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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't get it

Challenger (and any other "modern muscle") does this anyway.

literally get married and have sex

Don't listen to this user.

There's nothing wrong with wanting a muscle car with bluetooth connectivity and heated seats.

>no car
>no guns cus europoor
>no friends
>no money
I had nothing to begin with

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American healthcare is the joke

>bluetooth connectivity
>heated seats
>cant afford one or two kids

None of those things need to go away if you actually have a decent wife instead of some random thot you impregnated, retard.

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Having a child helps you move past your short sighted desire for temporary, material pleasures and realize that the greatest of joys in our lifetime is to raise another human being


Based and truthpilled. All I want is a good wife and to have children. Where's my Rachael. God please help me.

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I really liked the part where Captain Marvel took the infinity gauntlet and eliminated half of the testosterone in the universe

Man, what a crazy ending. I really did not expect Carol Danvers to utilize the powers of the infinity stones to eliminate the patriarchy. Nor did I expect all the background characters to say "I'm with her" as she chemically castrated Bruce Banner and Steve Rogers.

The sheer terror as Tony Stark realized that his muscle tone and doctorate in engineering had been magically replaced with a dad bod and liberal arts degree was breathtaking. Thor remained relatively unchanged because his immigrant status passed the diversity threshold in Marvel's mind yet he had to watch in horror as Hawkeye tossed away his arrows after realizing how blatantly phallic they were in nature.

I'm not sure that the graphic lesbian sex scene with Valkyrie that followed was entirely necessary, however. I can see how it was empowering, but it felt a little out of place. I think it would have fit better in some kind of sequel or spinoff series but that's just me being nitpicky.

>all these faggot gayass cocktails

Your country probably sends ppl to America for healthcare

>and realize that the greatest of joys in our lifetime is to raise another human being
Nope, every friend and family member I know that started raising a kid don't seem any happier than they were before the kid, their priorities have simply changed.

She's pregnant with the second coming of Karl Marx.

Don’t you’re politicians go to Canada for healthcare? Lol


parents, like all tyrants, are power-tripping, selfish pieces of shit with no humility who would rather pretend at immortality than face death with courage and dignity.

anti-natalist gang rise up.

Then be assured you'll never reproduce anyways

they do though, cocktails are gay

Based and tradpilled.
Imagine being abused as a child lmao
Stable family gang rise up

That doesn’t exist that’s the joke. You have a 75% chance if it ending in ruins. Your bet, not mine

alcohol is gay

getting drunk is gay, alcohol in moderation with your bros is one of the finer things in life

Glad you're removing yourself from the genepool, faggot.

I don't have or need any of those things. I mean I guess having friends would be okay

Beer is disgusting and raises your estrogen. Nothing masculine about drinking liquid bread. Nothing is more antagonistic to masculinity and self improvement than alcohol. If I do fancy a drink once in a blue moon, it’s going to be straight liquor

>Genuine guy friends stay while token nigger gets dusted

you got me there, the social aspect is great, but i'll stay sober

t. nu-male faggot sipping on his boozy watermelon mint

>greatest of joys in our lifetime is to raise another human being

Imagine being this fucking brainwashed and retarded

>find decent girl
>make her your wife
>no longer has to pretend to be decent
>as soon as you put the ring on her she instantly gains 50lbs (fuck off Pierce), stops doing her fair share, and racks up credir card debt
>either you live with the misery or give up 50-75% of your possessions and salary as she moves on and fucks other dudes
Marriage in general is utterly retarded in the west. Literally no reason for men to go through with it. Without the strict enforcement of its original laws, it is inherently no more binding than a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, while still putting the sword of financial ruin over your head


Who cares

pretty sure other countries also make men give up their shit if a woman spawns with them

used to be you'd at least get a cow and a piece of land out of it or something, and they'd be shunned by society if they left, back in the good ole days

the black friend is the first one to die

Beer will literally lower your test and grow your tits

When you get to a certain age not having kids isolates you more than having them for most people. My parents had friends over all the time and threw huge parties. It was an excuse for everyone to get together and all the kids would play at one spot largely unattended.

don't worry I hear they're going to ban flavored alcohol or some shit


time 2 go get sum beer

based pregostick

>greatest of joys in our lifetime is to raise another human being

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*hits pipe*

Haha fuck no.

