It was a fiasco with low ratings last time, probably the worst, most awkward H3 episode ever...

It was a fiasco with low ratings last time, probably the worst, most awkward H3 episode ever. People thought they would never speak to each other again, and here they are.

Attached: H3H3 on Bill Burr again.jpg (1080x812, 170K)

Negative attention is still attention user.

Also fuck off, E Celebs aren't Yea Forums

>So Bill how do you feel about your daughter being raped? Did you give it some thought?

Bill Burr is Yea Forums.

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Yes but we all know that's not who OP is shilling for user


>Also fuck off, E Celebs aren't Yea Forums
lol imagine being on Yea Forums in your forties

I'm almost tempted to watch this but the cringe was too real last time.

wait, I thought Yea Forums said that Bill hated Ethan after that podcast.

I have to ask this question the e-celeb loving faggots: do you think that the first interview was anything out of the norm for Bill Burr? Have you watched Bill Burr before? Have you listened to him on podcasts or on O&A? That first interview was nothing. I listened to it because Yea Forums made a big deal out of it, and it's nothing. Where is the controversy?

90s born queers love overreacting

Why would he hate him? He's just an unfunny loser. Bill needs to promote his special so why not go and wipe the floor with him again?

It's probably more that he knew Ethan was leagues below him in terms of humour and intellect so he just walked all over him and didn't give it much thought.

Yea Forums said Captain Marvel is going to flop

It wasn't about Bill. A lot of people had been listening to the podcast but that episode made them realize what a hack Klein really is.

Hi Ethan! Vape naysh!

>imagine watching "muh depression" and "my wife's son" have two episodes of awkward conversation

there is none but it's eceleb trash so they have to talk about it. ethan wanted to talk about bill's family and bill repeatedly shut him down and it was awkward. that was it. oh no. bill has gotten onto people about the fact that he doesn't talk about his family. I personally hate comedians who talk about their family so I respect that shit. ethan is just a faggot and eceleb r*ddanons are huge faggots

I could not care less about Ethan. I don't care about him or his YouTube show. I DO like Bill Burr, and all that interview was was Burr busting Ethan's balls.

>non-English screencaps


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You got it backwards, it wasn't how Bill was behaving, it was all on Ethan. Bill wasn't at fault at all because Ethan would ask fucking retarded questions, constantly interrupt, even though the conversation went to a completely different direction he wouldn't try to do anything with it but put it back to his scripted railroad. Of course Bill would be mad, he got himself Bill Burr on a podcast and doesn't fucking let him do his thing.

Wow man, Hila really adds A LOT to the conversation!

What a great talker!

Attached: hila3.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Quick run down on Hila?

Bill Burr is one of the worst podcast guests. He does his rounds each time he has a special or cartoon or w/e and you can tell he just wants to get it over with. Unremarkable.


You could tell that Bill could have went off when he asked if his wife got an epidural during childbirth.

Need to see her feet first.

She's an ugly kike with a speech impediment that does nothing but agree with her fat, unfunny husband and nod occasionally.

that's so crazy

portuguese faggot

Not Portuguese. I'm from UMA DELÍCIA.

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even worst

Why? Brazil is based. Amazônia and shit.

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i speak portuguese fluently but somehow can't understand you guys in a conversation no matter how hard i try, y'all probably alright but your accent kills me sometimes

I think the accent from Portugal is horrible, but if I were Portuguese would probably think the same about Brazilian Portuguese.

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E. Celebs are members of streaming platforms, which are now very clearly/tv/.

>user complains about Burr. Who has his own tv show and have been on others. Not the E-celeb or podcasts which are the actually non related stuff.

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It's true that Ethan acted like a total spergy hack sure, but it is HIS show after all. Even though Bill Burr is a bigger name than Klein it's the onus of the guest to try and adapt themselves to the format of the show they're on. And Bill didn't even try, making sure it was a massive cringefest instead of entertaining. Those massive gaps of awkward silence were on Burr's shoulders. Not Ethan's. You think Bill would act like this on Letterman, Norm McDonald or Graham Norton or Joe Rogan? Of course he wouldn't.


He would but he doesn't have to because these are his equals.

Yeah cause we didn't know Disney would spend billions for it to not flop but yeah they lost money on it. And will lose a ton more on their next films. But seethe more tranny

As bad as it was I did find it kinda funny that Bill was sorta hitting on her and Hilla was getting wet while Ethan was totally oblivious to getting cucked. I hope next podcast Burr brings some black bulls to the studio so they can both watch her get spitroasted.

Dated a girl who looked like Hila. But German not Jewish. Super slut tho but I miss her sometimes nonetheless.

>totally oblivious to getting cucked
I kinda have a feeling he enjoys cuck porn.

No, hey probably wouldn't act that way, seeing as they actually a have basic understanding of how to talk to people.

I liked how Bill would look at Ethan the same way dangerous inmates look at the white collar crime guy in the cafeteria as in"I can rape him and take his pudding whenever I want" kinda look. Very predatory.

didnt bill literally get cucked? like the kid doesnt have a shred of ginger in it, it's 100% ape

His black wife just gave their child one hundred percent black genes that's all. Wink wink nudge nudge

Cool blogpost

Hey pls no bully Hila is kinda qt. It's not her fault that Ethan's a sperg

Gimme a like and Click Subscribe while you're at it

Ethan disgusts me but I like Hila

It's not e-celeb loving faggots making a controversy out of nothing
it's e-celeb hating faggots that are, they hate e-celebs and exaggerate things about them going badly in favor of other celebs they worship

Loyal Jewish woman who bore her rich Jew husband a kid for a better life for her kid