Imagine being treated differently and having a reduced dating pool because of your height, haha

Imagine being treated differently and having a reduced dating pool because of your height, haha

Attached: Tallgirl.jpg (1500x2222, 2.15M)

I want a big tall bitch to pick me up and suck me the fuck off. digits checked btw

>It's another episode of "Women take a male problem and make it about themselves"
Fun fact: Height is one of the top 5 reasons of male suicide
I wonder if they'll ever make a movie about the depressing reality of living as a short guy, oh wait they won't

She's an evolution abnormaly. Her genes should be removed from the pool. We don't have enough resources to support giant humans. Think of the climate.

>We shouldn't judge this tall girl because of her height
>Look at this short weirdo guy haha, what a fucking loser, he is a SHORT GUY ahahahahahahha

have sex

keep seething manlets

I bet you she hooks up with a taller guy in the movie.

The entire movie is about her wanting to get with a tall, handsome guy, while the comic relief character is the short guy who's dumb enough to think he has a chance with her

Last thread was kino so let's get off to a good start. I'll go first:

Attached: 1549026715610m.jpg (1024x955, 76K)

Could be a good comedy tbqh

too meta, not funny

Could you satisfy her bros?

Attached: 20190913_232907.png (1056x1634, 1.48M)


Tall women are universally ugly.


Cope, manlet. You will never stop being funny


>I don't want strong healthy sons. I want midget tier manlets like myself
Don't be suprised when they kill themselves and blame you for it, manlet

This movie perfectly captures almost every reason why I hate modern women
I'm not sure that was their point, but they did it

Let me guess, she fucks the tall white guy, while the manlet orbits, but in the end goes with the negro in the back?

you haven't even watched the movie
stop projecting you insecure manlets

>This movie perfectly captures almost every reason i hate modern women

Attached: DhN4wcsWkAEKyTB.jpg (768x1024, 82K)

is this kino worth watching? I love tall girls

not tall enough
>tfw no 6'3+ gf