Lol butthurt fattie

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Other urls found in this thread:

God damn it I fucking hate the entitlement mentality of this country so fucking much. These lardasses need to fucking stop normalizing being unhealthy.

>hates self hating white liberal cucks
>says nigger
>calls out capeshit manchildren
>now this
When did you realize that Maher was semi based?

Cordon is right. Fat shaming is bullying and bullying is wrong.

Lol Maher really struck a nerve with this fat in the closest fag I never seen him this worked up!

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Being fat is wrong.

Smoking, drinking alcohol etc are all unhealthy but we don't bully people over it

those things are not as unhealthy as being fat
and they dont make you ugly as fuck

hating capeshit makes you full based

ya we do

I do.

This is now a "Fat Shaming in TV thread".

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Just fucking lose weight, fat fucks.

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The average American is more likely to die from alcohol use than they are to die from being fat, retard

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How did that unfunny fatzo get his own show in the first placd

You've never bullied drunk retards? Really?

>being overweight is a complex problem involving lack of education, dearth of healthy food options, poverty and genetics
so he's admitting to being retarded?

He just kind of plays devil's advocate on a lot of things and sometimes it brings glaring issues to light. I don't think he's got any particularly well thought out ideas or beliefs, but he does confront certain ideas that people usually don't feel comfortable challenging.In short, he's kind of just a stupid asshole that's occasionally useful for challenging shitty ideas.

Diversity hire. They didn't have any People of Size in the late night line up.

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>only a medium

Maher is such a gen X hack.

More shows need to shame fatties.

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it is bad AND wrong

There should be a stronger name for fat shaming like badwrong, or badong.. yes fat shaming is badong

>not being a bloat lord

never gonna make it

Actual fat fuck here. Nobody should be this way. I feel like I'm having a heart attack when I walk back to my house from work. Humans were not meant to be obese. Shame me. This was my choice - America shouldn't be shoving this choice(lie) in everyone's mouths just because """everyone is beautiful"""

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Yes we do, you fat retard

muh genetics

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you literally can't smoke anywhere in public anymore in the US

I feel bad for everyone in this photo.

Do not feel bad for fatties.

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the girls are both thin lippers so they're basically as subhuman as he is

fuck you you fat piece of shit. we get it much worse than you but we don't complain about it.

t. junkie on methadone

I got a six pack cause I work out everyday. This fat fuck can spend the rest of his life beating around the bush. "muh fat shaming, muh hard to workout"... Good! Stay fat! I dont give a shit.

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>thin lippers
Is this some nigger jenkem attempt at English?

All Jews are 'based' in that they are actually racist, sexist, aware of how bad Islam is, how harmful porn is, etc. The problem is that they are Jews and they see these things as weapons against non-Jews. However aware they are of the truth, they will lie if it to their benefit or tell the truth if it is to their benefit. They are on their side and their side only.

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me in the middle

Damn Gina this thread is mean y’all!!!! Y’all hurtin homeboys feelins!!!!

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maher bowed down to old diva bitch talcum x ice-t
he's a joke of a man

this, all jews are based but only with other jews which is something even ancient greek philosophers observed

Stop being fat.

Codon is a fat fuck.

never because he's a smug hollywood cocksucker

shut up junky.

/fit/ has some great fattie hate threads

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Im fat but im not demanding everyone bow down to me, this is fucking retarded

And rightfully so for being dumb enough to destroy your body and the others around you. Sure your parents are real proud of you, champ.

>board for fitness discussion
>"lets talk about fat people!!!"

It's funny because he doesn't look that fat body-wise in the trailer; it's like all the weight went to his face and neck

>There's a common and insulting misconception about fat people that we're lazy and stupid
>but i don't know how to get skinny and it's too difficult anyway

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the right one is such a fucking cutie

Funny how he leaves out the single most important factors in 90/100 cases:

Strength of will. Mental discipline.

Cordon of all people has no excuse. We think they’re fat because they’re lazy and stupid? The fuck, we do. We think there’s a small number of people with legit health conditions related to thyroid or metabolism and entire marching armies of self-indulgent, gluttonous, hambeasts that eat just because they want to eat. It’s not that fucking hard. It doesn’t take a fucking PhD to read labels and count calories.

