I cannot pray hard enough for the San Andreas fault to finally open and swallow all of California with it
I cannot pray hard enough for the San Andreas fault to finally open and swallow all of California with it
That's now how faults work.
What don’t you like about California and who do you think is behind it?
Ok don’t answer that question yet.
Let me ask one more question:
Who created these comics?
Ok now answer it.
Are they even allowed to turn a jew (Other than Jesus) into a black man
>marvel studios =/= the creators of the comics
It’s too late. It is written in the stars. They must be engulfed by the earth
It's not 1962 anymore, sweetie. POC deserve a chance to get these roles and you know full well that Denzel as Xavier and George Lopez as Magneto would be kino as heck.
>marvel studios=/=creators of the comics
Hmmm are you sure about this? I’m sure you can draw a commonality between them.
Isn’t magneto a holocaust survivor though?
How about we answer this question. Why should a shill tripfag be permitted to speak. Don't answer that, nobody is listening to you anyway.
Why are you retards replying to a tripfag lol
Uh oh do I detect a hint of deflection?
oh yeah now i remember why im happy disney lost spiderman
They will make him a survivor of racist America.
Oh I didn't read your comment. I just want you to know that you've been filtered.
Do you even know what a tripfag is, retard? How is OP a tripfag?
>That's now how faults work.
Maybe it's a faulty fault.
I do I do detect it!
I was about to say that.
Like I get they can't make him a literal survivor anymore without making him a time traveller or an immortal along with being a mutant, but the holochaust personally affecting him is like 90% of his motivation for the shit he does.
Making him anything other than someone of European jewish descent would be like making a Batman movie where Batman has to worry about his dad finding out his secret identity.
Why do you care about the colour of a fictional character?
You know they'll do it because WWII was soo long ago that (((they))) can't milk holocaust sympathy and make Magneto a Jew. So they need him and Proffessor X to be a part of some other group that cultivates victimhood status. I'd put money on them making both black!!!FACT!!!
Why do the people pushing racelifting?
>Magneto isn't a holocaust survivor anymore - and thats a problem
>Are they even allowed to turn a jew (Other than Jesus) into a black man
It's been done before!!!FACT!!!
Fuck off eurocuck, you made you bed, now get raped in it, I’m sorry I meant “culturally enriched” in it
>You know they'll do it because WWII was soo long ago that (((they))) can't milk holocaust sympathy and make Magneto a Jew. So they need him and Proffessor X to be a part of some other group that cultivates victimhood status.
Well duh
Do you think anyone here is unaware of this?
>Why do the people pushing racelifting?
Because niggers are incapable of creating their own characters and have to steal white ones. Same thing with civilizations!!!FACT!!!
Disney is 11 years too late anyway.
>Do you think anyone here is unaware of this?
You know there's someone here who doesn't!!!FACT!!!
What does this have to do with tripfagging you retard
Seems simple enough to solve by saying either Magneto's mutations or nazi experiments made him age slowly, akin to wolverine (but minus the regeneration)
>What does this have to do with tripfagging you retard
I don't know what that means? The only objection to the character having a different colour would be because you want it to be exactly the same as in the comic books.
Why are you so afraid of having a new character? the comics were garbage, give me something new and interresting.
Sorry im writing the language the way it's supposed to be written.
Im comfy as hell in my danish healthcare system, going to my free university tomorrow, right now im living on benefits from the state for going to school.
Have fun getting shot in your next mall shooting because some incel read too many posts on Wizardchan.
What a truely englightend opinion, did you have a problem with spiderman into the spider-verse for the same reason?
This. And I'd honestly prefer the time travel trope. They're just changing things to change things and get attention. It's resorting to the sales boosting clickbait tactics of the actual comics industry.
Gypsies were holocaust victims also, problem solved
>What don’t you like about California and who do you think is behind it?
>Who created these comics?
Other Jews.
Correct. Now why wouldn’t jews be allowed to modify their creations however they please? Are you trying to dictate their work to appeal to you? Sounds like SJW shit.
X-men getting pozzed is going to be hilarious. Glad I'm not a fan.
>The only objection to the character having a different colour would be because you want it to be exactly the same as in the comic books.
And that's a bad thing!
He's a jew. No way they blackstain him or anything else. This is just PR. Professor X is the one in trouble
>ah yes, john, turning that character black, how heroic and original, of course we'll do it for our next film
Imagine if niggers had created these characters and someone even suggested they be cast as anything but black for once.
