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What comedian is ever gonna wanna audition for snl anymore now knowing all these (((vultures))) are gonna dog in your trying to find any examples of using no-no words or having moments of wrongthink
*knowing these vultures are all gonna dig into your past
Fuck I hate autocorrect and being phone poster
what happened? also is mccusker even a fucking comedian anymore
Shane got added to the cast of Saturday Night Live (for real) and woke faggots on twitter are trying to get him fired for saying chink and faggot.
Based Luis
No one cares Shane. No one even watches SNL anymore. It’s over. Go invest in a startup and say the trannies hate that instead. Invest your energy into something else.
based louis gay homosex
Based Mullen
Any comedian who is defending Shane is a real ass dude/chick in my view. And any comedian trashing him (Chris "Faggot" Gethard) or just too cowardly to defend him, is fucking gayer than ISIS.
Fuck off tripfag.
Yeah in times like these I see who the real comics are who the just plain faggot comics are. Of course supreme faggot Paul F Tompkins had a snarky post on Instagram mocking Shane o know Paul is one of those PC IS GOOD FOR COMEDY!! fags
t. Shane shillis
I think this thought process might be the reason Shane Gillis doesn't lose his job.
SNL isn't what it use to be for comedians.. As a matter of fact, there's a long history of comedians not being on SNL and being megastars compared to comedians on SNL that have fizzled out quickly.
I doubt dude gets fired or punished in anway.. SNL needs people to need SNL.
I fucking knew he'd cuck out. Patton is too. Patton was so funny, but at this point I'm willing to say he's irredeemable. Jeselnik is a real one though. Hope to see him at Skankfest instead of Clusterfest next time. He's too funny for that crowd.
Why did they do it? Just to get ratings and then fire him right away?
Tripfags are gay but this one happens to be right this time. SNL is a boomer meme.
Joe DeRosa is also a real ass dude.
How would they try and cancel the clown prince?
>dude his his DREAM came true today, therefore he is now immune for criticism about anything!
Even if snl fires him I think there’s gonna be a lot of comedians (real comedians, not these LA hipster queers who call themselves comics) who have his back and will think it’s fucking ridiculous what’s being done
He's still a faggot
Nick doesn’t have to worry since no tv show will ever hire him he’s too cool for tv!
Michael Che is bros with the Skanks and he'll have Shane's back for sure. I feel bad for Shane though. This is how the normies find out about him. But if they don't fire him, he'll be the best cast member since Norm.
He was also 100% right about Owen Benjamin
>dude I knew about his wrongdoings this whole time but I'm gonna wait to expose him
There was no reason to "expose" him before, he was a nobody to 95% of people
But now that's he on SNL, he's a somebody so of course it's time to speak on something when people will actually care
I just hate every "omg happiest day of life leave alone!!!", if he molested someone therefore someone should just shut up because le big day?
He was. I think when they left on they were on semi-friendly terms though. I saw a clip of Owen where after shitting on Joe, Joe reached out to him and they hashed some things out. Sent each other funny memes and stuff. They'll probably never be friends again, but I don't think they hate each other right now, which is about all you can hope for in Owen's situation.
Even if they don’t fire him now all the normies are gonna go into the season hating him no matter if he’s funny or not. He’s so not the modern day beta queer snl demo at all, the hiring of him was bizarre before the whole shitshow started. In the 90s when snl used to get edgier stand-ups maybe, but modern snl? He’ll no, good point about Che forgot he’s kinda part of that circle I don’t know how he can stand being around these people knowing how “problematic” he’s seen to the alt scene
I was very surprised when I saw it, but if all the woke losers stop watching SNL, even better. Shane will make SNL great again. I saw some bluecheck whining about this guy being cast as part of "America's most important platforms."
shane called gethard a lil bitch, and he was 100% correct
Can we cancel Bobby Lee for being racist against asians on MadTV?
Apparently Gethard responded before deleting the tweets saying he's never heard of Shane but he's sure he's better than him.
List of comedians who are real ass dudes:
Luis J Gomez
Nick Mullen
Joe DeRosa
Anthony Jeselnik
Tim Dillon
Big Jay Oakerson
Dan Soder
Ari Shaffir
Corrine Fisher
List of comedians who are fucking gayer than ISIS:
Chris Gethard
Patton Oswalt
Paul F. Tompkins
Feel free to add to the lists.
>Luis J Gomez
>Nick Mullen
>Joe DeRosa
>Anthony Jeselnik
>Tim Dillon
>Big Jay Oakerson
>Dan Soder
>Ari Shaffir
>Corrine Fisher
I was telling you people PFT was an extreme faggot last week and nobody believed me
Tim Dillon and Luis J Gomez are lovers, but the rest are straight so far as I know.
Dillon seems like such an alpha bro it’s hard to believe he’s a fudgepacker
I'd like to kick him in the head till he stops moving
He just pretends to be gay because he knows it’ll be easier to get work in weirdo Hollywood since he’s an LA fag now