Eating as a coping mechanism for some emotional trauma? Get a fucking helmet, you pussies. We’ve *all* got something we could lay our bad, self-destructive behavior on. The difference is some of us actually deal with our shit instead of lingering for the vastly-reduced lifespans most fatties have to look forward to while living our entire lives like some overgrown, orally-fixated toddler.


>Board for tv&film
>Let's talk about little girls, politics, feet

Fucking based.

Based reference.

>involving lack of education

>anti smoking/drinking ads
>D.A.R.E programs
>hotlines for drinking addictions
>social stigma on smoking

Fucking kek.

Bill Maher is a particuarly annoying type of liberal

When you see him literally say "nigger", do weird shit like this it just reveals his whole shtick is virtue signaling as he's probably more genuienly vile than any 'alt-right' person

I'd like to see Bill Maher refute this man.

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that's not even remotely true you idiot

>never gonna make it
well said user, kek

>those things are not as unhealthy as being fat
alcoholism is way worse for your health than being fat (I'm talking about normal fatties, not morbidly obese freakshows)
tobacco causes cancer and various pulmonary diseases
>and they dont make you ugly as fuck
booze and smoking will make you age like shit

Eating is just 100% lack of willlpower. It's the cheapest drug around. And the payoff is so shit tier, a good meal lasts, what, 15 minutes at MOST if you're really eating slow and even th en, by the end youre full and its not even that great anymore

Smoking ciggs is just 100% being a fucking retard who wants to look cool

Alcohol is based as it objectively makes you feel amazing, you get at least a few hours/great night out of it and it literally changes your brain chemistry in the moment

I loved Bill Maher when he starred in Nightmare of Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

>lack of education, dearth of healthy food options, poverty, and genetics
Ok, well, he's educated, rich, has unlimited food options. And he's still fat. So it's all genetics then?

Why don't fat people just eat less unhealthy shit and exercise?

>(((Eliezer))) (((Yud)))kowski

Who the fuck is James Corden?

>Any other “fat eradication” methods that require nothing more than I remain on my fat ass, making no lifestyle changes at all?

A cunt


amerifats are just too fat. this is why there are so many volcels. the women are just too fat. video games are better

Usually their parents are also fat but it's probably just being raised to eat doughnuts for breakfast. My aunt's family turned into a line of fatties and nobody else is, I don't see how it's a genetic thing.

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that guy never went to college but believes himself a rationalist


>by the end youre full and its not even that great anymore
the fuck?
being full is the best feeling in the world. that itus.

Take your weight

Multiply it by 10

Eat that many calories a day.

Take your weight. Multtiply by ~0.7, get that many grams of protein

Wow, you're losing fat at a healthy rate so fucking hard. A 300lb fat fuck can eat 3000 cals a day and LOSE WEIGHT

>i will delete comments that suggest diet or exercise

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From where I was standing I could see your belly.

If you fancy the Sneed Brothers... cover your belly.

The nerve of this... thing.


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Maher is absolutely based 90% of the times and a retard 10% of the times
he's still way better than pretty much all the other late night hosts

>I will delete comments suggesting diet and excercise

Whenever I see someone chubby/fat trying to seem smart/smug I automatically will start bullying them about being fat and pointing out if they were so "smart" they would grasp the concept of being able to eat without becoming a fat fuck. Always a blast. I don't view anyone overweight as an equal

>I have good days and bad months.

Alcohol rots you from the inside slowly tho

I hope bill responds

i have worse stretch marks than this guy and i'm like 1/4th his size

He's just a time capsule of a 90s liberal. Times have changed but he hasn't so he seems sometimes based in comparison to the norm nowadays.

Bill Maher said all this shit on his show that nobody watches.
If he had any balls he would go on Twitter and start fat shaming people like Jerry Nadler.
Instead, he wants EVERYONE ELSE to start the fat shaming.

tfw lost 32 pounds this year already

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his shit was decent before obamas 2nd term, he still was able to talk shit about whomever.
Then 2nd term kicked in and he toned down on goiing after the left.
Then the Trump era came in and it just became a reddit drumpf board, now that they've done almost 4 years of that, they realize that this is probably losing them viewers, specially after GoT dropped the ball on those last few seasons, hbo lost a number of subs, which means even less viewers for Real Time
To prove he was based at some time.

