Any kinos with this aesthetic?

Any kinos with this aesthetic?

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speaking of cooming...

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Attached: yes.jpg (2000x1189, 347K)

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He seems so happy and wholesome. Based coomer.

Attached: 1563179277900.jpg (532x709, 137K)

Attached: 1562981820615.jpg (900x1200, 191K)

based coomer
this proves that the pic of him on his phone was just a bad angle and he's actually a happy chill guy who likes to coom

What a fucking chad, holy kino

>not taking a photo with Bridget in the background

That's how I yawn. My jaw is kind of unhinged, so I can actually get it that far open sometimes, if I got a really big one to get out.


Attached: 1568323061857.jpg (2784x2256, 2.63M)

he's from Finland btw and works as a janitor

Attached: 1551482367793.png (518x617, 475K)

Are you fucking retarded?

who was this whore again?

I love Madison

holy shit he looks halfway normal here

he just need eyebrows

I don't recognize any of these whores except madison ivy. why did he take pics with literal whos instead of actually relevant pornstars?

What picture?

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Attached: 1547567585585.jpg (1050x1374, 381K)

>Finnish janitors can afford to visit foreign countries to get pics at porn conventions with their favorite BLACKED actresses
damn i was wrong about socialism after all

Britney Amber

he looks like the yellow bastard from sin city

Attached: 1541652505381.jpg (598x439, 42K)

He looks genuinely pleased to meet these porn stars. It's endearing.

What's up with this picture. looks normal to me.

>he's having fun so he's wholesome
The absolute state of cumbrains.

That meme is done now that we've all seen what a happy Chad the coomer actually is.

t. cumbrain

Some of the happiest times of my life have been when I've been watching pornography so I'm proud to be a cumbrain. It's such a based feeling when I see a new scene from one of my top QT girls.

Is this the coomers final form?


But who is he?

That's just sad and pathetic, and frankly, a good indicator of low intelligence levels.

>Loving to cum to attractive woman makes me low IQ
Sure thing.

Ins't that the NPC from San Andreas?

Attached: A5066504-BF70-4A2B-A6E0-D46593DFB19A.jpg (711x399, 34K)

Don't let this be you, stop fapping before it's too late bros
