Other urls found in this thread:
have sex
based roasties btfo
join the 42% already stupid freak
That's like saying American Pie is romance for men
Every female written romance story
>average girl is in a love triangle and has to choose between the emotionally unstable bad boy and the boring nice guy. Fucks both of them and and one of them has to be a cartoonish asshole so the writer can portray the female has being justified into acting like a slut
This is why moe shit is trash. Shounen and mecha should be the only things dudes watch.
>live action movie vs cartoons
At least use real Japan movie
so the tranny epidemic is anime's fault?
>Why yes I enjoy actual movies instead of low test incel fantasy chinese cartoons
silent voice wasnt romance tho
Dumb meme, Bridget Jones (the 1st one) is a GOAT romcom, and no, I'm not a woman
>Awkward kid meets a girl while trying to lose his virginity at 18, stays with her for the rest of the series, and marries her
That is actually way more pure than Bridget Jones.
It's more likely than you think!
Based shonentard
nope I only wathc HxH, none of that shonen crap
i guess that makes sense. i always wanted to be a cute anime girl.
but now i just wanna die
based hunterchad
That's not even the stupid message for that movie. It's about finally opening up oneself to the world around you and that fear of rejection will only bring you down. Now you're pissing me off OP
japan's top grossing movies are always anime
True love can only be found between a white man and an Asian woman.
>I fall in love with girl while we were both at naive, impressionable age
>she is now mine and I don't have to work at all to keep her, she's just my secured prize
>muh first love is forever
Typical romance bullshit retarded Nips eat by the dozen without second though. It's catered for delusional NEETs and teenagers and I guess it's okay, but not when they've been doing it for the past 30 years and their society retains the same level of repressiveness.
J-rock bands composed of 50 year old men full of plastic surgery? Songs about youth and young love.
J-pop bands? Songs about young love.
Family drama-comedy? First love.
Less so when it's a country full of depraved faggots who attend IRL scat festivals, buy loli hentai and weird as fuck JAV.
Fuck Japan's idea of pure love.
based retard
Animation is actual film
Fuck women.
They're not even good for anything anymore, might as well throw them into a meat grinder for patties or ship them off to farms to be harvested for milk.
>fuck hooker for casual sex
oh I've fallen in true love and been redpilled.
this is how women were "empowered"
>oh, me see this strong woman do dirty things on the silver screen, me go and do same
>why did my husband left me and my children to some crackhead he just was a dick ride men are so bad ooga booga
Except men don't watch romance movies, only trannies do that.
Absolutely based.
So what is your idea of pure love?
Tfw Misaki will never come to help me.
Your name is just juvenile trashy "love story" that is creepy at points, everything is designed to be cute in order to idealize the elements, deafness? Cute girl with loli body, bully? He doesn't know the reach of his actions and is sorry, classmates? Everyone loving and caring, stockholm syndrome? Portrayed as true love.
Bridget Jones knows what it's doing and is somewhat well executed, while your name is being downright manipulative.
this isn't your name retard
t. roastie
These shows are the least cumbrain romance out there. Stop seething because you can't get a good partner when you yourself are useless
>a silent voice
They feel the same, and my post was obvuiously about a silent voice, which is trashy
They've been doing these cliched feel-good stories while their country experiences rising divorce rates, lower marriage rates and increased depravity. I simply wished they would let writers do realistic stories, that's all.
>these shows
It's a movie, you dumb fuck.
>I fap to JAV and loli shit but x seiyuu is not pure? She's dating some faggot or snorting coke? Kill the bitch and ruin her career.
Stop larping as a normalfag.
>Implying Bridget Jones' Manga would be any different
You realize you're on Yea Forums, right?
>korean animation
>I simply wished they would let writers do realistic stories, that's all.
Weathering with you was kinou
Based kino chads ripping apart that shitty anime about some stupid deaf whore and her rapist or something, Jesus fuck I hate japs
Because they're not doing anything original by this point. Nip literature and film have done it and they were good at it.
Now it's all about hacks trying to make easy bucks on escapist bullshit for kids and young adults.
Japan's obsession with an idealized non existent version of youth is not healthy.
