This fucking bitch

This fucking bitch.....

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What's the problem? Money is a direct result of merit & the two are interchangeable

>14 days

Is she out yet?

Not really true, especially in the case of Hollywood stars.

damn Fargo 2 looks like THAT?

do women rape each other in prison?

that bitch doesnt need an education, what the fuck is a ged good for when you can get by making a fortune on blowjobs?

If you made the money you deserved it

Cheating on the SAT is at an all time high. They had to cancel the test completely in South Korea a few years ago because there was so much cheating. The media wants this to be the public face of who's cheating on entrance exams etc.


Based karma user

>14 days
That'll show her!

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>do women rape each other in prison?
Only if the cute one does a shower

Bad Education is fucking kino. It's one of the rare cases where I actually would kind of like an English-language remake because the cultures are so different so the way it's all done would be interesting to see adapted

Good. Hopefully this brings the US one step closer to seeing what a scam college is.

>The judge said she didn't relish sending Huffman to prison, but believed it was the right call.

>"I don't think anyone wants to be going to prison, I do think this is the right sentence here," she said. "You move forward and you can rebuild your life after this. You pay your dues."

>The actress was ordered to report to prison by Oct. 25.

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hope this one never gets work again
too bad her husband is employed in shameless
fuck these rich cunts

America still has its wealthy family circles trying to stay alive as best as possible. One by one they drop though. The Huffmans are one and they’re also connected to Hollywood. The fact that she even got 14 days is a win. Soon it will be many many days. It just takes time.

>The pleb rich think they can bribe tests to be marked correctly and get away with it
The real rich just donate a new lab and library and their kids slide right in lol

>You move forward and you can rebuild your life after this. You pay your dues."
Jesus Christ, she's in there for 2 weeks, not 20 years. Nothing is going to change for her.

14 days. that's county time. that ain't shit.

Based retard

>I don't think anyone wants to be going to prison
This is the intelligence of an American judge.

You could simply become a transgender to get into any school you want.

Seriously, the admission procedure is completely fucked up. I don't see anything morally wrong to cheat in a corrupt system.

>760 math, 740 english, 660 writing
what did you guys get on the SAT

she's a woman user

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Ok now go after all of the rich chinese students cheating on exams

Oh wait, the university system profits from that one

shes gets to spend halloween in prison!

Based poorfag.

>report to prison
>just pick out two weeks in the next two months that work best for you
How is this even a punishment?

She's white and she's rich.

I do not envy you little niggas that still sneed to go to college.

She's an old lady convicted of bribery. They're not going to put her with murderers. She'll have a nice two-week getaway. Maybe she can read a few books, think about stuff, find herself.

she was the first to plead guilty so she was given a lighter sentence

college is only a scam if you follow the normie route. if you wait a couple years, save money and don’t buy into housing, food plans and books you’ll save yourself a good bit

does she have to actually go to prision or is it a simbolic thing?

She'll be sent back due to overcrowding.

posts to smart for 4channel
RIP in peace


lol, classic women

She plead guilty the other one from full house is the one thats fucked

Deshawn and all the other BVLLS will be waiting for her daughters at college

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The only reason shit like this doesn't change is because people want to believe they if they get one day then these perks and flaws in the system will benefit them if they just keep their mouths shut.

Land of the free.

You pissed off a lot of communists with this one.


wonder how much jail time a normal person would have gotten

>women in authoritative positions
She sounds like she just put a kid in the corner lmao

>14 days
That's not how that works.

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>fourteen days
I wager she's gonna come out and cry about how cruel the criminal system is and that she is traumatized by the experience. In two weeks we find out.

>14 days
she'll get 2 for good behavior

>make donation to university
>kid gets in because of this
>pay $10,000 to have your kid put on the 'athlete' list

All that hoopla for mere 14 days. Talk about unwarranted amount of talk about the whole thing.

prison is such a retarded concept

>14 days

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What would you do with all the niggers?

Taxpayers get to pay for it.

Possible chance she'll get shanked.

this is fucked up. shows that the greedy jews are trying to preserve a collapsing college/university industry.

fuck college
fuck reddit
and fuck liberals

>secretly corrected
She should at least open a civil case to get her money back.

What a stupid thing to send someone to prison. Prison is only really to keep dangerous people away from society because they can function in it. Your taxes are paying to lock her up for what? Nothing. Give her community service, make her sponsor a black kids education or something. Punishment fit the crime and all thathsit.

>14 days

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why punish her? she did what any parent would do
and how the fuck is this a criminal offense? this is a private matter

>in South Korea
Asians always cheat because they have no morals. Cheating rarely happens in the US.

Do poorfags get to choose when they go to jail in America?

Cheating is just a game in and of itself.

i wish there was a system where one could do famous people prison time in exchange for cash
for instance, felicity would pay me 10k or so and i would do her 15-day sentence - literally, i mean, a 30 year old tanned med would stay 15 days in a women's prison

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Jesus, I bet she got off sending black kids to jail for smoking weed

Isn't that the dude that wants his daughters to be whores or some shit? Yeah great parenting

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Both of those are wrong. You've been brainwashed by the wealthy if you think otherwise.

wat's a med?

let me guess, teh judge is a roastie too.

southern euro. but 'med' is a shorter word

Imagine, if you will, actually falling for the college meme in present day.

>thinks fraud isn't a crime worth punishing
No wonder your country is fucked

"Make this for me so i can profit from it, my parents will fund it"
>self made
And people will still think its true

This isn't just rich people anymore either, it's happening in all kinds of legal situations (especially with women).
Locally there was a woman convicted for human trafficking of a minor and she was sentenced to 4 years in jail, but she's actually out on bail now for an appeal. She probably won't serve any more time.
And another dude just got out for distributing cocaine, committed 4 robberies (2 of them armed) and he's out.

Go home, Rand. No-one is buying it.

Whites gotta do what they gotta do to get into college. Gotta overcome nigger privilege

ya das my point

>14 days

what a joke

t. roastie or fag
they should expel her daughter too though

Why do Americans revel in their ignorance while also waving the flag at being the first on the moon? Do they not understand the term 'cognitive dissonance'?

this is impressive as fuck though

Oh, sorry. I missed that.

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based and redpilled

Meanwhile the kids of the super rich don't even need to write exams to get into whatever school they want

pls tell me the mental gymnastics how it isnt
if it was as easy to be a billionaire as being popular face on tv, we would have way more billionaires
shes worth more than anyone else in her family

This. It's like fining banks $1M for illegally making $100M, but still letting them keep the $100M.

Everyone ITT saying college is a scam is either too poor or too stupid to get a STEM degree and actually contribute something to society. Keep flipping burgers and seething over your $100k loan debt while I pay mine off in 5 years

Has /ourguy/ Tim Pool done a 30 minute video on it where he reads us the article and says some generic shit?

Thats literally just an asian phenomenon. Well, Asian and gulf ragheads like Saudis and Egyptians.

>had her daughter been black they would have just pass her with a full ride
black privilege

>She'll be sent back due to overcrowding.
This. Time served thanks to the children's benefit she attended and was photographed wearing a designer dress at. Also she promised to never do it again.