their life's work. "Well well" said Chuck, entering the final sequence codes. "Look at the niggers pulling up to our fancy American annihilation field." Suddenly every nigger in the world was teleported in front of them, covering the isolated plain for miles and miles. "Pardon us" said Sneed, firing up the laser cannons and nanoblades. Without warning, the NA3K fired off tactical nuclear weapons, targeted at the perimeter of the nigger slaughter field, ensuring none would escape. The mech began moving, as Sneed and Chuck began inputting commands. Miniguns tore niggers to shreds, lasers vaporised entire villages worth. The monstrous machine projected a barrier around itself, disintegrating anyone who it flew near. Tactical destructo-discs and anti-personnel nanobots spread across the field, putting the works of Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot combined to shame. Chain lightning fried one million niggers in an instant, and in the next weather manipulation devices rained acid down on another million. Finally, they flew out into outer space and unsheathed PETUNIA VI, their ultimate weapon. "Ultimate Attack: Park Avenue Manicure!" they yelled in unison as they blasted the field from orbit using their superweapon, killing every single "person" with a single drop of nigger blood in an instant. It was a beautiful day, but Sneed and Chuck hadn't even brought out the Kikestompter Omega yet...

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Imagine unironically being a comfycel.

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where's that obsessed Moe poster with his Yea Forums pass and the same two subsequent posts?


snased and chuckpilled

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They want to bring back the messiah.


Essentially the old Jewish revelations, the conditions that must happen before the end of the world. While Christians sit back and wait, the Jew is trying to actively end the world. Two key requirements are all the lost Jews coming back to the holy land and getting all the Jew in the world to obey the sabbath. Tricky business when there are so many lost bloodlines.

The Jew is crafty, however, and has devised ways to even out-Jew god. The Eruv, for example; if the Jew claims a space as their own they can consider it "never leaving home" on the sabbath.infogalactic.com/info/EruvIf the Jew owns everything it has not destroyed, then they never have to worry about a Jew ever violating the rules.

Their holy texts also state that goyim slaves must do all of a Jew's work. Strict observance means they can't even operate a light switch without tricking a goy to do it for them. But the Jew out-jewed God again by figuring out "technicalities."kosherswitch.com/live/tech/how

The Jew works on many angles, but all of them are designed in conquering land and destroying that which they cannot control, scorched earth style, to make sure no "lost jews" survive to violate the rules of the ancient scripts, or to set up conditions where the remaining Jews have no choice but to obey, or aren't in violation for reasons. They are self-destructive because they fell that in the end these sacrifices are worth it.

The Jew is basically SELEE deliberately attempting to destroy the world so they can rebuild the world into a paradise of their own choosing, just with more mass-produced children to fuck and fewer giant robots.

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Ah yes, this vehicle will suffice for take me to the local Feed and Seed


Dont have a cow man!

delete this

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based jews

You haven't heard? I think Sneed is Based (Formerly Cringe) now.

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Weird how the same year that the World Trade Center began construction (1968) is the same year that:
-911 became the emergency dialing number
-The New York Jets (think about it) won the Superbowl that season
-The film 2001 came out

Weird how Flight 77 was in the air for exactly 77 minutes before crashing into the Pentagon which is 77 feet tall and sits on the 77th Meridian.

New York is the 11th state
New York City - 11 Letters
The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11.
Twin Towers - standing side by side, looks like the number 11.
After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.
The date of the attack: 9/11 - 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11
Afghanistan - 11 Letters
The Pentagon - 11 Letters

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based Moe has finally seen the light (formerly misguided)

i have i no sneedea what ur talkin about

Haha, I enjoy these threads, mostly because of the cityslickers coming here to seethe...You know, I once met one of those in real life…
>1992, Okinawa, Yea Forums
>I'm a Farmer #1
>It was, heaven, (still is) just """seeding""" Chucks left and right
>It gets a little tiring, though, so I decided to walk around the town, not just going straight to the bars for pussy
>"SNEEDU GO HOME!" I hear in the distance
>It's a protest against the supply store
>Just 1 3’6 tall city slickers shouting, rest of the men just watching in polite silence
>As I enter the scene, the few women there start giggling, biting their lips
>"What's going on here, huh?"
>Four of the city slickers stop what they're doing, looking to the ground lot their Gucci loafers
>The only city slickerl eft keeps shouting, his voice nervous and broken
>Before he can continue I grab his hand, spinning him into my arm and into a headlock

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I love you seeding
And if it's quite all right
I need you fucking
To plant the gummy bears
I love you sucking
Trust in me when I say
Oh city slicker
Don't bring me down I suck
Oh city slicker
Now that I've found my feed & seed
Oh city slicker
Trust in me when I say
Oh that's just superstition

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Women really only have an intuitive grasp for transgression, that is, for abnegation. If a man engages in the latter in order to accumulate power over others, she will be attracted to him--if he engages in it without accumulating power, he is really himself a woman and thus may sustain a friendship with her, so long as his vitriol (the heaving of responsibility upon others in the form of blame) remains centered upon persons outside the friendship. If two persons who are naturally transgressive cohabitate with one another long enough, conflict will ensue since neither is autonomous enough to take care of themselves, and will ultimately fling undue blame upon each other, instigating endless provocation. This is really why women need a man in their life, i.e., someone who can ride the turbulence of life without being destabilized. Incidentally, women will call such an independent and cool-headed man a "good" man, but only so long as she benefits from his cool-headedness. Though women recognize this virtue in a man, they do not seem to care to work towards it themselves, but admittedly we could say the same about many men; yet all this serves merely to indicate again that women have a natural proclivity for dependency and that's about it. They are not monads in the sense that they are capable of standing apart from externalities by means of obedience to a personal, self-preserving law or principle.

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Meet Lucky Chuck. He just so happened to be off, away from the Feed & Seed, planting gummy bears on the morning of November 7, 1999. Isn’t Chuck lucky?

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please someone answer me honestly:
when will this end?

please someone answer me honestly:
when will this sneend?

It's been almost 3 years of it you dumbfuck. As long as you city slickers keep feeding it energy, it will happily thrive and grow gummy bears

Have no fears, we’ve got Sneedposts for years!

please sneedeone ansfeed me seedestly:
when will this sneed?

Retard cops didn't do anything until the man reacted...


Well, pardon us... Mister Gucci Loafers!

What do you get when you a mentally superior farmer with a society that loves his seed and feed?

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le monke

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that kosher switch is hilarious

Just found out that not only do Asian men suffer from the highest incidence of 'Micropenis' worldwide, literally EVERY SINGLE ONE of them carries the mutated gene that is responsible for it.

This mutation occurs within an gene known as 'SRD5A2', an enzyme that is less active in Asian men and is responsible for processing the hormone testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an androgen which is more 5x more potent than regular testosterone.(1)

>Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a sex hormone created from testosterone in the body. It plays a major role in the development of characteristics that are typically associated with men (body hair, muscle growth, and a deep voice).

This less active enzyme in Asian men(2) is the reason they have lower DHT levels compared to other races of men,(3) it may also explain why their penises are smaller on average (unconfirmed) as DHT is necessary for the maturation of the penis.

The mutation is known as 'R227Q', and is a non synonymous change in the 'SRD5A2' gene.(4) 'R227Q' been shown to retain approximately 3.2% of normal enzyme activity and appears relatively frequent in Asian populations.(5)

It is time for Asian bois to renounce their masculinity, transition to womanhood, and live out the rest of their lives content as cock sleeves to physically superior men


Pic related

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el diablo

sneed it dude

coom in dude

>please someone answer me honestly:
when will this end?

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