You're right, I'll stick to Hollywood productions for original content.
You guys are really whiny. That's unmanly
That shit anime isn't even a romance film and it's written and directed by an insectoid female creature monster thing. Right is still the superior movie, fuck anime and especially fuck these emotionally manipulative ones. P. S, deafy should have been bullied to death for being a drain on society.
You should stick to sucking cock for oc
Going by your shitty logic (false dichotomy) better stick with battle manga for kids, dude.
Bullshit, why don't you take that jap cock out of your mouth and give it another go? You're scum.
i hate anime because is too bluepilled
Why are women so fucking evil ladz?
It's literally made to subjugate these fucking insectoids and for some reason white men are buying into it. This is revenge for the nuked I'm betting. Inb4 weebs come screeching about muh Yea Forums is anime. Literal brainwashed trash.
Your meme was better than a shilent voice
Dial 8, idk why you trannies love anime so much, I guess it's because it's as gay as you
'a silent voice' isn't even a romance, it's about a dude redeeming himself after his past mistakes and finding happiness after being a lonely loser.
>the last scene when he realizes he has friends and people don't hate him
a decent movie, imo way better than 'your name' which is a guy touching himself for an hour and then in the end everything works out for some magical fucking reason. still the manga was better (apart from the ending)
This. A silent voice is about redemption for doing bad things in your past and how to live with them. Romance isnt the main point, you dont even see the main characters kiss.
And both are wish fulfillment fantasy utterly disconnected from reality.
The first woman ever created doomed all of humanity
>spend 5 years on Yea Forums
>turns into a tranny
>then what the fuck did I become after 10years?
>imagine defending a shit movie
A shitlent voice is fucking trash about a bully convincing himself that he didn't do anyything wrong, and his dumb decisions to push everyone away because he's a sorry piece of shit that is too selfish to be self aware. And the deaf chick was just a dumb cardboard cut out who really should have died halfway through.
Everything must burn.
>tfw anime is still too high brow for you
i feel sorry for you user
Don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for the """people""" that watch and enjoy that shit.
imagine being this fucking retarded. go watch shounen, brainlet
Don't need to kiss for it to be a romance movie, you're a fucking retard. The writer was clearly going for that but then decided to be edgy and scrap it because it would have been too predictable or some shit. Now she's writing some shitty manga about some immortal being with dumb monster of the week shenanigans. What a fucking joke
>go watch superior shows
Thanks, I will.
Excelent taste user
Don't forget deaf girl has barely any personality, she is the embodiment of moeshit
>Tfw the author for a shitlent voice is literally writing Shonen now
The day my heart could never heal was when I learned that my expectations of true love were a male abstraction like honor or loyalty.
i grew up on Yea Forums and have never questioned the fact that i'm a biological male
they were allowed to be that way so their girlbrains evolved that way. they're entirely selfish, which is a good way to survive, but you don't need that shit in your life.
You're assuming deafies are people, much less insectoid ones. Don't worry I made that mistake too.
"romance for man" was put down with 500 Days of Summer. No, your idyllic manic pixie mom-girl will not happen because people are people. It's pure fantasy.
I wanted to say that both Bridget and whatever the fuck is on the left (not hating on kino anime but I'm going by OP's sentiment as to it being 'superior' in approach) are as unrealistic and vapid but actually Bridget underneath all that is about coming to understanding, letting go, believing in yourself and your worth etc. Sure, the sequels ruined that but whatever.
Keep fucking your goat while waiting for your arranged marriage, abdul
Very based user.
>posts another moeblob shit
Thanks, but you disgust me.
Don't worry, kino anime hasn't been touched at all in this thread
>kino anime
What a neat oxymoron, almost as good as black people
>anime can't be kin-
>why yes, I do say thanks and shit on your taste at the same time, how do you know?
Did you have a stroke from watching too much brain dead cartoons?
