So I just marathoned the trailer for this

Should I keep watching? Is it good?

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It got bad reviews in spite of its on-the-nose political commentary about refugees. You can take whatever you want from that.

It's boring. Chosen one trite shit. Awful pacing. Shitty performances. Zero chemistry. Political bullshit.
If you want to know how Yea Forums feels about it, know that it's been out for a couple of weeks and threads about didn't even reach 100 replies (less than 20 on average).

There arc through the season is pretty good.

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it definitely gets better
any retard who complains about the politics is a /pol/ drone getting triggered. Carnival Row is exactly as much about racism and immigration as Star Wars is about Nazism. Not at all.

I liked penny dreadful is this any kino ?

>Carnival Row is exactly as much about racism and immigration as Star Wars is about Nazism.
I made it to episode 4 before dropping it and both issues are pretty substantial themes.

Seen first ep and the thing that bothered me most were nigger fairies. Fucking culture appropriation.
Sure has some "muh racism" shit but in that context wasn't so bad. Also Cara acts fine.
Given the fact that they presented it as a total libtard shitfest in the trailer and plot summary, I was pleasantly surprised on that front as it wasn't as cringe as I was expecting.
But I was expecting more pronounced steampunk.

I´ve seen just one episode of it so i can´t really say anything other than the production values are good.

Orlando Boomer is ok as a detective but Delevinge is as terrible as ever (still hot though. The short hair kind of becomes her). I´ll probably resume watching it after i finish the puppet kino one.

More Kobolds plz !

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Main storyline is a sherlock holmes type investigation in 19th century London-like, quite boring to be honest.
Bunch of absolutely retarded secondary storyline, leading nowhere, horribly written, with the subtlety of an elephant in heat
>I seed chaos to create opportunities muaahaha i'm a villain and I'll literally say this multiples times
>blacked relationship absolutely disconnected from anything, yet takes up like a third of each episode, despite being obvious as fuck and you'll already know before hand how every scene will play out beat by beat

I wish the whole show was as fantastic as the episode 3.

More sjw garbage. Don't bother.

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> Delevinge is as terrible as ever
No she's not.
But more importantly, what puppet kino?


Was this scene really necessary?

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i enjoyed it. cara is a lot better in this than i thought, and hotter.

That's a nice incandescent light bulb !


>both issues are pretty substantial themes
It's a theme as far as a structure under which the protagonists can navigate and disrupt. At no point does it ever try to make a statement about racism or immigration. It does not preach. It does not patronize. Institutional racism is literally just the society half of man vs society exactly as the clear Nazi analogue is the society in Star Wars under which Luke navigates and disrupts.
It has other problems like bad dialog, bad acting and disconnected storylines, but if you're seriously triggered by the exaggerated depictions of racists and xenophobes because you think they're trying to say something about it, you're a retard. Star Wars never says anything about Nazis. Carnival Row doesn't say anything about racists/xenophobes. It's a murder mystery/police procedural/romance. If anything that one scene where the rich goat man says his home is way more homogeneous than the city and that he made his money hunting other escaped goat men is the one time it gives you something to think about and it's literally the opposite of the SJW agenda.

Got my interest.

What I want to know is if there are people who can literally, demonstrably tell the future and read people's minds through their livers, why aren't any of them on the police force?

I'm on Episode 5 already, reminds me a lot of Dishonored. Pretty decent but I dunno if I could recommend to a lot of people.

His hat bothered me like crazy because I kept expecting it to fall off. Also it looks ridiculous, why not have a bigger hat made?

his mustache looked like a bad prosthetic. Definitely think his costume and facial hair were distracting and could have been made better - especially if they made him look closer in age to the girl.

good production value
okish story
hot fairy sex
face rubbed in SJW

They had to hire the niggerest looking nigger to play the puck that blacks Tamzin Merchant's character.

It's great.
There are minority themes that are sensitive for certain viewers, but it's a good industrial era fantasy show. Cute lovestories, nice intrigue and mystery(though perhaps a bit obvious, but it's nice at least that it's solvable), really cool setting.

Any gay characters in this?

What's the problem user?
Prefer to have scenes fade to black with presumed sex instead of showing it?

2 bisexual fairies.
Another gay character who hides his gayness

The bisexual are males?
Can you just give me the names or post a picture to see if they're hot
I'm assuming there's no gay sex. ,right?

Delevigne and here Faery ex-girlfriend at the whorehouse.
Part of the main arc : The Doc who wingerectomized Legolas.

Don't care about the chicks desu
What?! give me the name of the actor please

it's garbage. one-dimensional characters, tired fantasy tropes, on-the-nose hollywood "liberal" political messaging. they think we're idiots.

No visible mangay sex.

Old gay couple. And a sad love story.

well thanks. not watching. don't care about cara and the lesbos. couldn't they just write a super hot pair of blonde gay male fairies. no second season for this one

From the first episode "racism" limits itself to the following:
People in some country of humans are butthurt of faery refugees. The thing is those faeries were allied with these humans against other country and they lost the war. I'd say this kind of "racism" given the context is not justified at all.
Maybe it will get worse and have hamfisted sjw bullshit along the way to which point I'll definitively drop it.

what episode

>one-dimensional characters
Nope, see this :
>tired fantasy tropes
That's a Steampunk-Shadowrunesque world wild a Sherlock Holmes vibe.

