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But why?

WHY, the faggots.

wasnt gonna watch it anyway

What’s this Hollywood tabloid schlock you’re posting on my board OP you literal homosexual bottom feeder?

Terror attack by a mud on the metro

Because they knew DCucks like you would shoot up the place when your shitty Joker movie loses badly

>muh company war
Go back to r*ddit nigger

people involved aren't going to stay in toronto for two weeks just for a chance to receive some award, no point on holding it there.

It's fake, you goons

Your obsession with DC is unhealthy

Whats tiff?

winner hasn't even been chosen yet

Tits, you virgin

It's not you fucking retard

It's kind of lame, but on the other hand Award Ceremonies are boring as fuck.

>Toronto made the decision to announce the award recipients via press release and social media owing to the fact that by the festival’s 10th and final day, many filmmakers have left the city

Gee, it’s almost like those filmmakers have films to make.

Nobody likes Toronto. Everyone's going back home.

>tried to buy tiff package last month
>they don't accept gift cards online

So fucking stupid. Just love that expect me to go all the way downtown in person just to buy anything.

>Nobody likes Toronto

Absolutely everyone hates Toronto. It's like any American big city, but without the history, money, or charm. It's the most soulless place in Canada.

At least it's not Montreal.

Tiff is the best high res file format, prove me wrong you can’t