Who are you quoting? Take a trip to the ER
Maybe the reason why trannies are attracted to anime girls is because idealized characteristics common to femininity are still commonplace in Jap media, whereas in North America, they are not.
reminder that there are 3.5 billion men and 3.5 billion women
calling all men jocks, or just into it for sex, or clout chasers (etc) is the same as saying no women are interested and capable of a loving, and perhaps even high upkeep (constant attachment), relationship
i won't argue every girl wants this, i wont even say most do, though i think there is a point there given we consider the country and specific place.
its like being bullied in highschool and deciding the entire world is just full of bullies and nobody like you -- you can't even fathom what a million looks like, how the hell could you pass judgment on three billion?
it also is important to consider where you are looking, the kind of person that installs tinder is probably the kind of person you want to avoid, and that person which wants these kinds of relationships might be hard to find for that exact reason -- there seems to be no special app for finding them, or reality that you'll see each other in the street and start talking; some of it is luck.
because, again, the kind of girl that'll decide to fuck you within 10 days is probably not the kind of girl you are looking for if you're bitching here.
>tfw want gf
>despair knowing it will never be like the relationships in muh animes
>calling all men jocks, or just into it for sex, or clout chasers (etc)
Literally no one says this.
>saying no women are interested and capable of a loving, and perhaps even high upkeep (constant attachment), relationship
Statistically, this is going to be only 1 - 5% of the population, so making a blanket statement on that is far more accurate then saying the same about guys.
women don't need to try, they don't care. you won't find a woman that is disgusted with using tinder, because it's extremely convenient to them, as they CAN find a male that will care for them, no matter what. you're delusional if you think that somehow not using dating apps and looking for relationship somewhere else has better probability of finding someone that's worth your time.
Seethe and cope harder, incel. Also never have sex
Maybe you should grow up chief
Romance anime is made for majority woman. This is just comparing western romance to asian romance.
>Literally no one says this.
have you ever talked to the female species?
have you ever seen a woman say she'll have sex and saw how many men will flood in?
one of the most basic primal desires of men is our sex drive, and the biological imperative to produce children.
doing so with as many women as possible is what allowed men to pass on their genes
monogamy takes effort -- i personally can masturbate to take it away, but you're far from normal, or lying, if you seriously only think about a single woman when you've masturbated.
genuinely pure good girls will actually believe this shit sometimes, that all men want is sex
>Statistically, this is going to be only 1 - 5% of the population
if that's your estimate for women, i'd say its lower for men.
i don't know what world you're living on, but this idea that all men want to only be monogamous is laughable -- it's shown by sheer fact that a woman having her virginity is looked at with positivity, that she chose that, whereas for man its seen that he couldn't possibly desire to not have sex, so it's because he's a failure.
women have consistently cheated on better men than us with bigger dicks, thicker wallets, and more loving hearts. it's because they don't think about things how we do, weigh consequences, they FEEL they want to fuck around and they will, you do not enter the equation whatsoever, you are not a part of her coming to a decision.
they justify it to themselves "i want this, why deny myself something i want?" which is entirely fine, but you shouldn't want somebody like that in your life, and all women are like that. it's not their fault, but again, don't subject yourself to it.
A woman's love for money.
my mother had sex at age 27
with my father
it's not that she wasn't looking, it's just that she was picky and wanted that special kind of romance -- you have to be a suitable match and not be some fuckboy walking around town trying to get laid.
and keep in mind female chastity is actually on the rise
gonna be honest bro, you just might be an ass who isn't mature enough or offer enough for a relationship -- it's pretty hard to believe you've never seen women who aren't whores or attention whores, its much easier to believe the problem is probably you
>if that's your estimate for women, i'd say its lower for men.
try re-reading
>a woman having her virginity is looked at with positivity, that she chose that, whereas for man its seen that he couldn't possibly desire to not have sex, so it's because he's a failure.
the very fact that not having sex constantly bothers you is proof of my very claim
>the very fact that not having sex constantly bothers you is proof of my very claim
Except this is false, studies have shown women to be promiscuous fucks, with male celibacy rates exploding. That's what the graph shows (orange line is males, the other ones female). The problem is dullards like you that unironically believe women are these pure damsels whereas guys are brutish horn dogs. Your "claim" is nothing more then soi-infused retardation.
>tfw 21 year old virgin
My life is already over friends
Reminder trannies arent a problem in Japan.
They know it's either a phase or a weird kink people have.
