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Can someone provide me with some peer reviewed scientific articles proving masturbation is bad?

Why yes, I am here to wach The Joker, how did you know?

Just look at him

The coomer cries out as he strikes you

der coombrain

I heard he is Finnish?

i dont think masturbation in of itself is bad, but i think doing it every day, depleting your dopamine receptors isnt good. i also think the porn industry is bad and you shouldnt contribute to it by looking at porn when you masturbate

literally, LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAD, that head ridge is what happens if you allow coom to control you

>white "people"


Minorities are a net deficit on the economy

Some people are genetic failures who will never have sex. Telling people like that to stop looking at porn is very dangerous. As an incel porn is all I have in this life.

Who needs scientific papers when you have memes

and a net surplus on the gene pool, sounds like you lost gayboy

So nothing substantial? K thanks

lmao coomers require peer reviewed studies to comprehend that raping yourself is bad

He looks like Yellow Bastard from Sin City.

We all lose if minorities win. Don't kid yourself.

I wish this would stop getting posted so much, it makes me very uncomfortable. Like he’s staring into my soul and seeing my future. Coomers are far too powerful.

There's been studies that found masturbation disrupts hormone cycles and gives you DHT spikes. DHT spikes = male PMS symptoms + hair loss in many men.
Also masturbation gives you a massive dopamine spike. If I have to explain why constantly giving yourself dopamine spikes is unhealthy long term you're hopeless.

hmmm, I wonder.

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>no technology
>tribal wars that diminish overpopulation
>more traditions
>wives for all
>no pornography

this the same guy? someone doxxed him?

does anyone have the link to the vice article?

Studies show it has no effect on hair loss

>peer reviewed scientific articles proving masturbation is bad
lol what the fuck is this even?
I hardly browse this place anymore since 2012. Is this a new incel meme?

this guy is the irl coomer

A link would be nice

>no hoverhand
>tit touching his chest
What a Chad. Are there more pics of this guy?

the coomer approaches his prey

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More like economies collapse and we got back to the Stone Age

>t. coomer in the image

>The levels of pregnenolone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA), androstenedione, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), oestrone, oestradiol, cortisol and luteinizing hormone (LH) were measured in the peripheral plasma of a group of young, apparently healthy males before and after masturbation. The same steroids were also determined in a control study, in which the psychological antipation of masturbation was encouraged, but the physical act was not carried out. The plasma levels of all steroids were significantly increased after masturbation

what a chad

he looks kinda normal here tbqh

I heard he's also the pusy poster


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reverse search dude.

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oh no sex hormones are released when thinking of sex or being stimulated.

danny d?


Both trannies and /pol/ are on a crusade to kill your libido. I can only assume trannies are doing it because of their gay rage at women. As for /pol/ well you know why, they live in a fantasy land where women are loyal, caring, and good mothers.

>2019... I unfuck my shit

>Why yes I am on nofap, how could you tell?

>The plasma levels of all steroids were significantly increased after masturbation


Cortisol literally shrinks your brain. You don't want to have high levels of cortisol.

anal wonders, dude. good times.

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Doesn’t dopamine lessen cortisol levels?

>Nofap? I heard it's a meme. I'm sure I just feel like I'm 50 years old at age 25 because I'm stressed out. I'm sure things will get better, I don't think I'll stop fapping and watching porn it's the only thing that makes me happy anymore. Post your pseudoscience somewhere else.

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whoops, forgot the link

he looks more like the yellow bastard with each pic

what a chad coomer


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WTF he’s a chad

Stressed out because you fap?

>nofap day 10

I started in 2016
Feels good

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desu he might not even be a cuck who watches blacked, it was probably just a porn convention and there was that blackedraw stand

then don’t go outside or do anything mite stressful than watching netflix

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Cope, men are out fucking bitches left and right and still fapping and watching porn, cope.

the pic is an unfortunate lightning pic. kind of like the pic related Cowell's. They don't look like that normally. it's just lightning. Btw, explaining this on Yea Forums. Never change, dudes.

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Seems pretty based desu. Maybe cooming isn't so bad after all.

Fucking BASED coomer

he looks a lot like my dick

I don’t get it, are those things bad? Why would your body release harmful chemicals to yourself? Does this happen during sex too?

