The same fucking threads on this board

The same fucking threads on this board,

Every. Fucking. Day.

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Is this not what you expected to see?

I'll make a Lighthouse thread if you want, OP.

Good thing that we have redditors and twitterfags to feed us with OC from their respective cesspools

Hey, buddy!

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sneedhog day

Blame the autists, because I try starting new threads all the time, and I always get some sperg fucker saging me on the first reply.

the only threads that provide any sort of release from this cycle are porn threads and those get deleted way too quickly

We keep them comfortable.

It’s not Reddit so we have to post the same funny things every day. Eventually all you newfags will fuck (and suck) off and it will be all kino all the time.

sadboi threads, event threads like the friday the 13th one, and the random spirited debate threads about movie minutia are all that are worthwhile here.

Dont you like the forced memes and viral marketing?

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Autist here

I like the same things over and over

Can you non-autists like get out?

Thanks in advance

Porn to the porn boards.

Watch it user

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I've been saging you, but only because your threads have been absolutely shit.

personally, i've been enjoying the recent influx of 'Harold and Kumar go to White Castle' threads

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>be me
>post one (1) thread
>know, not believe, but KNOW for a fact that my thread is probably the best thread ever posted on Yea Forums
>go to bed proudly
>next day
>surf the information superhighway over to 4plebs
>search for my thread
>create new thread on Yea Forums
>CTRL+C text on 4plebs
>CTRL+V text on Yea Forums
>CTRL+C image url on 4plebs
>CTRL+V image url on Yea Forums
>take 10 minutes to solve captcha
>best thread ever, again
>go to bed proudly

I see that you are an autist because you don't even read to what you are responding to.

/trek/ is cancer

Blame swaglord. he wanted the board to be reddit friendly

then go make some original shit, instead of bragging about it, faggot. or, uh, in case you didn't know - there are other boards too. or or for example.. go have fun, user.

Who is swaglord?

don't browse this board daily then

stop posting this nu-sojak pls
it's not funny :(

Welcome back.

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it's what redditors call gingermod

There was only been 4.6 classic Paul Dano threads today done from a peak of 7.2 last June. Is this trend continues Paul Dano classic threads will be extinct by Q2 2020

Attached: classic.jpg (1000x563, 387K)

Welcome to Yea Forums
*forces you to your knees*
*unzips pants whipping out my fat cawk*
*you start blushing having never seen a chode in person*
Go ahead, user, dont be shy now, you'll be doing this from now on.

ouu, kid

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*unzips pusy*

dubs and i fuck this user in the ass

i'm on Yea Forums unironically only for "horny and lonely" threads, i can't even remember the last time i watched a movie.

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Eric butts threads are best , he is based

you know a lot about reddit. Now go back faggot

sup reddit

sup fellow redditbro