What are some adultery kinos?

What are some adultery kinos?


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Already confirmed fake, she's just a hooker

>profile pic is soijak

Fake. Nigger’s coping HARD.

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Watch some French kinos


Pick one

Man, what the fuck is wrong with americans

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It's called the knockout game, and some day Whites are gonna be tired of playing it.

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I do wonder what about American culture is so propitious to being a cuck. Someone post that infographic showing how 56% of cuck fans are American

>fake and tiny dick

why are black bois so pathetic?

I cant believe this got 150k likes. Plus its fake

luckily he found a hooker without a no blacks rule. those are rare these days

>it's a black man has to pay a white prostitute to touch his dick episode

yes, we have BLACKED threads everyday, this series is getting old

Lmao that bitch is ugly. The husband was probbaly happy someone fucked her because he wouldn't for a long time

This is what freaks me out. Not that someone would go through the effort of making a fake narrative about some random porn vid but that 150 THOUSAND people said "yeah, I like that, I'm glad this guy got cucked"

I'm not sure it's better to believe these are all psyops bots or that society is teetering past the edge of redemption

back in my early 20s I went through an escort phase and it was crazy how many of them said no blacks in their profiles.

What is this genotype called?

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I want to go through that phase user, where do I find escorts safely? I don't want to go down to the ghetto and get shot up

They want to get paid, not robbed and left with STDs

maybe the hookers fiance is a racist

What’s up with black guy and tick (fat) white women. Who would pay to fuck that thing. Dumb niggas

Thats nothing for something like twitter

Kike bugchaser

Why is this post acting like the woman didn't have a say in the matter? If your fiancé fucks anyone else there's nothing to be sad about because she was a whore anyway, dodged a bullet. Fuck if anything you'd be glad you found out before you got married

Even though it's fake, it got likes because people think it's real and it's...

>Filming a woman without her consent
>"Getting revenge" at a man through means of conquering his wife sexually

The pure blatant and disgusting misogyny that any actual real "SJW" should find appalling.

But since it's "defeat le epic racism!!!" it has 150k likes on Twitter. Really disturbing to see how fake these "woke" retards are. He could have filmed himself murdering a white girl and as long as it was "EPIC RACIST GETS BTFO" itd be praised

>get called a nigger
>go out of your way to provide video proof of it

Bravo, nogs.

150k likes is actually a lot for twitter. If your tweet breaks 10k it's gone "viral"

Idk if you’re familiar with the user but “adam22” hosts the no jumper podcast. It’s subject is mostly shitty sound cloud rappers and porn stars, it’s kind of like the podcast version world star. So you can imagine this is like catnip to his fan base.

My life.


>Filming a woman without her consent
But the consent part is in the video

Homo that's it

Culture vulture

Black people don’t give a fuck about misogyny and will get a pass for it 99% of the time.

so all the fake talk aside, wouldnt this guy actually be doing the white guy a favor? now you know she cant be trusted, she cant collect anything from you because you "signed" some form, and your kid will look at this and be like Dad, why was Mom a whore?

Idk seems like a win/win

Its a surface level jab at the white man at its finest. Think about the post for more than a second and its laughable. A woman cheating on her spouse, and getting filmed, to fight racism. But brainlet nogs that also think Iron Man was based on real events from the Afghan War will eat it up and be smug all day.

Rate his girlfriend

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yep. if this was real (it isn't), nigger just saved the white guy from losing half his shit during divorce down the line when she inevitably fucks a nigger.

she has the face of a 55 year old using botox

They look happy. Based wigger Chad

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