Fapping releases a massive a mount of dopamine (fact). Dopamine receptor density is modulated by dopamine levels and activation (fact). Low receptor density is linked to less motivation and drive (fact). It's no surprise fapping, to porn especially, is addictive and a vicious circle of chasing a dopamine high that requires gradually higher stimuli. That's why you start masturbating to pictures big titted cuties in tight dresses then a year later end up fapping to goth chicks getting throatpied. The former doesn't cut it for you anymore. Nofapping is hard because once fapping has become pathologic it truly is an addiction, like alcohol can be. That's why Nofapping is hard. And all this is also why, if you remove the constant stimuli, you end up being aroused and motivated by more rewarding but less easily attainable sexual release: real women.

by god i think you've cracked the code here

You DO know that he PAID to touch those girls, right?

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>MFW I've been stressed out, anxious, depressed and suicidal for 20 years now.

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>cope. Everybody jacks off and watches porn so that means it's not unhealthy. Cope

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>harmful chemicals
kek none of those chemicals are harmful and all serve an important function

This is true but it doesn't make me any happier than before. I'm Nofap since November last year. More drive for sex, easily aroused and all that, for sure, but I'm not happier.

Been on nofap for about 3 months and I'm starting to grow hair back. Wtf I thought this shit was supposed to be a meme

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>still no scientific peer reviewed research proving masturbation is bad

ITT: the day a forced meme died

thats because you've fried out your dopamine receptors on porn and fapping. you need a hard reboot friend.


Something about his eyes... hypnotic.

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Nearly 1 year off porn and masturbation isn't a hard reboot? What the fuck can you do then?

i've been on nofap for 3 hours and i can see through walls. wtf bros

>filename from fucking reddit
Embarrassing, as if I needed more conformation nofap retards are redditors.

I've never fapped in my life and I'm a bald 36yo virgin

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>dude don't ask me for proof!

he’s beginning to believe...

>screenshot r watch people die inside
And you lost me. Go back.

Holy fuck what happened to Sam Harris?

i'm gonna fap to the pics in this thread and you funhating goobers cant stop me

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If you're a heavy porn user and you start to move on to gayer and gayer shit does that mean I was always gay and I'm just deluding myself less or did the porn consumption change my preferences?

Started with vanilla porn but started moving to joi and then femdom stuff and now even stuff like being told to eat your cum or jerk to dicks or shemales just feels mundane.

Finnish people are fucking creepy

daily reminder that your faggy cult started on reddit and that's where it belongs

he fapped... once

>der coomer
>not cumbrain which is what coomer is based on

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hehe, i like this image

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Yeah but then he started again right away

the resemblance really is uncanny

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That breakfast special is pretty solid tbqh

See As with any addiction linked to dopamine, you gradually grow a tolerance and need to increase the intensity in order to get the same high.

You're like an alcoholic. But instead of adding 3 extra beers to your routine in order to get your fix, you're fapping to shemales. And when that's not enough you'll find something more extreme.

Are you the guy in the picture? Like, I get not giving a fuck about nofap but this is very defensive.

She looks cute here desu

serious question lads: how come you guys always use shemales as an example of extreme porn that you have to ween yourselves off? the worst stuff i watch when i've been fapping a lot everyday is gangbangs and shit. why you gotta look at deformed people to bust your goo?

>being curious is being defensive

I don't even feel bad about jerking to trannies. It's extreme cuck videos that leave me hating myself.

Doesn't everyone pay to touch girls in some form?

so how do I stop this fucked up addiction if I don't have a gf, and never will because I am no chad?

I only pay to have them laugh at my little penis on webcam.

lmao don't you see how silly that shit is? you're a dude, jacking off to a dude, fucking a bitch, who's being fucked in front of another dude jacking off

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Do not let this happen to you.
The original Buddha says never let the external control the internal.
You are the captain of your ship; in an infinite sea of realities.
You are contained within your own reality.
Take hold of it; do not let the devil collapse it.

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>was getting ready to fap but thought i'd check the Yea Forums catalogue first

Guess I'll slow it down for a while.

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nah man they both look like trash


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longest nofap was a week or so...I am fucked

also straight porn doesn't exite me no more, not even shemales, I need some domination fucked up gay shit even better if snuff I am doomed

That's the most vanilla scenario but they get much more twisted than that. Like when you're watching the wife put her wedding ring in her pussy after a black guy has cum in her and then her making the husband lick it clean.


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Kil yourself and hope you don't fuck up again in the next cycle.

What if you go full circle? I got into weirder and weirder stuff now I'm back to watching girls solo without reducing my output.


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Jesus you need scientific babble you won't understand anyways to believe that chronic masturbation and porn addiction is bad? You're beyond salvation, just become a trap already and kill yourself.

Why is this meme being forced so much? What’s the angle?

don't you just loooove halloween?

that's just bisexual porn though

He looks way better here

Also i think he has cancer judging by the missing eyebrows. We shouldnt be so quick to judge