Name a better horror actress

Name a better horror actress
Pro tip: you cant

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I suppose not

Danielle Harris

I disagree

The naked chick from return of the living dead is the best

You mean the venerable linnea quigley from Hollywood chainsaw Hookers?

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name a better scream queen than pic related

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You're all a bunch of slack-jawed faggots for disrespecting the queen!

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I love when horror movies get sexy
Somehow it mixes perfectly

Blocks your path

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Fun fact: Ashley Lawrence is Joey Lawrence's stepsister.

I heard she started acting again recently

This dude been obsessed with this objectively 6/10 plain Jane vaguely goth-ey grocery store cashier for like 15 fuckin years now.

It's time to chamber that round, friend. End your suffering.

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I only discovered her last week though
Red hair automatically adds a point for me. So does being gothy.
So that big titty, red hair, goth gf is an 8/10 for me

Please delete this thanks

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And shes a fucking libshit.

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Still hot

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What the fuck

She's such a mommy these days, my god.

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