>on-the-nose hollywood "liberal" political messaging
Lel, you're didn't see the show : The "Tories" win in the end at the "Lord's Assembly".

>That's a Steampunk-Shadowrunesque world wild a Sherlock Holmes vibe.
>lists a bunch of existing tired tropes

Ok, name one other show with that vibe plz.

If you can make it past the first three episodes of cheesy romance setup, it gets a lot better an towards the end turns into an unexpected gem.

why would anyone want to subject themselves to this filth?

Mr Agreus is based af. Which was a welcome surprise.

Problem is, while the writers are busy going through their checklist of mandatory thing to include in a TV show (interracial relationship, gay and lesbian couples, strong young independent woman who spend her life in reclusion but once she's out instantly becomes a master of seduction and manipulation, stupid old white political men and sleazy racist young white entrepreneur etc.) they actually forget to write a compelling story for their main characters.
So much more could have been done with such a great settings and production design, checking SJW boxes was not one of them.

The flashback episode was a drag

I could barely finish the first episode. Its just so hamfisted and blatant about everything, it might as well be a fucking text list of current day political bitching.

>I'd say this kind of "racism" given the context is not justified at all.
Why not?
They look different, they flood the city, bring crime, low morals, drugs, and they work for less pay so lower class burgishmen lose jobs. Racism is very well justified.

Idk if is a nig or abo

Combining a bunch of different tropes into one setting doesn't make it unique or necessarily interesting. The guy was saying it had tired fantasy tropes and your argument was that it did but it had a lot of them? I don't even understand what you're saying since you've basically proved his point.

It was the best episode, because it's the only one concerned with actually telling a story.
>muh sherlock holmes
>"hum i wonder who is the perpetrator of those murders, I guess i'll find out by the last episode where i'll be able to stop them after a short fight"

penny dreadful was way better

because they were supposed to be allies.


That's not how things work

And if the general public consensus before the war was in favor of such alliance, fucking them over after they lost the war is scumbaggery.

But it is. Either you share the burdens or it is a fake alliance on your part. Thus you'd be a kike rat.

Thats the feeling I got too!I would watch the shit out of a dishonored miniseries in the style of carnival row...

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yes to be honest if i want to see sex i can go watch porn seeing it try to be artsy or beautiful in a film that isn't a romance does nothing but waste my time
>but boobs
i can see tits whenever i want difference is im not forced to see black on white porn when i wanna see em unlike this

No it fucking isn't. Not in the show, and not in real life.
12 out of 20 aristocrats in parliament deciding to go to war, and then rich capitalists bringing over cheap labor doesn't make the poor native workers happy.

Especially with stuff like the trains, architecture and magic elements. Was half expecting Corvo to blink in and start stabbing.

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So... it does have to do with racism and immigration? You just confirmed that guys post

Dark Crystal AoR.

They pay for the consequences of losing as it is natural. They pay for consequences of losing the war. They pay for consequences of having a bad leadership. And the leadership itself will pay for consequences of bad decisions. Probably I won't see such far reaching consequences in this show, but surely I see it IRL.

>Dark Crystal AoR.
> Animation
> not japanese

They're pixies and the police hate them.

Irrelevant nonsense that doesn't approach any of the arguments or problems previously mentioned.
Don't post if you can't remain coherent.

So are the Pact scumbags or not? Also why did they do that thing like Attack on Titan and inject themselves to become monsters

yes, and if you're disturbed by depictions of racism in Carnival Row, you're the same kind of asshole as the ones who can't handle a movie without black people or depictions of Mohammad. You're unable to see past your own belief system to understand how something can incorporate an idea (racism, lack of diversity, mohammad) and not be ABOUT that idea and have nothing to say about that idea in the same way Star Wars has nothing to say about Nazis. Use your fucking brain jesus christ you complain about leftist brainwashing but you idiots are so much further gone.

>So are the Pact scumbags or not?
Seems like they're a bit worse, but not sure how much worse.
Considering the barbed wire forest in the beginning.
>other thing
I think the writers idea was that it was a tactical advantage, but it didn't really look like it.
Maybe with 1 of them doing it while the others tried to snioe it could've been.

illiterate baboon

Yes it does, braindead imbecile. You blame their leadership as if it isn't THEIRS.
What? They're run by kikes like us? Even if they were, it is still their fault for letting that happen in the first place and tolerating it in the second place.

And that ONLY SUPPOSING the general population wasn't fine with the war.

I honestly don't get much of the hate for Orlando Bloom, guy's been at least serviceable throughout his career.

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What kind of bizarre bubble are you living in?
People don't like it when foreigners come and compete for their jobs, driving down wages.
Not in real life, or in the show as mentioned.
That makes it easy for them to justify racist sentiments, in real life and the show.
Everyone doesn't stay non-racist and soley blame politicians.