ITT: Concept art several tiers better than the actual film

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How is that better? It's just a ribcage.

What they needed was bigger boobs

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all of it

Better would be containing the brain and other critical systems inside an armoured rib cage,

Yag Sparroo?

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This so much.

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wait is that laurence llewelyn bowen

when I owned the tfa artbook I always thought this was funny. the caption was something like " luke is sad and just letting the sand swallow him".

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i'll never be not mad

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I remember someone cropping his face and the text saying "he doesn't care", wish I'd saved it.

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>Jakku was originally meant to be rainforest swampy planet inspired by Vietnamese ghettos

Nah, let's make it a dessert like every other star wars planet.

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Turns out it's super cheap to film in Northern African countries, whereas everyone with a jungle has the land under protection or wants a fortune in squeeze so that your lot doesn't get stripped overnight by local gangs or the corrupt law enforcement.

Posting some TFA/TLJ stuff that is way more interesting than anything we got in either film

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>using tie fighters as mini houses

That's so much more brilliant

i like alien 3 but i wish we got to see the original idea

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The fact that the entire place is built out of Imperial relics is really cool.
>Nah, just have some crashed shit in the desert. It's too different.

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Han is looking good.

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OR they could just film in literally any place with a trees, and CGI 90% of it like they do anyway.

So basically JJ Abrams arrived and painted it all with his "generic-safe-shit brush acceptable for all audiences"

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This has so much soul, what happened?

Yup, and so did Rian

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>what is Florida/Taiwan/Panama

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What is the point of all this “concept art” if it all gets thrown aside or compiled into some book I never saw anywhere?

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Florida has swamp, not jungle.
Taiwan has temperate forest, not jungle.
Panama has 'people' and a vague concept of government.

the budget got eaten by daisy ridley's dental plan

Psst they made the original script into a graphic novel this year- go find it

Does it even matter when they cgi 80% of the movie anyway

Accountants, and a crew of liberal cucks more interested in social justice than star wars


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>Panama has 'people' and a vague concept of government.
Panama's government is functional enough to allow a film to be shot there. If you can shoot in Tunisia you can do it Panama.

A lot of it was from the early George Lucas version of Episode 7 that basically got thrown away so they could stealth remake ANH.

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Movies, more so sci-fi/fantasy movies, can never decently reproduce good concept art (aside from LotR). That is why videogames are the future, boomers.

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it's a way to develop ideas - how can you not work this out

What's it called?

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Some guy made that original opening sequence. It's so much nicer, I don't know why they chose not to go with it.

Sure they can, it always comes down to executive meddling in all the wrong places.

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you can really enjoy the details of a well built video game world and the art can be reproduced usually without interference. you just don't get the feeling from most movies.

why did this turned into a Star Wars thread?

It’s not supposed to be thrown aside. The Lord Of The Rings concept art files are 90% recognisable as final designs used in the movies. the concept art should directly feed into the movie. Clearly this shows something deeply rotten with the production of Star Wars when such great designs and myriads of ideas were thrown out and replaced with... empty desert, cheap characters, and an already existing on planet earth Stone Age island.
Someone didn’t care, and couldn’t be bothered to make any effort.

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the original Rogue One

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Nobody with any creative control cared, user. Nu-wars is just different flavors of apathy fighting on the corpse of a franchise that shouldn't have survived the 90s.

pretty sure northern california can fake just about everywhere and they've been doing it for decades.

My main issue is that directors always focus on trying to convey the action but not the space. How many movie there are that convey a sense of directionand geography such as The thin red line for example?

doomed from the start

i hate disney

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I'm actually a little glad they didn't. I'd have been openly weeping in a theater watching Rebel filth dispose of such a proud vessel of Imperial order. What a waste.

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what happened to all the aliens in star wars? I know humans are the most populous species, but what's the point of being science-fantasy if we don't have aliens?

they don't know how to buy anything other than brown paint

Because there are tons of concept art for Star Wars that never got used. Even The Clone Wars and Rebels only scratched the surface of some of the concepts and artwork people produced.

I though there was a lot of black man screen time already.

