Season 15 official poster and trailer released

Get in here, deAN

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season 15 begins in 10th October

why is nobody hyped

Is it still angelcrap and deus ex machina against increasingly more allmighty beings that for some reason always get surprise slapped in a knifefight?

yes, but it's the final season of this so it's special

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another final season poster

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first four episodes are titled

Back and to the Future

Raising Hell

The Rupture

Atomic Monsteers
pic related is from episode 6 according to imdb

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Looks like kino is back on the menu. For how many episodes are they going to rehunt the things they've already killed once?

I bet all monster of the week episodes are things they've already killed, like the lady in white in the promo so pehaps around half or one third of the season is for that

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Now I truly feel old

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lmao is that a screenshot from his beard

Yeah I was trying to point out he's graying.

Anyway, what does Sam mean in the trailer when he says "if we win this we'll be free"? Kill Chuck?

Also who this? And why is the video quality so horrendous even in 1080p?

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Time to summon all the former thread regulars, summer is over so reveal yourselves

>leaf user
>bong user
>all the connors
>that unironic destiel poster
>heaven and hell posters
>that giga boomer user who was here before everyone else
>buffy/angel fags
>amyfags and waifyfags
>budapest user
>webm making user
>ugly landwhale anons who are afraid to reveal that they are w*men
>the user obsessed with sam's giant penis
>the user who is most likely all the former anons listed above and larps as different people under proxys

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trailer most likely won't reveal shit from any actual plot elements, just the first five minutes of episode one as always
maybe crowley vol 3 after vol 2 got killed in season 13

>>budapest user

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post ending predictions

castiel and jack die in the penultimate episode, amara sacrifices herself to off chuck, the boys drive off in the impala and are shown 30 years later training hunters to dispose of lesser monsters

based mongol

the ending is amara replacing chuck as the new female god since the future is female and chuck will be trapped away just like amara was. maybe someone like sam will get some tattoo for that as well.

dean, sam, cas and jack will live happily ever after as three dads and their son. rowena will be killed by sam after they have sex

as long as there will be no subtle destiel moments all will be fine

even more based

i really have no idea wtf is going to happen!

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you forgot the official summoning spell pic

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nah, thread regulars have always been summoned with

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>IRL Jensen is older than Rowena's actress

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reeeeeee where is everyone

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misha for shame

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what the fuck i didn't think that was true

Jensen Ackles claims to be Six Foot One yet he isn't even as tall as Marc Alaimo

>atomic monsters

Commence shark jumping


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That chart is BS, the person who made it is biased towards Jensen

being around the moose makes you look smaller than you really are

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Sorry, I was cooming. Now taking a bath.

one way or another he is over 180 cm which saves him from manlethood

Yeah it blew my mind as well. Rowena seemed like 15 years older than the boys when she first showed up.

white women age like milk, especially the really white redheaded ones and jensen and jared both have blessed chad genes, they are now both in their 40s and still look good

that's not even weird for misha

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no wonder he unironically supports destiel

Jared's hairline is Walton Goggins tier and Jensen looks weird as shit

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for comparison, Jensen when he was good looking

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most people consider the current jensen better looking than the sissy femme boi jensen from 1990s

did something happen after season 10? maybe some change of direction or whatever? after season 10 they started to use a lot more of cgi and with better quality (for cw standars). hell, we've seen for the first time a demon teleporting without cuts in season 12

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i perfer seeing an angel teleport/flight for the first time, that was cool

He looks completely average now, kinda looks like Dennis Reynolds.

technology just got better 2010s, though CGI in tv shows is still in last decade movie levels

S01-S05: Great Tier
S06-S09: Shit Tier
S10-S14: Good Tier

>pic related is completely average and totally doesn't burst all pussies in 500 m radius into ocean mode

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ill present an alternative, shows like the flash made CW increase their cgi budjet and staff, so making cgi cheaper for all their shows since the cost can be shared across multiple shows

season 10 is shit, 12-14 are okay-ish, 11 is kino

there's that too, season 6 to 9 had no main plot, good thing they kinda fixed it after 10 with lucifer and god, also, there are less filler episodes

only based ppl who like looking at a real man's man do. not sissyfags or dumb bitches who like the idea of little boys wearing their lingerie and makeup.

He objectively looks like shit now

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I wish I looked like that

see don't get your panties in a bunch, faggot.

What is people's opinion on the first season?


Real men have visible jawlines. Jensen's jawline is covered by a thick layer of bloat from drinking basedboy beer all day.

Foremost reason I still put up with this comfy ass show.

He looks better now than you ever looked.

watchable, sometimes kino, sometimes cringe

He's always had a thick neck.

>not knowing what a man's man is
Faggots like you never know.

Alright so I literally haven't watched the past 7-8 seasons, can anyone catch me up on what happens after the whole leviathan story?

better question, are those seasons even relevant to this final season?

jensen, jared and supernatural are more popular with women than men though

No, I was one cool baby

Prove it.

you can pretty much skip season 9

can you imagine what high school would have been like if you were him? girls would be ovulating just sitting next to him in class

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Women can be faggots too.

I think even most boys were ovulating sitting next to him.

Well I shot anybody who tried to take a picture of me so no photographic evidence exists of the cool baby I was.

nigger you are so autistic women prefer older men everyone prefers daddy dean over shota dean

So you're full of shit and look like shit. No surprises there.

>y'are whatcha eat
top kek

>15 fucking seasons
gee i wonder why no one cares.
i stopped watching it at season 11, did i miss anything important?

yes, god is a hack and a bad guy

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he objectively did nothing wrong

who and what is the thing on the right?
>been away for a few seasons

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Lucifer's son.

does this webm mean we're going to see the bros with beards this season?

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Son of a bitch... intreging

it's dean and castiel's adopted son. they are gay dads now. sam is the weird uncle and rowena is the cool wine aunt.

Wish he'd done a Hitler as well.

looks like it could be castiel and someone else's lovechild, doesn't it? his and dean's maybe? i dunno, i've always thought the fucker looks like castiel.


that's one helluva shaver. make+model?

Bong/buffy feet poster here phone posting at the mo, whens the release date?

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So they are finally ending the show 10 seasons past its first ending?
fun show but post season 5 had a big dip in quality

at least it's ending at all