Movie plays in the middle ages

>movie plays in the middle ages
>people are loud and rude af at a nobles banquet
>noble eats his chicken like some animal and his hand are full of grease

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they didn't have movies back then so idk what ur talmbout ;)

>movie isn't completely historically accurate
>autists complain about it

I like where this thread is going.

it's well known that the middle age was barbaric faggot

name 5 movies

>noble eats his chicken like some animal and his hand are full of grease
>sticks his hand under the table and lets his dog 'clean' it

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every movie set in the middle ages, at least the ones made before 1990
The Last Kingdom series did that probably at one point or another

Bathing was extremely important
They were clean and polite, even the poor ass farmers.
They got 5 months of vacation and drank beer all day
Bath houses
Singing at church
It was very very chill and cool and clean

as fuck

f (you)

based cumbrain

Well the middle ages range from 900 to 1400, so it depends.

>user greentexts about himself and pretends he saw it in a movie

i actually like the way they portray animalistic eating among elites

>peasants have their faces full of mud and wear dirty brown clothing, so you get they are peasants

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i hate having dirty hands because i'm constantly having to adjust volume or click around while i eat. started stealing boxes of plastic gloves from hospitals and use them for finger food. before I had to make everything I ate into sandwiches because bread won't leave your fingers with residue or wet or greasy or anything.

>noble sticks his dick under the table and lets his dog 'clean' it

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Bull SHIT.
Medieval people used stale bread plates, no cutlery apart from general purpose knives. Dogs pissed and shit freely on castle floors; humans pissed into corridors. Some bishop was killed by being pelted with bones at a Viking feast (Google it) Tycho Brahe died of a burst bladder because he wasn't allowed to leave the king's table. If anything movies depict medieval people too civilised when in fact they were filthy and feral.

>started stealing boxes of plastic gloves from hospitals

you can actually buy them user
also I started to make myself sandwiches for lunch sometimes because they are pretty neat

>Medieval people used stale bread plates
which soaks everything up and keeps things clean

>no cutlery apart from general purpose knives
plus some cloth to wipe your hands during eating

>bishop was killed by being pelted with bones at a Viking feast
Bishop at a Viking feast? He had it coming.

>Tycho Brahe died of a burst bladder because he wasn't allowed to leave the king's table
so he died because of etiquette?

I'll give you the shitting and pissing in the castle

Medieval people were closer to animals than to modern Homo sapiens.

Why would I pay for them if I don't have to stupud ass

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that's accurate

No. No, its not. Read up on history instead of just using google, you water baby.

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You should:

>movie plays in the Bronze Age
>people don't genocide each other murdering all the men and boys and raping women

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they would also give their soaked bread plates to poor people after they were done eating

>not taking 1 bite of 60 different foods to make it look like you eat a lot

What about when a woman talks shit to a noble and nothing happens?

>movie plays in the middle ages

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>shitting and pissing in the castle
You never been to a medieval castle, huh?

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they even had those little devils about to piss themselves in the corridors as markers where to look for toilets. nobody was shitting on the floor

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most of this has been debunked

Read up on the civilization process

Sounds pretty alpha