Harsh. I like it.

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stah WOAHz redditors fuck off


I hate how the double lightsaber seems to be something that you work up too, like the most powerful force users upgrade to it, looks like they are doing this with Rey now.

>former Empire reduced to pirates and raiders, using increasingly worn equipment, rather than just coming back stronger than ever with seemingly endless resources
Fuck. I was saying they should do that right from the moment I saw TFA. Now I'm even more annoyed.

looks like a metal gear rising rip off of that sam guy

A movie about war scavengers could've been much more interesting than what was released.

>star wars garbage

>Taiwan has temperate forest, not jungle.
Listen brother, I lived in Taipei for years.
It's closer to rainforest then temperate.
I lived in Taipei for years, and the south of the island is in the tropics and annual rainfall is just shy of what you need to be considered a rainforest.

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I find it ironic that they push the double saber design so hard because it actually limits the fight choreography potential while also not introducing anything fresh. Maybe Kylo didn’t have the most functional saber design from what autists here have explained but the design actually looked impressive and consistent with his character. The unfocused beams worked well. But everything was a groanfest.

no. you can't have new ideas in a star wars movie.

At least the production design on the last jedi felt right. TFA everything was way to new and looked like it was designed by apple.

That Han costume is so good. Thematic change but still entirely in his character. Instead grampa can't dress himself and never buys new clothes.

Based brit

>ugh I'm so sick of cgi in movies
>lol they should've just cgi'd the setting

I just don’t understand why they couldn’t just use cgi for the most impressive scenes the concept art depicts. They’re clearly willing to do it wherever possible but when it comes time to world building they drop the ball. Maybe if they spent more money on the movie (less on the money pit theme park)and removed KK. They won’t even release any real vidya and wonder why no one cares about the franchise. I’m heavily biased on the EU since I actually read a lot of the books before ever watching the OT. The darth bane trilogy and the clone wars novels were all out at the same time as kotor/kotor2/jedi academy/battlefront/clone wars cartoons. As a kid I never had a reason to actually watch the OT because the extended world was more interesting than the movies anyway.

You will find this hard to believe as a projecting brainlet but not everyone dislikes cgi. While it never looks perfect and likely never will, many of us can enjoy the scenery and worlds created by it. Only really terrible cgi will completely ruin immersion and even network tv cgi has improved massively. You wouldn’t go to a ballet or opera and complain that the set design makes the show garbage. Ideally you understand the technical limitations of the art and learn to appreciate the story or performance of the participants.

The graphic novel isn't Vincent Ward's, it's William Gibson's version and it's pretty meh.

Top left is how I envisioned "episode VII" years before Disney took over

>t. only knows about Panama from media
Panama is better than most shitholes. The government isn't as fucked up as you think, it is pretty functional like that other user said, besides from common problems like corruption. You can live there like a king if you have a decent amount of money. It is definitely one of the better, if not the best country of Central American Countries.
>t. lived there for 10 years

thats Fractal sponge's procursator

Damn, upper-left would've been great

All this Star Wars concept art makes me wanna go back to play the KOTOR games, hell even the MMORPG.

Also, the legendary concept works of Ralph McQuarrie.

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Since Alien was a horror and Aliens was Action Sci Fi, they reasoned that Alien 3 should be another genre again - fantasy. Was a cool idea that might have had the series continue to be reinvented with each installment.
The wooden cathedral space station with monks being tempted by a feminine xenomorph was metal as fuck. You can tell how it got watered down into the religious prisoner setting of the final version.

Problem with that is this is the Major's body. She still has a biological brain and needs mechanical organs to keep it functioning. There simply isn't enough space in a standard human chest to keep a full brain and those organs. In other GiTS works you can see the large boxes they use to carry brains when they don't have a body to put them in. Those boxes have life support built into them.

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SW is an investment product, not an art. Not only does the production employ thousands of people, and partner with manufacturers and promoters, but it also represented Disney's new partnership. You can't blame JJ for having these concepts but ultimately having to shelve them for the "safest route" of movie making. You can blame Johnson for actually getting creative freedom in TLJ and botching it from a PR standpoint,thus making it harder for future movies to be as innovative as we'd like.

