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Other urls found in this thread:


I prefer bald Kano from the arcade games than the hairy British version.

You mean “kangaroo ate my baby cocaine Kano”.?


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Name a more kino and recognizable theme song

>Trevor Joseph Goddard (14 October 1962 – 7 June 2003) was an English actor.
>On 7 June 2003, Goddard was found dead in his home in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California. He was 40 years old. Initial reports indicated that Goddard was in the process of getting a divorce and that suicide was suspected. An autopsy later showed that Goddard died from a drug overdose of heroin, cocaine, temazepam and vicodin.

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best track of best album


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MK1 Kano had remaining hair, while by the time MK3 rolled around, Richard Divizio opted for the cueball look.
Also, Kano has been Australian since the movie, he was never British.

Attached: kano-mk1story2.gif (377x254, 45K)

>Also, Kano has been Australian since the movie, he was never British.

Officially yeah but he came across as a British London gangster type in the movie with that stereotypical hard man accent.

Also, Kano bald or hairy has never looked better than in MK11.

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Best fight in the movie.

There are literal plebs who think the live-action Street Fighter can compete with this and its excellent fight scenes.

more like kino

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Why does he wear the mask?

The definition of chad

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sonya was so fine in this movie, childhood boner for me

Does the one on the right completely bald? Or does he shave his chest hair?

For me, it was Mortal Kombat Conquest.

Attached: mortal kombat conquest.jpg (1440x1080, 212K)

Aside from the obvious, his shaving habits aren't disclosed. He's the younger version, so he was probably into waxing at some point while the one on the left just lets it grow. And who could blame him, at 50, his follicles below the neck have long gone into overdrive.

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***Unknown voice over in a movie format***
***Beat start playing****

>both fighters have the upper hand in various stages of the fight until one gets knocked off their game
It's annoying how rare this is in general.

Fuck you, I liked it

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>MK11 is just a massive callback to the movie

Lets be honest here, the classic movie theme remix in the launch trailer made everyone hyped as FUCK

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he's the soul of the MK movie
his scene with goro is the best

Kano should be turned into a Baxter Stockman-like character.
Only his head should be human, the rest a robot body.

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user they already did that

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>you will never be between those thighs
Also the song was pretty cool.

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>Paul W. S. Anderson directs MK and Event Horizon
>gets stuck doing numerous shitty Resident Evil films for entirety after

Where did it all go so wrong?

Friendly reminder Pete Sampras gets to smash Sonya every night

No,they need to turn Kano into a big robot. Like the guy from Mace

Attached: warmech.png (1280x720, 969K)

>kano was originally japanese
>trevor goddard got the role
>was so good as kano he was changed to australian in game
Super based.

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I know right? Scorpion vs Johnny Cage had the same flow.

Seriously, this meme has been popular for months and NO ONE has done a Johnny Cage/Liu Kang edit, or a drawing of it

He must have fooled those American casting people well because he didn't do an Aussie accent in the movie at least, fuck knows what he did in the audition.

Everybody did

My face when someone says let's watch Mortal Kombat. And I say cool and then it's the wrong movie with the wrong fucking Sonya.

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Jax was the best and only good thing about MK Annihilation.

You have a point there.


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Milla jovovich

You mean KINO

How many time have people told you lets watch Mortal Kombat

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I honestly believe Johnny Cage could have defeated Shang Tsung.

Is it kano?

>Giant Shao Kahn shows up to ruin your day

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Why they make 11 Kano so sexy?

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That's because Trevor Goddard was an inveterate liar who told people he was a successful pro boxer from Australia, in an era where fact-checking was pretty hard.

He was just a Brit.

wait, is he an ironman ripoff? Red heart/powercell thing?

...interesting choice/interpretation....

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Based Trev.

I don't think so, he's pretty much always looked like that. Just not daddy nekid before. Most MK characters are absolutely Big Trouble In Little China ripoffs though.

>movie theme remix
Post yfw "Test your might!".

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Over 10,000 years old

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More than one but less than five? Probably because I sperg about the original being the only real movie. And touch myself to Sonya.

You just know Timothy Dalton smashed it.

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This puny mortal will be no problem...I'll crush him in one blow.

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He was based.

Totally redeemed as a Bond.

>not even posting said trailer
How fucked with lootboxes is it bros?

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Probably. He beat Shinnok and took on Scorpion and Sub Zero at the same time in mkX

Personally I love it. All the games had a “pay to unlock everything in the krypt” option but honestly running the online towers gives plenty of resources so you feel like you’re working towards something I guess.

Ahhh back before everything was done with crappy CG


Why not post video game version of movie Shang Tsung?

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe.

How can I achieve this look, Yea Forums?
He pulls it off so well

Johnny Cage is a beast who gets hated on for meme reasons

Be very hairy and a big guy.