Anime doesn't make people trannies, liberal brainwashing does.
hey dumb dumb i can pull graphs out of my ass and strawman too
not all women are pure angels and not all men are pure gentlemen -- the simplistic way you've interpreted this discussion shows a lack of maturity which is probably why you want to have sex but can't
also i'd bet 1000$ if i put a girl in front of you willing to fuck, you'd throw down your shorts and push her over the nearest table -- how are you exactly this chaste knight who is only interested in monogamy out of pure choice yet also seething over women not fucking you?
i'm genuinely interested in having high standards and not fucking anything that moves, so i'm holding on to the boat for awhile, but my friend you seem no different than my boys who are willing to fuck as if their life depends on it
Did you watch it with dub or sub?
I hate Anime and Women. There's my thoughts!
Hot take: it's parental instinct taking place and they mistake their desire to care for a daughter as desire to become the girl.
It's odd how much most trannies hate children, especially daughters, perhaps it's because they're in denial about these feeling and would realize through having a daughter that they can never experience what they want first hand, being a cute girl, but that what they wanted the entire time was to create a cute girl -- and now that they fucked up they can't stand that reality so go into denial and coping.
>Fuck Japan's idea of pure love.
he mad lmao
movies for his cope?
Stopped reading there. You have to be 18 to post here, sonny.
Maybe I'll make society pay ahahahahaha
Projecting much? Anime loving trannies are the only underaged ones here, if not physically, then mentally.
>and keep in mind female chastity is actually on the rise
Only in black women, from what I've seen.
it's not anime
it's media coupled with isolation
Using "big boy" words won't convince anyone that you're not underage.
I don't know, I don't watch basedflicks
>Trying to ascribe it to anime rather than the fact that all the fucking weirdos end up watching anime or here, and trans are overwhelmingly fucking weirdos.
Also anime is overwhelmingly a medium where the fantasy of the MTF is never shown but you can project due to the prevalence of traps.
What big boy word did I use, little buddy? You trannies really are retarded.
im still 99% sure its just a result from men thinking liking cute and feminine shit somehow means they aren't manly and therefore they have to be women
anime's just cute and a bit feminine in many ways -- nothin wrong with that unless it's literally going to make you go insane
I'm always fucking annoyed by how utterly shit their make up and hair is always done.
Get me fucking drunk and I could probably spend an hour fixing a vast majority of the hair and makeup issues these fucks have. "But their manchins." There is a shitload of women with chins like test was shot into them from birth and by using the correct makeup technique they crawled their way to average looking, which is enough for 65% of thirsty fucks to lose their minds.
>im still 99% sure its just a result from men thinking liking cute and feminine shit somehow means they aren't manly and therefore they have to be women
Except most of the time, you want to fuck those cute and feminine things.
>romance for men is a disney fantasy
>romance for women is realistic and grounded
>yet incels keep saying women are acting emotionally and not logically
Someone post the fake tinder profile picture where I guy used a male model and called himself a pedophile in his profile and girls still wanted him
A Silent Voice was fucking shit and weebs only defend it cause they'll bootlick anything Japanese
Women should be property. The big mistake is allowing them to self-determine as if they were human. You may as well give a labrador the keys to your car and voting rights. It's just going to end badly.
>romance for women is realistic and grounded
Then it isn't romance. You're right that Romanticism is a male thing.
that guy was always a loser
so men are just emotional illogical idiots, no wonder there are so many incels.
I lost my virginity at 21
soon you will have passed over me
eh, thats the issue -- that anything besides wanting to fuck shouldn't be accepted.
there is nothing wrong with loving your mother and your special female relationship with her.
there is likewise nothing wrong with wanting a daughter or finding young girls cute in a non sexual manner
see, sounds like a pedo, right? "nothing wrong with finding young girls cute"
thats the issue, that this isn't considered "okay"
it is perfectly fine to like the feminine in non sexual ways. there is, after all, something beautiful in it and it's otherness, not necessarily superior mind you.
and no not all women, or perhaps any, are some mystic other amazingness, just saying in general that thing which they are founded on is.
just a take from a guy who is living just to have a cute daughter someday who hopefully will offer more than a vagina and tits.