>incels HATE this!

We don't even need to go that trad. Just do away with alimony/divorce rape, so while marriage is no longer the solid institution it once was, at least it is no longer a death trap for the higher earner.

lol how many faggots here actually had kids? of the 65% here who have had sex, that is. i was lucky enough to talk my ex into an abortion.

Imagine being this jaded

>muh healthcare
Have better genes faggot

way to pull a number out of your ass, retard

you know what's really sad? this would have been more derivative of nourishing entertainment than what the movie actually was. we can have starship troopers delivering gold on one side, why couldn't we have ad this delivering gold on the other?

can't argue with this. we're all going to die, some people find that raising children of their own provides a kind of stopgap measure to death. you die, but a part of you lives on right?

but this is the truth. people crave comfort, and the truth is that children are no stopgap at all to the mystery and finality of death. children are just a different kind of teddy-bear at night. same thing with purposeless pets. children and pets reveal so much about a person, when you learn to see.

>my parents were this thing
at least you have anonymity here to protect you, but i feel bad you project your own suffering on the world as a whole. what a terrible lens to have to live with. you've started behind the starting line on the race of life, but i mean we all did right? still though, relax.

what will you do when faced with death. most people look back on their lives and find they did nothing but eat, work, sleep, shit and fuck. and what little of that they did like, they didn't get enough of, and if they happened to get too much it would turn sour for them. will you turn to god and hope for life after death? maybe relative to it all children are the best stopgap we have to the terror of oblivion.

how is that wrong? maybe add:
>the greatest joy in life would be to look back and find that you raised another human being to be something you are proud of
people are failures though, and like i said above; most people just treat children as pets. as teddy bears they can hold up against oblivion. raising a child is work, and there are so many other things in life that will do that work for you. laziness reaps its own rewards if you're unlucky.

t. NPC wojak

t. tranny who can never ever have a family

at least a third of the posters here are incel faggots. the rest of us fuck. i guess we know which group you're in, newfriend.

>The gene pool
Wow I’m missing so much I can’t believe it.
> surely this is all for me
>I’m so fucking important
Fuck you

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>t. tranny who can never ever have a family
We can adopt

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Wanted to hit the pub earlier but my mates are as lazy as me


adopt a gun and then suck start it you freak.

facts aren't "jaded". 100% of women receive at least alimony and if they don't the man is punished for not being able to pay it.
that ring doesn't keep her faithful, marriage is entirely you just hoping after she fucks around with other men she doesn't decide to divorce you so you pay for the privilege.

>Wall of text

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I have not seen a single married couple aside from my own parents where the wife didn't blimp up after getting married. It's an enduring meme for a reason. I've seen about a 50/50 split between couples where the stay at home wife properly handles the housework, and couples where the wife decides "I know you're already working but we're going to split the chores, to be fair of course teehee". Credit card debt is usually mutual consumer culture retardation but I meet more women with it than men.

The disparity between how men and women get treated by divorce law is simple fact, no amount of calling me jaded is going to change the fact that it can be used to a woman's advantage. And this isn't even a tirade against women, I think it's just a human thing to take the path of least resistance and stop trying when you get comfortable, men would take advantage of divorce law too if it benefitted them.


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why the fuck would anyone ever want an assault rifle lol
burgers are so weird

>sour grape incels
>edgelords who hate their parents
>self-centered millennials who cant fathom thinking about someone besides themselves
>pop culture addicts who would rather waste their lives away consuming garbage than spend money and time on a family

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>he trusts MSM

t. NPC MAGA* wojak

The incels, coombrains and redditor hated him for he spoke the truth.

>adopt a gun and then suck start it you freak.
Can't afford it

it's not the same. your family is disappointed in you even if they don't say anything

Existence can be beautiful, but even then It’s overrated. I would never bring another being into this world out of mercy and respect for human suffering. In the end it’s selfish. I wish I was never born, but then again nothing matters so I can’t keep rationalizing this. You see what I just did there. This life is a paradox!

>I cant have this, why would you want it?

>the absolute state of wh*Toids

Noticed this too.. but then i realized that all the things the urin "dusted" where nice things. So in a way the urin is PC and dust the cool black guy and leaves the white dudes alone on the pub.


how's the nu-vaginal discharge today

Guns are for homos.