Do you have trips off? There's one in this thread right now.
As long as Jay Lenos garage floats to safety,I agree.
I don't get this anymore. What's the point of doing this?
>people can modify someone else's work just because they're of the same race
Kek brainlet.
>Are you trying to dictate their work
Yes. You mad? Sneed. Final reply.
They better get this nigga adamantium spine.
They're gonna be ex lovers too, I guarantee it
He survived tianenan square now
If individualism is what you support then there’s no inherent difference in a white or black character being represented in the comics because one individual’s accomplishments don’t generalize to the rest of their race. Cool. Glad we can agree.
The real Jews are the Black Israelites, listen to more reggae fag.
It's not 1962 and therefore we must erase all the culture of one race who already have low birth rates and are a minority on a global scale? Why are we pretending brown people "deserve" to be given free things just for being brown? Why should a white character be black, I have never seen a single justification for it. "It would be kino!" So would casting Harrison Ford, Mark Hamil, Gary Oldman or a thousand other white actors in the roles. But keep on going, it's just creating more awareness of what libtardism and woke politics actually means in reality.
They can create their own comics instead of stealing shit for once.
Well if you didn't care, you'd be happy for them to remain white. Why are you pretending you're not a racist?
>caring about capeshit post-Endgame
We've had 10 years of this shit not to mention all the Xmen shit from FOX smattered over the years. How can people still care about any of this anymore?
Who cares. X-Men has always sucked dick and Wolverine is the only character that is semi interesting and not lame as fuck. It has always been a hamfisted allegory on how mutants=jews and other holocaust themes. This shit is getting old and is impossible to adapt to modern times (unlike Punisher for example, you can easily swap Vietnam for Iraq for example)
Why do they? If they didn't care, then why change it?
My point is that i don't give a shit what the colour of the character is, all i care about is wether or not it is an interresting character.
Here is the arc of the post as i see it.
>Marvel:Hey maybe magneto should be black, shit idk
>Me: i don't care about any of this.
>Why do they? If they didn't care, then why change it?
Im not saying that they don't care about the colour of the character, they probably know that if they make him woke or whatever they will sell more tickets, sure.
What I am saying is that i don't care about the characters color, so wether they change it or not, i don't care, all i care about is wether or not it is an interresting character, black or white.
Not realizing that X-Men were created as an analogy about (((them))) being ostracized by us
Not realizing (((they))) often believe they possess ESP, genius intellect, and even superpowers. To this day Spielberg says Uri Geller is legit and is planning a new project about him
Not realizing comic books themselves are a J medium that was always designed to subvert white youth and slowly boil them for a future multi cultural society that is now solidifying. Not realizing this is why the Comic Code was enacted and why horror comics were a scandal. It wasn't the content per se, it was (((their))) agenda
Not realizing that comic book art was flooded onto the US market to lower the overall standards of taste and subjectivity in art, the same as what happened in Germany during Weimar. Not being on the frequency to decipher how comic books were originally an expression of hate, a master troll, against European standards of beauty. Not to say all comics are bad, don't be silly, but the medium was the message, and the message was this: Soon but not too soon, we can't have you fully understanding our agenda.
The only way they could make it work with Magneto would be if he’s Romani since the Holocaust was the defining event of his life. Turning him into McNigger 9000 would actually ruin his character arc.
>muh apathy
No. Kill yourself. Just because you want to get pozzed doesn't mean everyone else does. Plus if someone doesn't like something, they have the right to complain about it. That'd what being a customer is all about.
B-but Magneto is already jewish? That's his backstory
Can we make Anne Frank a pregnant girl from sweet home Alabama then?
good i hope capeshitters will see x-men ruined more than fox did
It's fine. Youre not going to find someone on the level of mckellan, fassbender, mcavoy, or stewart to reprise the roll so this just makes some distance between them.
Also it gets harder and harder to keep magneto's concentration camp origins because it was just too long ago, unless he gets frozen in an iceberg next to Cap.
That Witherspoon movie Freeway is basically this and it's unironically based. Never saw the sequel with the OITNB jewess though.
Make Anne Frank a Muslim stripper that tries to seduce Hitler, but Hitler is a good Christian man on thot patrol. (Nazis are the good guys in this movie.)
"Facts don't care about your feelings".
-That one jew guy
Marvel is heading to the right direction
*doesn't buy your product*
*convinces others to not buy your product*
Easy. Sorry shill.