>so men are just emotional illogical idiots
Of course, how else could women have power over them?
Most, if not all, anime media that deals with love is always difficult for me.
I don't know if it's a cultural thing, but how the male protagonists are always depicted--where they put the women up on pedestals and can barely put two words together in front of the CUTE ANIME GIRL until about halfway through the movie or series--seems frustrating and emasculating to me. It explains a lot about why hardcore weebs, or just weebs in general, have this odd tendency to fetishize women as symbols and sensory ikons to the nth degree, while being completely incapable of actually going up to one. Yet they complain and moan about how their stammering and hand-wringing isn't attracting the cute girl who sits in front of them.
I actually liked A Silent Voice. It was a good movie. Not great, but it hit some decent emotional beats. And I understand that a lot of guys who watch this stuff gravitate towards it because of insecurities that have been instilled by their environment and then internalized over years and years.
But I just think there's a point where you have to have SOME kind of self-awareness and walk away. You don't even have to want to pursue 3D women--but do something other than watching Japanese cartoons blink and moan at each other.
At least post actual kino
So what is Yea Forums's anime of the season so far? For me, it's Machikado Mazoku.
The GOAT romance movies in the US are Rocky and the Notebook.
When I was single Rocky #1 was a test to see if the girl could keep an open mind about something and appreciate something outside of their comfort zone. Naturally no woman who didnt grow up in a family of 4 brothers ever actually saw Rocky. Rocky also works on nerdy girls since Talia Shire was a bit on the spectrum in that one.
I think that's it more of an inability to get laid thing. They want an epic gamer weeb girlfriend and instead of trying to find that sort of person they become their own girlfriend. I think that's why so many of these male to female trannies say they're lesbians.
Hes 100% correct.
for me, it's dilate
holy shit
You're a despicable, worthless thing. Check yourself out.
oh no
>oy vey produce non-white children my fellow whites
Thank god American will collapse within the next 10 years.
>same skull shape as the coomer
What he says is true though.
The kind of relationships that last are those between people who have known each other since they were young.
Growing up together creates a special bond between people.
>anime becomes popular
>people start claiming traps are trans
>almost every last one still calls themselves a boy
이게 뭐야 씨발
No, because that shifts the blame to anime instead of the trannies themselves.
Trannies were always mentally ill, but anime just brought that out into the open.
There's way more trannies that are into normalfag shounen than moe.
>Everything is a conspiracy!
Chart starts at 15 because they didn't want to start at 0 and show that it drops to 90% around 10
nope. your just a fucking dipshit moron
have sex
this is 100 percent more honest. Dont forget, the waifus have almost no personality out side of who wants to ingest the man's semen more.
>Romance for "men"
>picks a cartoon
please fall down a flight of stairs and die.
based af
based and true
I don't have a problem with a harem. I have a problem with insecure otaku are so hateful of other men, that they refuse to even make other men characters in these Isekai anime shit, so the cast is all women and one man.
this. even good man has a few friends but then the otaku would reeeeeee because they see other men as competition to their waifus.
It's especially stupid in Ferris' case. Dude's a straight male who just has a crossdressing kink.
>Switzerland being precise
All "transgender anime icons" are usually just crossdressers. Astolfo dressed like a girl to cheer his friend and liked it enough to keep doing it. Felix just likes dressing up as a girl. Chihiro only dressed up as a girl to justify his lack of masculinity but deep down wanted to be stronger.
The only actual trans anime character is that blue haired girl from the zombie anime.
Neither anime nor Hollywood are the answer, you dumb cunt. They are both pretty terrible, braindead options.
Is this the incel thread?
Behold: The only, ONLY, I repeat, the O N L Y good anime to EVER exist in the entire fucking history of the medium
Anime is unironically the highest form of art
>tfw I had and still have a hatred of the generic moeshit that plagued 2000s anime
>fucking trannies everywhere reinforce how justified this view is
Feeling a little smug desu
>No seinen
Confirmed manchild
It's unironically the lowest. It's lower than video games, capeshit, reality TV, gossip mags, and coloring books.
he based
False, but have fun being an unsophisticated smoothbrain.