You kidding right? How much do you think a car like that costs, and how much having a kid costs?

>x gang rise up
Faggiest saying of 2018-2019 by far.

I want a child but I absolutely don’t want to have to marry a woman to do it

yes that's what I'm asking

most girls I knew chose to keep their foetuses instead of getting an abortion. A couple sadly ended up as single moms, their bfs bailed out a couple of years after the tots were shat. I honestly can't understand why would anyone without a solid, stable job would choose to keep a child (inb4 meme-tier American divorces)

It's fucking crazy. People think that everything will magically become bearable even at its shittiest just because you have a kid now. Every girl should be forcibly given an IUD after their first period idgaf

>I dont have 100 dollars
you can buy used non-.22 guns including shotguns for less than 100 bucks. in between walmart and a shitty pawn shop, you will find a real gun for around 100 bucks. if that is somehow too much, get a payday loan like the ghetto poor nigger that you are. its not like youre planning on paying it back.


I have a physical deficiency that I’m scared I will pass on to my kid so I’m worried about having one. Is that selfish?

>you can buy used non-.22 guns including shotguns for less than 100 bucks. in between walmart and a shitty pawn shop, you will find a real gun for around 100 bucks. if that is somehow too much, get a payday loan like the ghetto poor nigger that you are. its not like youre planning on paying it back.
Can't afford it!
In my country we don't sell weapons! You amerimutt!

t. incel redditor tranny

I know. Youre retarded.

>Yuroqueer posting hours


As opposed to stressed, exhausted, and financially troubled parents using their spawn as the world's greatest cope for their looming mortality. Btw most people don't even know their great grandfather's name, and I doubt you do either (though you'll pull one out your ass just to prove me wrong). Your "legacy" is your name being lost to the wind in under a century.

"cant afford it" and "they dont sell it here" are 2 different problems, you stupid ugly fuck. go dilate, unless you could afford that either.

as opposed to your name being lost a few days after your death. Also if you have a kid your genetic lineage could carry on for an indefinite amount of time, even if your name is forgotten your progeny will still exist

for some reason the pussy wipped, beta mald who made this meme thinks that being a father removes the oportunities of you having hobbies including socializing with your frens, having a car or even owning guns.

>soiboi frogposter which cant possibly think about his life being important

>"cant afford it" and "they dont sell it here" are 2 different problems, you stupid ugly fuck. go dilate, unless you could afford that either.
I can't afford something nobody sell!

t. 85 IQ NPC MAGA wojak*

Why does everything have to be about dying and renown? If this life is all you have, then why not enjoy it with people who you can love more than anyone else? My great-grandfather's name was Ray.

Why would a dead person care about their legacy and genetic lineage?

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If being remembered is your goal then accomplish something of actual worth, even if it's just publishing a relevant discovery in a science journal. Or just go do a mass shooting against your most hated political group with a rifled designed by Bad Dragon.

If passing on arbitrary sequences of nucleotides is your goal, one sex tourism trip to SEA or Africa(ew) will guarantee you lineage will live on for at least a few centuries.

thats deep bro

Maybe you should have made separate reddit posts to better farm upvotes, friend.

I just want a small family and the life that comes with that. it's a matter of finding the right woman and getting my career in order. totally doable. anyway I'm not prescribing anything to anyone else. I just think that is how I will have to overcome myself and realize something good in this life

fucking based

>shoots you in the face with a gun
Who's the homo now?

Love is a trick to help you reproduce. We are things laboring under the illusion of having a self. This secretion of sensory experience and feeling. Programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody. When in fact everybody is nobody.

Your so certain that you're more than a biological puppet, and you can assume you have meaning or purpose. But the truth is it’s all dumb will and presumption. Desire and ignorance.

Why should I constitute a family? The only answer I can think of is survival. Keeping someone to take care of you in your old age.
That’s just the selfish gene kicking in. It has nothing to do with life being worth living. It’s a defense mechanism really. Future is this. For ever. And yet you still push your reproduction agenda.
This world is probably run by people who live differently then what we think is normal. And we are just test subjects in their project set in this time. I think even my opinions are predictable, but really is there anything else to say when you realize this whole existence boils down to these interactions. Maybe I’m not even here. Maybe the matrix is right and we are all dreaming. This existence doesn’t explane reveal it self to us. I won’t have sex because of this. It’s like a mind virus constantly pushing it’s program onto more innocent lives. Death is inevitable however and brings balance to this madness that is life has a human. I spend nights thinking if there is anything else worth doing, and I just cling to what you call garbage. Art and music comfort me, even if it’s obviously my programming...

