Respect the decision, guys

Respect the decision, guys.

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There's no such thing as "non-binary", he's just a proto-tranny. Also I don't know who they are.


What an attention whore

Dubs and I will become non binary

I've never heard of him. "They" is a plural pronoun.

Trips he is a one hit wonder trying to look fresh


Isnt 'they/them' extremely rude?
Its like you disregard them entirely.

What does that even mean? Hes more than one person?


as a massive believer in biology and, overall, science this offends me. i am going to sue.

dont try to gatcha me, I used 'them' as in multiple people.

yeah and i want to be a super sayan

>being a regular fag is now too vanilla
>have to up the ante with superfaggotry

man, the world went to shit so fast

He is only doing this cos he Needs to be liked by the zoomer freaks who buy music still

we should nuke it like fallout and guess who the Ghouls would be kek

Ladies, the WHOLE REASON we started calling you guys in the first place was out of RESPECT. I see all people as strong, capable men!!


non-binary ought to just be a word for 3dpd

they take it up the ass

shouldn't be called Sam then. Sam is a male/female name and should be called something else like TRANNY

i think i'll just call him "faggot" from now

Ass..pee hole...these mentally ill retards need a manual to fuck correctly.

This desu

I call him them homo from now on

Hate this narcissistic shit. He or she, choose one or fuck off

Crowned and royalpilled.

Theres only two genders male and female then mental illness

He's a queer little cunt that fella.

"They" just sounds arrogant to me honestly, like you're so woke and sharp that multiple peoples worth of intellect resides inside them.

ITS MA'AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still not sure what "they" means when it comes to pronouns.
Does he think he is more than one person?

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I want my pronoun to be 'cute little anime girl'. Either that or 'Sneed'

are they the shit stabber or letterbox

Read: "being a regular faggot doesn't get me enough victim hood attention any more so I need to up the levels."

the Unis teach kids that this gender crap is real

Technically there's a singular "they", like if your talking about someone and you have no way of knowing their gender, but this is just bullshit

Yes and he's forcing his gender bullshit on everyone, nobody cares about his gender turmoil it's not interesting to anyone. If your genders messed up fine, just let your sex dictate your pronouns and stick with "he". Hate his self obsession dressed up as enlightenment.

I was raped by a pronoun yesterday.

>i hope you can see me like i see myself now

yeah like a massive fucking uphill gardener LOL

he looks like a back street chav bum boy

What the fuck is wrong with white American "men"?


>OP clicked on clickbait and wasted trips
faggot on all fields

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Wasen' t this dude in Gilmore girls?

hahaha fuck

I’m gonna say it...

>I've decided to embrace myself for who I am.
>Fucking nobody.

>Makes the shittiest Bond theme
>Thinks I care about his pronouns

Imagine faggots like that trying to storm omaha beach.

He’s a bong, nice try

>wikipedia page already has every pronoun changed

what the fuck lmao

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>people are now expected the refer to him as 'them'
Can a fucking meteor just obliterate this planet already?

the really funny bit is that they believe the boys back then died to defend their right to be non-binary

They have always been them, user. ALWAYS.

if trump was there yes

they did, they just didn't know

to think they will inherit the earth

>"They" is a plural pronoun.
This, I've never understood this prenoun, literally everybody is they/them as a plural

this is trending on twitter and you know it will make the rounds in the news media

Lily Allen has started reee on twatter she was sex assaulted , years ago but can only be a victim now


No, such pronouns for singular don't exist in the English language.

I know, how silly of them. Instead, like every other western military they signed up to fight to fight the enemies of Israel instead.

My workplace has a policy that "respects all genders, gender identities and gender expressions". So I could force my coworkers and managers to call me They, Xir, or Xe. But I too would have to call them by their 'preferred pronouns'.

Is the faggot gonna wear a sign or a t-shirt that makes this clear or what

Even worse.

Singer. Did the music for the last Bond film.

I sometimes play The Sims now suck my fem penis. my pronouns are they/them

The only pronoun that matters.

Under no circumstances am I ever calling anyone by these made up pronouns. Literally can’t make me and I’d like to see someone try

I work at a large tech company and jokingly said that I was two spirited and that people should call me we, but people didn't understand that it was a joke so now everyone calls me we and I can't say it was a joke because that would go against the discrimination policy and I would get fired. We live in a clown world.

It's all based on this shit.

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>.Yea Forums is obsessed with celebrity "news" and gossip
I knew you faggots were no different from women

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Never fucking heard of the cunt. Change your pronouns to muggy bonehead for all i care.

Yeah it makes shit pretty confusing to read sometimes. I guess people just feel like it's easier to accept a common word over xir or whatever it used to be.

move to canada, they can and will put you in jail. welcome to hell!

ok dude whatever
>oh shit, I guess mainstream media already desensitized people to faggots; LOOK AT ME GUYS I'M NON-BINARY BET MOST OF YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THAT MEANS, SEE HOW SPECIAL I AM?

just fucking nuke all of western civilization already

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what are some movies about Hell?

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non-binary as a gender makes no sense. There's no evolutionary reason for it to exist. There is no benefit from it.

Say what you will about America but at least we don’t have to worry about that happening. People would chimp out hard if they put someone in jail for not pronouning someone



the frighteners

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You got it mixed up, non-binary is for people who want the clout and white knights from being a tranny but don't want to put any effort into it.

Oh no no no no look at the top of his head.

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AKA snowflake who can't admit they're gay or just wants to use muh special pronouns

>i can't pass for a tranny so my new gender is going to be one of those background vape smoking aliens from Dune

Hair transplant when

if I change my name to dick and all my pronouns to big/enormous will people say big/enormous dick when speaking about me?

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Look at the top of THEY head, bigot!

No because you still can only pick from the already approved terms and names. It's a big farce being pushed by people who don't actually have dysphoria and white women because they want special treatment. It's really no different than the late 90s early 00s when people said they were bi to feel special.



She is a trash human

>attention seeking faggot

i hope this is true

I hate all this gender shit, why can't you just be an effeminate man or a masculine woman anymore?