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grom hellscream?!

artists get paid to ilustrate the brainstorms, mosy of the ideas will eventually be rejected so they made this artbooks instead

its fucking annoying to me that star wars is just "uhh all the good guys are humans and maybe 1 robot" now. they never use any fucking aliens, out of pure laziness.

Hmm. A political satire about Weyland Yutani? An actual war movie about what happens when the Alien is weaponised?

Should have just made them assassins like in KotOR 2. The Empire was defeated conventionally. The next evolution should have been them striking from the shadows and the New Republic dealing with being in the awkward position of fighting a hidden enemy with no easily visible infrastructure or military to hit back at while also trying to maintain political stability.

They even made up a bunch of sith assassin looking guys with the Knights of Ren and proceeded to do nothing with them.

Aliens get in the way of representing every shade and body type available to humanity.

>Father... At last I truly understand your feelings towards sand

I really like the idea that instead of the Starkiller Base, the New Republic construct some kind of defensive weapon to deal with increasing raids from the Imperial remnant, but then it turns out that spies have infiltrated the Republic, and they turn the weapon back on them.

So pissed of we never got number 3

You can't put the brain in the chest, not if you want the eyes to work. The reason the brain evolved to be where it is rather than in a bode armored section of the cheat, is because of the limitations of physics. The further from the eyes the brain is the more delay caused in your eye site. As absolutely bananas as it sounds, the limits imposed by the speed of light slow the upper limit of human reflex.

Aliens are supposed to represent the darkies, and everybody has seen the FBI crime statistics.

And only retards complained.

The most popular professional film critics, Mike and Jay, said that a JJ's safe approach was great, because it felt like watching A New Hope again

>no poc
Um... yikes.

there are literally 3. Black on the left, and a green and a brown dude in the middle. You nigs are never happy unless it's a fucking Tyler Perry movie.

what the fucking Christ possessed them to abandon this

this makes me irrationally angry

what the fuck


This thread pissed me off.
Fuck you, Rian Johnson. Fuck you.

Jew Jew Abrams happened.

this looks the same as in the movie

Fuck Lucas. He should have finished what he started.

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>The most popular professional film critics, Mike and Jay

Jedi Killer looks like Grom Hellscream wearing Sektor's armor.

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i remember seeing the first trailer and watching rey repel down an abandoned and decaying star destroyer to pillage for scraps and thinking how cool and creative they could get with the world now that it's 30 year's out from the OT. Instead we got a desert. Thanks, Mickey.

As far as not dealing with a ton of corruption Puerto Rico (obviously some corruption but not Bolivia tier), Hawaii, Costa Rica, fuck even Australia has some jungles. There were options on the table. I'm sure it is logistically more difficult film in a jungle setting than a desert, but as others have mentioned, they CGI in so much shit what does it even matter. Avatar's jungles looked great.

>There is an alternate universe where this version of SW7 was released

But we're stuck with Disney's pile of shit.

>Bottom: empty ideas and niggers

Thanks, Disney.

>The basic concept for Finn's character was "pure charisma"
Wow, they really did throw all of these ideas straight in the trash, didn't they?

Not if you find a bumbling retard charismatic.

How are they still standing

I poured quite a bit of time into Star Wars: Galaxies as well.

Man, they really managed to suck out all the soul of the movies. The prequels have a shitty story but at least they're fun to watch. Maybe it's the nostalgia. This new shit is just pure dreck with no effort at all. Feels like a big marketing campaign, no risks or edges allowed.

This works so well aesthetically and thematically. Why the fuck did they not go with this?

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turns out they dont care anyway. just cgi the shit out of it.

>desert planet
>forest planet
>snow planet
>another snow planet (no wait it's SALT)
>another desert planet
>another snow planet (for real this time)
>another forest planet

the star wars would shit themselves if they ever found earth


>Nah we gotta gib him lips so he can talk
BotoxTron was shit

>there's an alternate universe where Lucas didn't abandon us

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NO, Filoni! Prequels BAD!

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God I fucking hate Disney

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