Post your collections

Post your collections.

Attached: collection.jpg (2024x2843, 1.53M)

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I have some CDs as well.
Yes I still buy them

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Bump I say.

I'm going to pretend I didn't see this.

i was gonna be mean but instead i'll ask how the new tool cd is

pretty based
i like the shelves too

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the bottom shelf of your kino agglomerate is really distracting and awful

Just a sample.

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>That collection

Attached: Disgusted.jpg (400x400, 14K)

>dragonball GT box set

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>spending this much on the japanese marvel

I haven't ordered it yet. Should be neat.
It's an okay show, I'm gonna get DB set as well. And the only the last blu ray for Super, whenever that comes out.

Attached: Some of my band shirts.jpg (2560x1920, 1.53M)

>having more than one shirt from the same band

based toolhead

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What they're neat.
I don't like band shirts that are badly designed. Cringe ugly edgelord album art with illegible band name, ALL CAPS "FUCK YOU" or vulgur text on the back. Neon monster shirts.
Thanks user

its all online for free... whats wrong with you people

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How long you been collecting?

>dragon ball gt the complete series
>literally 40 other things
It's amazing how much money people spend just to create bait pics.

GT's theme song is great. Hits me in the feels every time.

I'd rather not break the law, thanks.

>Cara naked poster

Fukkin based

Any of you fags collect Laserdiscs?

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A couple years, but I've sold a lot of stuff that I simply don't rewatch enough or that I'll upgrade to 4k. I don't buy regular blu rays anymore, unless it's something really neat.
You know it.

Attached: 69.jpg (5000x3063, 1.82M)

that must be what heaven looks like

>Jurassic World
>Pain & Gain
>Dragon Ball GT
>The Zatoichi movie everybody hates
>9 Planet of the Apes movies when only 1 of them is good
>The Predator
>Alien Convenant
>Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions
>Tween movies

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>Alien Covenant
What the fuck is wrong with you?

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nice get
what is that green box on the bottom left?

its good. youre a pleb.

Were you molested as a child?

>midsomar murders
absolute kinography

Looks good on my tv. Going to throw a tantrum over what people buy?

That shelf is the compilation section of my CD collection, that's Hard House Nation 2 mixed by Andy Farley and Lisa Pin-Up

Nice collection user

Good to know there's some lads out there that appreciate it, the Nettles era is some of the greatest television there is, or to put it another way: 80 brilliant detective movies.

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Some of it.

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Some more.

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And a little animation.

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My small but growing collection

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>logan's run
yeah... i'm thinking he's based

What’s with the separate Blue and Red age ratings?

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It's an EU thing. Different countries have different age rating logos, so instead of making lots of variants, they make cases with multiple logos.

Kino my bro

Looked alright till' I saw the cringe s o y IT dolls and the dyke haired cunt. Sad!


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i dont collect things
i like having as few possessions as possible

Those shelves are clearly ogreloaded, they're starting to bend

I don't collect physical media because i'm not a boomer.

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75% is a good stuff. Most impressive so far.

yeah, no thanks

I'm sorry, whats wrong with The Predator?

Looks like a Half Price Books movie shelf, congrats