How can Magneto be PoC? His background is that he's a Jew angry over the Holocaust. What the fuck? Professor X is also a white chad crippled, allowing him to be an acceptable face of mutants (white) and also understand mutation as a disability (crippled). Their race is important. Fuck these faggots.
wasnt he already a jew?
You could arguably swap his ethnicity for any of the other ethnic groups targeted by the Nazis (Poles, Balts, Russians, Gypsies, etc.) and it would still work out because Auschwitz was a horrendous experience for everyone who was there.
Do I need to bring /his/ in here to forcefully correct you?
Dude... It's a movie. Was the first part of that post factually correct then since you didn't bother to fact check that portion of it?
No, the Jewish guilt and subversive nature are important to his character. The sense of a visceral persecution based on a fact you cannot change. The rest of those Hitler gassed were almost incidental and of a lower tier of hate in the eyes of the modern man, and particularly the modern Jew.
What? that made like no sense. Do you need an ambulance? Are you having a stinging in your left arm?
Nigga, he basically discards his Jewish identity for a Nazi-esque worldview where mutants are the master race and humans are subhumans only fit to serve as cattle.
Magneto is a gipsy, but of course POC for the mutts mean black and only black.
They can't do that or they'll never make any sweet Chinese bucks.
stop responding to baiting tripfaggots you smoothbrains
This would of pissed me off a few months ago. Fuck it. It's clown world and normies even know it. The harder they keep pushing this shit, the sooner it will be over with.
>Magneto is a gipsy
I think you are mixing him with Dr Doom
I was going to post the wikipedia article but youre right. I swear I remember him being a gipsy in the 80's cartoon...
So what's your favorite comic from the 50's? Was it when Bland Man woke up in a cold sweat next to his boy sidekick and blamed the end of the "Golden Age" on kikes in a desperate attempt to not remember a depression, a prohibition, and two world wars he totally doesn't have PTSD about? Because that, to me, is wholesome entertainment.
>I was going to post the wikipedia article but youre right. I swear I remember him being a gipsy in the 80's cartoon...
I think that was a retcon just for the cartoon so they wouldn't have to have a holocaust story
Nigga, did you not even see First Class? They are painfully obvious in explaining how and why that happened. As well as the folly of it.
You're retarded.
You mean like Israel?
Why don't we just have a second holocaust so that his story makes sense?
>muh comics
Imagine being an adult and caring what movies do
That's so retarded that I believe it's exactly what they will do.
>My homogeneous northern European country of 5 million people can sustain a cushy welfare state
Brazil has a pretty expansive welfare state on paper. Why is it they have failed where your country has succeeded? If you can give an honest answer to that question, you can understand why white Americans are against expanding the welfare state in America.
It's not like they've got raising a family, owning a home in a safe neighborhood, or retiring in their late 60's to look forward to. Got to keep these sheep distracted or they might start asking uncomfortable questions.
Explain how Brazil failed? They're one of the largest economies on the planet.
Ha. Danes are such fags. Oh, I so smar and interrigent. I very rearned. Meanwhile: doesn’t own land, can’t make own food, can’t find mate, home smells exactly like you think it would based on looking at him.
I've been saying this for awhile now. They only way they'll learn is if they get to see a glimpse of the world they're wishing for. Hopefully a peek will be enough or we're in for communist russia tier existence for a few decades.
Imagine if a Jew made a nigger character and someone cast the Kang as a white boi.
This is the most low IQ post I've seen all day. I really mean this: do not have sex. Do not reproduce.
Homogeneous* communist Russia. At least be consistent, user.
I kind of thought the *tier* part said just as much as I was trying to convey.
Imagine being an adult and letting your country get pozzed.
With one of the shittiest wealth disparities in the western hemisphere, inept government, corruption at every level of society, and shit over all healthcare. The fact that the 30 years of liberal control of a country that rich in natural resources failed to produce a first world tier society should be a fucking hint to stupid fucking leftists what their "multi cultural, diverse, progressive" societies of the future will look like, but no, in the face of a shit heap of a country they just mumble and say "muh gdp" "muh systemic poverty." That country could very well be on the level of Canada or Australia in terms of development but instead it's just a favela covered boil on the ass of the western hemisphere. When you understand why that is, you can understand why "new Europeans" aren't going to make Europe better, why a Latinized United States will see it's quality of life further decline, and why you should fucking hang yourself for enabling any of this even on a small scale.
Cyclops already fixed that, retard.