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Everyone, even your adopted child, will always be deeply repulsed by you. No amount of brainwashing can counteract nature and instinct.

>If this life is all you have, then why not enjoy it with people who you can love more than anyone else
Well I agree with you actually, but muh renown and muh legacy are the most common arguments squeezed out between bouts of seething by the often really aggressive tradfags. I just don't believe that having kids is the optimal way of enjoying your life for every single person, many people find joy in it, but others are just following the pack, shitting out kids they don't really want and are not prepared to raise correctly. And those that are not financially secure before they have kids are plenty of evidence that children are not a solution to someone's problems, but a responsibility that will compound them if you're not prepared. I'm sure a lot of average people are happy with their little bundles of joy, but I can clearly see they are also unhappy with all the complaining they do about the mountain of credit card, mortgage, and other bills that compound immensely upon the addition of a child.

>Everyone, even your adopted child, will always be deeply repulsed by you. No amount of brainwashing can counteract nature and instinct.
Speak for yourself.
My trans mother did a fine job with me and I love them! But sure I am brainwashed even if you can't brainwash happiness!

not its name never was never will be

No wonder the west is dying, its people have an absolutely fucked up worldview.

This is why you incels are so fucking miserable all the time. You put this shit in a pedestal and act like it's the greatest thing of all time even though you have no experience. Do you honestly think your mother and father think this way about you? They don't

Guys just wanna cum inside. That’s why where all here.

sorry your parents don't love you. you must be ugly.

Thank you user.

Anyone under 5'11" shouldn't breed in the first place.


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>my parents don't care about me, heh bet you feel dumb now incels

amerisharts be like "having kids is too spicy"

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γνῶθι σεαυτόν

look into your local weapons laws, you might be surprised by what you can own if you get the loicense

Imagine NOT wanting children. Jesus christ grow up faggot

Karl Marx was pro-gun

>shoots you in the face with a gun

Literally code for homosexuality.

Oh shut up with this jew thing, the reason why i am not getting kids is because i know i would be a bad parent and i have asperger.

Yeah, I'm sure those are the only reasons you aren't gonna ever get a woman pregnant.

have sex

He married a white roastie who will treat him like a slave instead of an Asian woman who will treat him as a god.

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>mfw thats a preggo test and not a toothbrush
>mfw rangeban on images

I don't want to pass my genes though, i mean for fuck sake my IQ is 96 and i am white.


And you know even when women are fucking working they still get half of the shit and they get the nerve to whine about "wage gap."

Really fuck the west , am joining the jihad bros.

Dude if you are not married you need to shut the fuck up until you know what you are talking about.

Not every white person should have a kid especially white trash. Not all people gonna be good parents and i know i would be one of those dads who just drink beer everyday and just watch TV.


based and greater-than-self pilled

why the fuck does this thread have 140 replies

>All this extra nonsense
Just plop that baby out in the bathtub like a normal person.

haha what if I lost all my friends guys that would suck right?

>no guns cuz europoor
No fucking excuses. Sort your shit out and buy a double barrel shotgun at the very least.

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I didn't say that. Trashy people in general should not get kids.

>love, sex and a family? yuck haha that's so boring!

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I already have boring life. I don't need kids to mess it up, i hardly have money anyway.


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The nigger died so you don't have to buy the gun or the car to run him over with money.

At least that's how I see it

>Having a child helps you move past your short sighted desire for temporary, material pleasures and realize that the greatest of joys in our lifetime is to raise another human being

>Having a child
stopped reading there.

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and you never will

Man I sure you don't do something cool and memorable like shooting up the DNC don't do that bro that would suck

this user gets it.

>all that text
yup, that's a leftist meme


want to know how i know you're larping and don't have kids?

>lmao i cant even take care of myself
why is this a normalslime/plebbitor's favorite quip when the topic of children comes up?

I mean, from time to time I fantasize about having a family, but then I look at my sister with her daughter and NOPE at raising a baby (0 to potty trained + 2).


Already am. What's your excuse now?