The Master Vs Tree of Life

What's your choice for American movie of the 2010s?
The Master seems technically perfect with almost unsurpassed acting, but the Tree of Life seems to have divine inspiration.

Attached: Freddie Quell.jpg (968x681, 35K)

The Tree of Life is a bit more emotionally resonant for me and the Lacrimosa scene is divine but both are in my top of the decade.

I like the master more


this desu

For me? It's Drive.

The other side of the wind

The Master, no fucking competition with that baby's-first-philosophy-lesson hand-grazing-wheat Malick shit. PTA's magnum opus.

this this this

I also hated the whispering in Tree Of Life.

I think The Master has a more interesting story and characters behind it.

Does this really count though?

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The Tree of Life. The Master is PTA's attempt at outing poseurs by making something utterly disjointed that vaguely resembles a narrative feature just enough that it confuses them into praising it out of fear for being labelled a pleb.

An intentionally terrible movie carefully emulating a masterpiece. A true work of genius. Why do you think the plot of the film involves a cult leader who feigns insight and brilliance but is secretly full of shit? It's a metaphor for the film itself.

tl;dr if you think The Master is actually good you're a pleb.

Tree of Life, no question

the master is garbage. PTA is a joke

to the wonder is Malick's best movie and it's way better than the tree of life

Master has better acting by far.

Master has better everything. That includes cinematography. It's just a fucking masterpiece from top to bottom.

Knight of Cups is

So what was The Tree of Life about then?

The social network


>to the wonder is Malick's best movie and it's way better than the tree of life
>to the wonder
>anything above mediocrity
>even close to being as good as any of malick's first 3 actual kino
this is the person criticizing the master. let that sink in.

Yes user

You must be literally thick. The Master has a crystal clear narrative - it's also a fantastic film

Both are pretentious dogshit for only the most psuedo pleb redditors known to mankind

The absolute state of this shit meme board

Have sex

Name your top 10 of the decade.