I’ve been saying for years that they’re going to have serious problems with Magneto as he gets aged out of plausibly being a Holocaust survivor but making him a big nig would just about do it. Can’t imagine the Jews being happy about losing a key propaganda piece in pop culture though.
You dismissed a successful state for being successful because it was homogeneous. Then used a failed state which was also homogeneous as a scary glimpse of the future. Therefore the racial aspect of the argument isn't consistent as a key factor determining outcome.
Communist Russia wasn't successful... Communist Russia was a failed state with victims in the millions. There was no racial aspect of the argument, so it could not have been a key factor in determining any outcome. You're overthinking this.
Fuck you bigger, when I get home I'm posting the picture of you and your driver's license you posted years ago.
Fuck off Yea Forums again for another few years.
Do it
Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!
What is he going to do to those tigers to "rekindle" them?
Protip: he has me confused with a crazy black dude who used to post his dick a lot on Yea Forums
>"muh gdp" "muh systemic poverty."
user, come on now. You can't claim metrics like GDP or PPP do not matter. Or that the income gap is different because they're not white or they instituted safety programs. The gap is actually less after their recession because of neoliberal reforms. Compare the GINI numbers between the US & Brazil. It's not that dramatic. About 10 pts lately. And yes, those numbers matter.
Magneto is a Jew. He's not getting touched.
Let ur ego burn
More like let a random US citizen burn. Lol go for it my dude
So he still gonna be a concentration camp survivor or nah?
If you're not the guy arguing with the Dane, I apologize. Usually there's samefagging and talk of why socialism-lite countries work in Europe because they're white. May be my mistake.
Now he'll be a back man that sees the glory of Judaism and converts.
Are the 2010's confirmed to be the worse decades ever?
Have you not heard of The Great Depression?
They stopped burning, he's going to set them on fire again.
>using super hot beam to “seal” the fault
>not telling Bobby he’s blasting through the crust to accelerate its split
Cyclops unironically /ourguy/
it is how normal faults work, San Andreas is a transform or slip fault though.
>Michael Jordan (Space Jam) is Professor X.
All it takes is one big enough earthquake and they’re all dead. I don’t know how you think faults “work”, retard
Brazil is most violent shithole in the world, still
For the last time, it isn’t all of California that’s this crazy; just LA and the Bay Area.
This coming from the guy that screams "FUCK ANGLOS!" constantly. Classic. It goes in all fields.
nah just LA
I hope you're not American. Because that stone is going to fuck up our glass house mightily.
You should look up what deflection means my butthurt anglo friend.
arent they Jewish though? thats like committing a holocaust
>t. Flyover
Have fun with your joblessness and tornadoes, yokel.
Have fun with your gunless homeless cuckhold enthusiast, flame engulfed mudslide shithole
ah ha
>HollyJew recasting a JEW as a black
I can't believe you guys are unironically falling for this. They would NEVER allow a Magnegro. Magneto's entire back story is about being an angry Jew
>libtards are the snowflakes!
>what do you mean my fictional character isn’t going to be white reeeee
Professor X could be an old indian guy, I can see that. Magneto I think has to be Jewish. Jubillee keep asian. Storm african. Not much race swapping needed.
cyclops is the whitest guy there is through, I don't think you can change him
Wolverine should be change to the real minority, a red head/ And make him scottish.
good they should
its time for you to leave childish things behind
kill the child and let the man be born user
>Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcom X were black
>Why are you so afraid of having a new character?
If it were a new character no one would mind. What people care about is people changing characters for no reason other than to appeal to a wider audience. The reason these characters are successful is because they have a core that characters grew to love and invested in them. Then, once they become a mainstream draw/execs decide they want to cash in on them, they bastardise them to make them more appealing instead of developing a new IP because they're too lazy and don't understand how to create.
>execs decide they want to cash in on them, they bastardise them to make them more appealing instead of developing a new IP because they're too lazy and don't understand how to create.
This. "Hey, Magento has another bastard. He's black. Black Magneto. His name is Darius Magnetron Cadillac and he is an original character. With his own arc." Literally still better. Original characters please.
they did not get to choose.
article isn’t even real you fucking /pol/tards
If you're bothered by a characters skin color being different and you're not autistically bitching about hulk wearing black pants instead of purple, you're just a racist. They change hella shit from the comics.
>praying for something bad to happen to other people
Enjoy your karma
>changing the colour of shorts is different to changing a character's ethnicity
Are you retarded?