That’s every boy’s last dream, and every man’s first loss.
shounen is trash
>muh honor
oh boy, here we go!
user she's getting BLACKED as we speak
This is the anime equivalent of saying that Kill Bill is the only good movie ever made. Kill yourself you super pleb.
>tfw going on /adv/ and convincing people asking romance questions that their partner is acting SUPER SUSPICIOUS and that I DON'T CLAIM TO KNOW ANYTHING BUT IF I HAD TO GUESS I'D SAY THEY COULD BE CHEATING ON YOU
>have undoubtedly caused several fights, possibly even breakups among people I've never even met
go back to that other thread faggot or better yet your own tranny containment board
>we wuz weebs
Nope, he's a boy who crossdresses too.
Anime is art, animation, and storytelling.
>implying you're white
Anime is exactly unsophisticated smoothbrain entertainment.
Don’t believe in it lol
How do I get a cute deaf gf?
Holy fuck, Kevin Bacon is an absolute train wreck!
Factually false, but thanks for trying.
>>male romantic drama
>fairy tale that will never happen. young love does not last
>>female romantic drama
>realistic and relatable for the target audience.
Women aren't property you toxic sexist.
But what if you had no dick?
left pic was written and directed by women
also thats not the plot of the movie
wtf the female lead doesn't act like muh stuttering, clumsy and shy Tittymonster McCatgirl? fucking jews
Give me those (You)s, coward. I'm 100% correct, by the way.
>expecting Yea Forums incel niggers to actually watch the movies they talk about
it's no different than Yea Forums
Yes because concepts such as honor and loyalty are for fairytales, well I mean at least they are in the eyes of females
>Silent Voice
>being about honor and loyalty
You're either a stupid fucking troll posting that fucking BULLSHIT statement whilwe ON A FUCKIGN ANIME WEBSITE or you're stupid fucking enough to actually beleive whaty uo are saying either of which you're not worth actual conevrsation
>implying romance must be limited to any particular medium
yes it must
no fuck you
S Tier: Art, Poetry, Literature, Music
A Tier: Film, Television
B Tier: Comics/ Manga
C Tier: Anime/ Cartoons
>Music, Poetry
>S Tier
Another retard, I see
>no vidya games, the most interactive medium
video games are easily below both anime and cartoons
>le vidya
go the fuck back
Fuck off
>anime pic
>considers video games to be high art
like puppetry
Nice strawman faggot avatarposter.
I'm neither of those. I will admit I'm exaggerating a little bit, but if tiers are applied, anime is definitely on the absolute lowest one.
This anime website is here so that you can enjoy your favorite dogshit medium and discuss it with other retards, but don't expect any respect.
C Tier
I didn't watch whatever is on the right but KnK is fucking dogshit and exclusively liked by insecure weebs who latch onto anything with """mature""" themes and people who equate tears shed to quality writing.
>vidya not S or at least A tier
Back to soiddit, faggot
This is 100% true.
Nothing but trash
Isn't the Switch the soi's favorite prop?
Infinitely better than your fucking tranny censorstation you fucking snoyboy piece of shit
I don't play video games. I was merely saying that the medium of video games is one of the shittiest mediums.
>OMG so kawaii, she is a qt pure girl wearing skirts short enough for me to see her pantsu UwU
>I can't believe that roasties would find CHAD in normal clothing attractive! This is literally denying me sex!
kek and chek'd
lol you believed that?
Doesn't Astolfo have a boyfriend?
Nice try, Schlomo.
so are you saying you're a tranny ?
because you posted a tranime picture
dont you guys have like 10 blacked threads on first page or something
Does anyone on this board ever get pussy or nah? I don’t even know why I read what you homos say.
Love between brothers (no homo) and love of your mom are the only pure loves in this world.
Romantic love is corrupted by physicality.
Faggot you can’t even read your own graph correctly. It labels all the lines by age range on the right
does a chubby chick from my college anime club when I was 25 count?
That has absolutely nothing to do with the plot of "A Silent Voice". It's a beautiful film, but holy fuck it's not about that at all.
Sorry, can you speak up?
I love my gf and she loves me. End of thoughts.
imagine being memed into chopping off your dick