Why is it considered a "comedy show"?

>a show where people do really, REALLY idiotic stuff
It's not entetaining, it's just idiotic
It's not funny, it's just idiotic
Why is it considered a "comedy show"?

Attached: Jackass-logo.gif (200x200, 8K)

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you would understand if you had ever had sex

Look at this friendless zoomer who finds Fortnite streamers the pinacle of comedy.

Because the show is about male friendship and the camaraderie that men can experience in groups like platoons or playing team sports. The "stunts" are more of a framing device than the core of the thing, something that escapes all those copycat faggots who film themselves jumping into cacti and wonder why no one gives a shit.

show me a "funny" moment from that show

back in the 90s we had to do crazy shit to entertain ourselves because we didn't have thousands of hours of free BLACKED porn at our fingertips to stay busy, so it was more relatable when it first came out

it was hilarious

I repeat, you need to have sex to find it funny. It's like trying to explain Master and Commander to a woman.

Watching stupid people get hurt is funny.

>Guy farts into tube that goes to scuba helmet used by other guy and makes him vomit

>user: this is deep

>t. never been in a non-cucked part of the military
>t. never played team sports at any level above JV

Do you know what being funny is?
Not being dosed in shit and having your balls bumped in by enraged porcupines - that's not funny

I give you that, sweetsuit cocktail is the superior Preston-Steve-O stunt.

because it's funny

It was a friend simulator before youtube channels came in.

Nowadays jackass is just Bam Margera and him being a lolcow.

Its funny as fuck.

Pretending its deep is,well, PRETENTIOUS

Have another (You), this round is on me

>massively promoting absolute stupidity over wit
>prime american comedy

I'm not saying it's deep, at all. There's nothing deep about friends fucking around. I'm just saying that the "friends" part is more important to the show than the "fucking around" part, and that they could do a show built around them doing any number of things and it would be a better show than watching random strangers do one-off stunts.


>While all their other friends laugh their asses off

That's been TV in general since it's creation.
Hell that was radio.

If you had friends who you skated with and sex, you would understand.

Shut up OP

Attached: 1551998380318.jpg (1200x675, 64K)

>prime american comedy
>the whole audience is laighing


She tossed one to a medium sized monkey; before he could eat it a much larger male was on him and not only stole his peanut but gave him a beating, then left. The little fellow made no attempt to pursue his tormentor; be squatted at the scene of the crime, pounded his knuckles against the concrete floor, and chattered his helpless rage. Mike watched it solemnly. Suddenly the mistreated monkey rushed to the side of the cage, picked a monkey still smaller, bowled it over and gave it a drubbing worse than the one he had suffered – after which he seemed quite relaxed. The third monk crawled away, still whimpering, and found shelter in the arm of a female who had a still smaller one, a baby, on her back. The other monkeys paid no attention to any of it.

Mike threw back his head and laughed – went on laughing, loudly and uncontrollably. He gasped for breath, tears came from his eyes; he started to tremble and sink to the floor, still laughing.

Of course it wasn’t funny – it was tragic. That’s why I had to laugh. I looked at a cageful of monkeys and suddenly I saw all the mean and cruel and utterly unexplainable things I’ve seen and heard and read about in the time I’ve been with my own people, and suddenly it hurt so much I found myself laughing.”

Isn’t it? Perhaps I don’t grok all its fullness yet. But find me something that really makes you laugh, sweetheart … a joke, or anything else – but something that gave you a real belly laugh, not a smile. Then we’ll see if there isn’t a wrongness in it somewhere and whether you would laugh if the wrongness wasn’t there.” He thought. “I grok when apes learn to laugh, they’ll be people.”

was useful in turning white guys into druggie heathens with no respect for their parents.

then why do people laugh at it