>Not real
First of, welcome to the internet after 2010. Nobody can tell what's real because research is hard. Second -and I'm not even going to put this spoilers- many of us have no lives and just want to talk to another human. Even if it's by being a dick andaahhhhh... Oh I see what you did. How are you friend?
All Jews over 70 are considered holocaust survivors whether they have been there or not, they even invent stories of how they escaped from torture machines, it is like a Jewish tradition I think
He can’t be a Holocaust survivor anymore, he’d be in his 70s in the first film to have even been a toddler at a death camp.
>yfw the Jews might engineer another Holocaust in your lifetime so they can reference THAT one and extend the Holocaust guilt card for another couple generations
You don't even need to research to know what's not real and what's real. Sucks to be you I guess.
Make Magneto a Rhodesian soldier who was betrayed by the West.
True. As long as I watch Fox News and Joe Rogan I really shouldn't need to look up anything. It's so convenient now. What a time to be your grandma on Facebook.
Explain how its different then
"Hi Professor X!"
"Oh -- hello little miggers"
Great movie btw
Not nearly tall enough for Wolverine.
Logan! In my office NOW!
From Captain Picard to Geordi Laforge.
They are going the Black Israelite route
good idea. that way those displaced can move into your cities and neighborhoods. you won’t be able to escape it then
God I hope
Get the fuck off this site you degenerate namefaggot
Either mutants all age slower or make him the survivor of some other ethnic cleansing. For extra woke points, make him a Rwandan Tootsie pissed off at the Hutu in specific and European colonialism in general.
you missed the attempt to block the manga genre too
honestly prof x being black would work
Who fucking cares, incel? Grow up and stop wasting your life with manchild shit.
They could maybe make him a black South African, or a Chechen, or Yugoslavian. Anyplace where an ethnic group is persecuted and killed would work.
I know this is bait
They must have done a shit deal with Fox, just like spiderman
Kill yourself wine aunt. Nobody wants you anymore
>Yea Forums-Racism & Shitposts
>Make Magneto black
Oy Vey how Antisemetic.
m8 you need to stop fucking posting. I see you every time I'm on here and everything you say is always hot trash
>california insulting others
you are walking into a heap of trouble
>no one can actually answer this question
Some characters should just be retired
Make a new villain
This too
No. I know how short Wolverine is. Kevin Heart is just that short.
>magneto goes from a jew pissed about the holocaust to a gypsy pissed about the holocaust
Can't wait to see the shapiro tears
>Magneto no longer Jewish
I'll believe it when I see it
I had more replies to this comment but they clearly got deleted. They were all like yours. I'd say your comments are trash since they get deleted and mine stay.
He is actually taller than Wolverine. 5 4 vs 5 3
>believing Kevin Hart and his three inch heels
What is a midget? A miserable pile of lies.
>article clip dated June 6, 2019
You're really proud of yourself for making this and posting it every chance you get, aren't you? You were also too stupid to realize you were being redundant.
>MCU fans: X-men and FF need to leave Fox and come to Marvel
>also MCU fans: X-men and FF need to leave Fox and come to Marvel
fucking retard
>a Batman movie where Batman has to worry about his dad finding out his secret identity
damn that's a good idea though, why havnt that covered that part of batmans story yet in the movies?
>Taking the time to do this.
Cry more, faggot. I revel in your incompetence.
Really not the same, hitler was on another level compared to what we had in the recent decades.
>Getting butthurt over someone reposting oc
Well, he’s officially not as autistic as you, that much is confirmed
It worked in Superman which was a superhero movie so it makes this real.
>samefagging this hard
this nigga's actually butthurt
holy fuck my sides
DC just hired Quinn for a Batman and Superman book.
How about these fags just invent some new heroes already? Are they going to milk these characters forever?
He'd probably be Professor X now
Enjoy your featureless sandbar where the rest of the nation sends old people to die.
I'd be OK with Lance Reddick as Prof X
The fuck did I do?
Not you again. Fucking retard
The answer is already in the thread, but your disingenuous faggot ass is ignoring it.
I'm not watching Mag-Negro
>Magneto stops trying to wipe out humanity and instead uses his powers to steal hub caps.
> black Magneto
that's just Killmonger is without the mutant powers
Lol don't even care anymore. Thank fuck I am done with their shit.
Diverrsity is our strength
is magneto being a holocaust survivor not enough
You are an idiotic baboon. I am a black guy that is against this. Thanks for revealing yourself as a monumental fag.
You cunts are so predictable. There is no point conversing.
Why post in the thread if you don't care?
I want to see this.
