New TV spot shows new footage

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we're not going to fucking take it anymore

I absolutely can't wait for this shit.

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society is quaking at the breeches

We've already seen the whole fucking film at this point.

Why are white men beating up a jew in the train? It was always africans that did this back then

like good little boys

They could tell he was gay, everyone beat up fags to blow off some steam back then.

This movie is my Black Panther

ok, his laugh is cool

We need to pin a NEET movement to this movie. Calling a NEET an Incel will be like calling a black person a nigger. Some day we could be elected to office for identifying as a NEET and telling stories of our hardships and bigots calling us incels. Our NEET Party presidential candidate will sit next to his podium playing Hearthstone on his phone while other candidates debate. We could have our own NEET colleges where we never leave our dorm rooms. This movie is our movie.

Gamers rise up.

its because he doesnt try to be edgy like damaged leto

Is there a more impotent limp wristed stance than thinking heath ledger is the only good joker? This shits gotta stop

This movie is going to have an insame amount of second-hand embarrassment and cringe inducing moments.

Only for Autists

>oh I’m not going to kill you
>I’m just going to give you what you really, really deserve

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These 16 seconds alone were enough to rekindle my hype and amp it up to the roof

top kek

Phoenix joker is going to be leagues above Ledger

And I agree

Man, don't you just hate it when well dressed white men gang up on you and beat you up for no reason?

why is he so cute bros

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Remember rise up when they play send in the clowns

not in a working society sweaty


>TV spots can't be kin-

That was a kino tv spot. The promotion for this movie has been exceptional.

This desu

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does anyone have a way of downloading the camrip? The torrent on pirate's bay is an unplayable mkv file

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that fucking dancing in the bathroom looks so kino desu

Fuck yeah.

That's fucking fantastic.

train scene clip
filescatbox moe/c332w3.mp4

I meant files catbox moe/c332w3.mp4

Remember that Batman story where Joker was an incel loser with no genius to him, just a sad loser?