And this is user's room, he's quite the film buff

>And this is user's room, he's quite the film buff

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>And this is user's room, he's quite the film buff

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>Well well well, look who just walks into CWCville unannounced...

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>tfw this actually happened
>tfw my mom's friend stayed behind to talk to me
>tfw she said I had nice hair
>tfw she began stroking my hair

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Did you bend her over and coom in her pussi raw?

I ignored her until she left; then the tears began to flow.

>tfw mom has to convince her friend to fug you

Uh you don't get to bring friends.

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>excuse me Mother, but my associates and I were just about to start shooting our next short film

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Does anybody else coom and immediately act like nothing happened?

Uhh you don't get to bring friends

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give more details please.

Reach out touch faith dudududu duu duu

why do some people say "uhh" before saying it

Is that the dude who voices Rusty Venture?

>Father, I'm genetic lineage

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how coom one man be so based?

Based and cumbrained

>uhhh yes he has a job he helps out on a board called 4chen or something hes like tech support.... no he isn't paid....

This was my fantasy as a kid. My mom had so many fuckable friends that I started fapping to the idea of them at age 9

user, it was prostitute hired by your mother.

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uhh i don't know

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How many of them were women?

About 4 women; my mom didn't have any male friends. My dad has a couple of friends I'd fap to though.


>mfw sat in a jacuzzi between two matures that were teasing me with cougar jokes and I am a 28-year-old kissless virgin

my life is a joke

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Mama Naranai Onna-tachi 5?

>get a job inna hospital (ER tech)
>all the 30-50 year old women who come in fawn over me, grab my arm, ask for me to keep them company
>tfw kv and only really attracted to young women

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better get the getting while the gettins good and coom

>get out!!!! im filming something!!!

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I don't know how to escalate, I can ask a girl out, I can keep a conversation going and seem interesting and in control of my life but I have no idea where to go past that. Probably if I threw myself at some middle-aged woman I'd get in at some point but I'm not really attracted to them and don't think I'd connect with someone 10+ years older than myself well.

Just coom in the older chicks brah who cares if you connect

if you're somewhat good looking then most women 30 and over would LOVE to initiate you. seriously, when it gets to the stage of the evening where a little tension builds say something like "i want to be straightforward with you here" and tell the truth about your power level and watch their eyes light up.
it will help you get some experience and build your confidence so you can eventually get the type you really want.

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>motivational material in the home gym
i don't see the problem

Who said there's a problem?

The only time I meet women are when I'm at work, I feel like if I actually made a pass at them I'd be taking advantage of them or risking my job.

I do, I'd rather jerk off than fuck some rando.

literally why, all you had to do was say anything to keep it going

>lifting for women
There's your problem

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>picky faggot complains he's lonely when opportunities are there for him
You may not want them as a long term gf but it would be good practice for you at least before finding a young girl
Fuck you this is your own fault