I want to see 80s rogue get blacked. Is that too much to ask?
Show us on the doll where the california touched you, snowflake
i agree, make black panther white.
>stealing shit
>created by jews
When did whites decide what Jews do with their IPs? How about you continue whining about how Jews are ruining shit and be turned a blind eye towards?
>Explain how its different
>skin colour is the same as clothes
you're a fucking racist.
Is hellcats superpower to accuse men of rape and ruin their lives so they kill themselves?
Man, she'd be like 50-60 years old now. You disgust me.
Very based
you got a problem with mature women user?
X-Men is an allusion towards the American Civil Right Era anyway, mostly the ideological schism between Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X, so it having POC main characters is more appropriate than it isn't. If you don't already know this and you've been reading X-Men comics for years, then you likely have a learning disability.
>likes wolverine
>thinks civil rights isn't always applicable no matter the time
Could your IQ be any lower?
MCUcks will never admit it's shit just like they pretend the new Spiderman isn't garbage
>Getting red hot mad over cartoons
Fox pretty much ruined X-Men aside from Logan, so it can't get any worse. Let's do this!
why white? There's plenty of white heroes. Make him indian or hispanic.
A lot of people who read comics don't actually read them, they just look at the pictures. So when the moving pictures don't match the drawings they looked at it makes them sad-angry inside. People think "they made them white to begin with, keep em white" when it was 1960's and black people weren't allowed in white libraries, why put black people in comic books? Hell it was before star trek, before the first on-screen interracial kiss, so yea, you make it white people so it looks like it's for white people, but it was actually for minorities. I'll always see people who cry race changing a character as racist. Then again, I hate just seeing characters go from white to black, there's other races too. When it's done right no one notices, brownie points are bad tho.
>Replacing a holocaust survivor with a nigger
>That's now how faults work.
Good, thank you, so it's official now
I've never understood why any racists would enjoy reading something like X-Men or the stories of any Marvel Comics character since people like them are always thoroughly rebuked in those stories. A learning disability is the only explanation I have for it.
Remember. You clicked on my face bitch
>Not realizing that X-Men were created as an analogy about (((them))) being ostracized by us
That's only what retarded self hating whites and jews think.
>haha edgy comedy is great, fucking chinese!
Mr. Chappelle, everyone.
>waaaaah they are white genociding my comic book mans
Try going to the Trek threads sometime.
user I promise you I will make this movie one day
It wouldn't make any sense and strays even further from the source material as an allegory for civil rights and that Magnus was very much a jewish holocaust survivor as well. Just make a new universe with new charcters, stop appropriation and appreciate what was and make something new. Fucking Hollywood man, not even once.
Chapelle is an insane shithead, as demonstrated by the fact that he converted to Islam, but it is very amusing that he's pissing off all the retard snowflakes.
Why are they though, niggerfaggot?
I'm actually glad he's getting so much traction but race hypocrites piss me off. Why can't I laugh at his retarded nigger friends? He laughs at everyone, especially white people. I loved him and his schtick before he went insane. Young Dave was peak Dave.
the current state of \tv\
There's a lot of high-adventure, sci-fi and fantasy in x-men in masks it all pretty well. It's just super hero stuff to some people. As much as an awful pedo creep Bryan Singer was, Im still glad a gay man directed some x-men movies. I'll agree when people don't see it and want to brush it aside, I too think they must be retarded. Not like "oh this guy likes mayo on his hot dog" retarded, but like actual and serious mental deficiencies. Like they have to watch Sling Blade to feel smart.
>As much as an awful pedo creep Bryan Singer was, Im still glad a gay man directed some x-men movies.
Magneto's racial identity as specifically a European Jew is integral to his fucking character, you magnificent retarded animal.
Or it's about the rich vs the poor, nice try on the race shit though, kikes.
Maybe the people you assume are racist because they hold opinions different from yours aren't actually racist? Have you thought of that?
He doesn't actually think about it he just feels good classifying some people as bad and some as good based on their skin color and supposed privilege level, ignore that faggot.
It's really not. Being a genocide survivor is the part of his story that's important. He doesn't need to be jewish. He never does anything with that heritage. Unlike say Kitty Pride or Moon Knight, which specifically reference it.
X-men has literally zero to do with race. Take care!
>try going to trek threads sometime
Oh, I know.
Oh ffs, I thought the file name was sarcastic and had to reverse image search it since I couldn't remember it. Kids, don't smoke dope.
kek I fucking love that guy.