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Its not any worse than any other game with boxes. U dont HAVE to go for em. I find the pace of the gameplay a little slower compared to X which took a minute to get used to, but its alright either way.

>spits all over her leg

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He could never feel this high again, and tried to recreate it with terrible consequences

MKX and MK11 turned him into the best written character

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bisping should play kano next

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not a bad casting actually

True, but his flash kick/dash kick always made him top tier id you knew how to set up.

>or maybe all my friends are scrubs

Disgusting as shit. Kano is not white trash.

Eat nothing but turkey and HGH. Unironically.

>Kano is not white trash.

He very much is.


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>oi I’m fookin Kano ya cunt

this movie had no right to be as good as it was. how did it happen and why have no video game movies ever been able to come even close?

Why did he try to fight Goro after seeing him murder over a dozen dudes?

I can see how Americans could confuse English and Aussie people, both can be vaguely similar.

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Maybe he thought beating all those guys made him tired.

He's hot. Tom Hardy is a literal piece of garbage.

>He's hot.

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He should have lured him outside the ring to a fucking cliff since that's not against the rules apparently.

Johnny Cage was dragged to hell. The rules are whatever they want them to be.

whens the new mortal kombat movie come out?

Look how ugly this dude is. It's like they went to some frat house in the midwest and just picked up the dude who looked like he was most likely to give a blowjob for meth.

>Christopher Lambert contributed significantly to the film, both in terms of production and finances. The budget was very tight and stretched so thin by the shoot that the production couldn't afford to fly Lambert to Thailand and provide room and board, thus Lambert's shooting was to be done in an LA studio after principal photography, with Raiden only to appear in the opening of the film. Lambert however offered to pay for his own entire trip if it meant the producers could add more Raiden scenes as they had intended. On top of this, the budget was so maxed by the end of the shoot that the producers couldn't afford a wrap party. Lambert paid for an extravagant wrap party for the cast and crew out of his own pocket.

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Wow nice.

oh nooo please dont put your pussy and asshole near my face nooooo


>tfw best movie + best song


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Hollywood needs more Lamberts and less pedophiles


Scott Adkins as Johnny Cage and Amy Johnston as Sonya Blade pls.


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Thread themeyoutube.com/watch?v=LNFFTeAepw8

That song was the best. First CD I ever owned was this soundtrack. Also this song kicked so much ass:

>still no sign of Mileena

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For me, it was MK2.


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>To my biggest fan.
>From, Johnny Cage

For me, its Rebirth

Attached: sonya mortal kombat.webm (720x405, 731K)

Based Michael Jai White.

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She cute


It's kino.


Matt Schulze could certainly bit the bill looks wise.

Digits cofirm

>removing sunglasses doubles his strength
>breaking his sunglasses quadruples it

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Because they know

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I honestly could not believe that Paul W. S. Anderson did Mortal Kombat and Event Horizon. I had to look it up just to verify it. He apparently also did the AVP movie.

What the fuck was this guy thinking?

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that subzero wouldn't cheat?

is this really what happens when britain and russia combine?


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fun fact about Lambert, apparently he's practically blind without his glasses so he memorized all the sword fights in the highlander movies because he literally couldn't see the other guys sword when filming the fights and he messed up once and nearly got disemboweled when he took a slash across the ribs

Subs power is so broken in real life they had to nerf him for the movie.

Attached: François_Petit_as_Sub-Zero.jpg (320x240, 11K)

Who would you cast for Bo Rai Cho?

Attached: bo rai cho.png (320x320, 204K)

John Goodman 10 years ago.


beats this one?

I have infinite love for how the announcer just says the name of the character out of nowhere.

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hes the chosen one. Not luke

based random outworld announcer.

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imagine the smell

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man, a good mortal kombat movie with actually good cgi is all i want

>this movie had no right to be as good as it was. how did it happen and why have no video game movies ever been able to come even close?
the fucking 90s dude. Born 91 and feel like i missed out on so much still

Mortal Kombat (1995), Street Fighter: The Animated Movie (1994), and Silent Hill (2006) are the only truly good videogame to movie adaptations.

Attached: silent hill.webm (1920x820, 466K)

qt catto!!!

I used to work with a guy who said he liked Mortal Kombat. I asked him which game. He said he didn't like the games, but he really liked the TV show. We had this conversation in 2007.

based kmfdm,


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street fighter had raul julia and watching him as Bison is worth every other flaw in that movie.

also kylie minogue

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How did NRS get away with this?

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Kylie could at least do a credible British accent tbqh. She was the least of the films problem, Ryu and Ken were relegated to sidekicks while JCVD's Guile was the main focus.

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and yet his solo game was so broken no one has ever finished it, ever

Based Project A-ko

He went wrong from a film perspective. He went right in a life perspective.

For me, it was Cyber City.


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I love her.

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reason i have daddy issues