Best films about race?

Best films about race?

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

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that video is total bs
if shes getting married to him why would she embarrass him like that?

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She's an escort. Black incels pay white hookers to give them a pity fuck

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I knew it. She had trashy prostitute written all over her. Only gross ones like her even let black dudes fuck them.


yeah ive notice a lot of black vids that are shoved in my face on pornhub look kind of staged

i liked

Sorry to Bother You
Get Out
Django Unchained
12 Years a Slave

Cope whitebois it's real.

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if anything though that video makes black people even worst and causes more animosity

Unironically mad respect for that nigger. What a poetic move.

who tf would go through with that? i cant believe this is real

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Chariots of Fire

White trash single mom hoes are dumb as shit. She probably didn't even realize this would end up on the internet. Still based af move by the nigger

Keep crying chang. Debunked.

Calling someone a name wouldn't deserve this kind of response. It doesn’t matter either way, it’s made up.

skip to the end of the end of the video where she signs a contract saying he can do whatever he wants with the vid

>Still based af move by the nigger
how big is your nose?

Why are Chinks so obsessed with black men?

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Cope and seethe

Yeah she has a white bf, what of it? Do you know that pic related, a pornstar that gets dped by white dudes on camera everyday has a black bf?

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replace black with white

See? You have nothing. You fell for a fetish larp.

Based nigger.

Because he looks like a scumbag, they probably had a fight.
True, HOWEVER this guy was still engaged to her

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while i admit most women are probably attracted to white men, the asian obsession with them is a little weird.

>cucks exist
Wtf i hate white women now

Still white guys fault for insulting people while marrying a whore, and this is coming from someone who uses the word nigger on here everyday

You believe anything you read.

>get called a nigger
>act like a nigger in response

If he's marrying her, he already knows she's a prostitute and doesn't give a fuck. This is a non-issue, the black dude had to pay to fuck her for his troll video and he gets to fuck her for free.

well that's the whole trick isn't it. When the ruling class calls the working class brutes, or when whites call blacks savages, what it does is create a situation where they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Either accept humiliation, or fight back and prove your oppressor correct. You're purposefully creating a situation where the oppressed group has no way to fight back.

Pretty cucked if you ask me.

He did not insult anything, it's cuck race play you fucking retard. She's an escort

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>being a white trash nigger and marrying a single mother prostitute
Guy was literally asking for it

Do The Right Thing

>hire 2 black men to beat you up screaming racial slurs and wearing maga hats
>post a video of yourself fucking a hooker that you paid to saying she's some dude's gf
do niggers even try? can they falseflag anything right? jesus

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Or you can be successful and not act like a nigger.

This is all staged, idiot. He’s cool with her doing this.

He got cucked hard and you have to deal with it
There’s a difference between marrying a former prostitute and marrying the mother of your child who just went online and recorded having sex with someone just to make fun of you
>it’s staged
It’s not staged, this has clearly ruined his life if you look at his insta

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>It’s not staged, this has clearly ruined his life if you look at his insta
how so? I just checked all his posts, there's nothing to suggest he's been going through a hard time.
If youre referring to all these people spamming shit on his pictures that's because they're retards like you who didn't know the bitch was a paid hooker