They're literally proving Maher right every time they launch an over long article about what he said. They dont want to be told they're fat. They just dont care. But they still want to be considered attractive, so they bitch about something they demonstrably do not actually care about, which is not being fat.

This is what has always been so disappointing about the fat fucks in my life. It's like a second fucking job keeping up with 4k calories a day just to maintain like 350lb how in the fuck they're still gaining can only be through power of will (lol).

>Smoking, drinking alcohol etc are all unhealthy but we don't bully people over it
Bullying and shaming are 2 different things.
Most smokers and alcoholics hear all the time how they should stop their bad habits.
But you can't go to a fat person and tell them to eat healthy and exercise.

ill never understand fatoids. just dont eat. whenever i notice im gaining i just fast a few days and i'm fixed.

cordon should be rendered into soap


Maybe not all jews share the same goal

Do liberal and conservative anglos share the same goal?

It's hard being fat.

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Very based.

>metabloically disprivilaged
Excuse me for being dumb slav but since when cells have privilage?

You can get arrested for drinking or smoking public. Shut up fatties.

Oh my goodness look at that fucking thing. Its hideous. What a fucking disgusting looking person. If I looked like that I'd kill myself.

Hopefully you don't stuff your face after this, if you can't fast do omad and go for walk/jog

You haven't heard of WHITE blood cells? Need I say more?

>Ive struggled my entire life trying to manage my weight and I suck at it.

How is Bill wrong then? It is YOUR fault James. You admit it.

He is not wrong.
Food education means teaching you from early age to eat healthy. Is like telling you LOL just go talk to that girl and stop being selfconcious bro, just get to work bro. We all know how to do it but many of us didn't start doing it to form an habit from an early age and that, even if you are responsible to fix it right now, it is partly fault of your parents. It is well established that if your parents are obese pieces of shit (without counting genetics) the children are going to be cause they will be having their eating habits.

It is wrong to envy fit people or try to say you are beautiful and force everybody to admit it when you are a fat piece of shit though.

We shame behavior that we deem bad.

Shaming fat people is necessary if we want to be a healthy, prosperous, and happy society.

Laissez-faire social policy destroys our sense of community and goodwill towards others.


What in the actual fuck is wrong with American women?

i'll have you know that that's the prestigious writer of Harry Potter and the tools of rationality

yes, crashing the EU with no survivors

>lucky as bill maher
>that potato nose skinnyfat uggo

I don't care if he split the fucking atom, that man is genuinely hideous, I'm having a hard time imagining a more ugly person I've encountered.

this has to be fake

Fat people should be sold as slave labor to developing countries.

>Is like telling you LOL just go talk to that girl and stop being selfconcious bro, just get to work bro.

No it isn't. If you lack the ability to walk up to a human and say hi, there's no education there. You're just a beta fuck.

You're right about food education though. Food/Diet is a war. Big companies pump out cheap unhealthy food, sodium, sugars, carbs, ect. And they aggressively advertise. Even lettece is a pretty empty food, and we have taught people to think "salad = healthy" but lettece is just another cheap filler food.

Over eating is another separate issue though. You can get fat eating beans, potatoes and eggs or what not.

Underage fag please. No one "bullies" adult fattties nor they praise you for drinking and smoking. It's just generally seen as a bad lifestyle.

drinking alcohol is fine
smoking occasionally isn't too bad
eating like a glutton every now and then is great
doing any of them in excess to the detriment of your general, persistent wellbeing is retarted

You know he's only standing out from the rest because he's a fucking jew.

Fucking based.

>complain about there being no education on healthy habits from a young age
>there’s a show literally designed to do this
>still complain

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>Two fags fighting

I heard all the time about how shitty I looked and that I should stop drinking, often from total strangers and without the awkward gentleness that is usually used towards fat people. ThisFat people who are quiet about being fat aren't annoying. I never ran through the streets with a sign that said "bars/stores are disciplined-person privilege because they aren't AA safe! It's unfair to exclude intoxicated citizens from events or activities! Pay for my liver and disability!!! FACT!" I was ready to die in the gutter.

>Alcohol is based as it objectively makes you feel amazing

>t. young fag who's in for a nightmare

Based and redpilled.

Shame drinkers, bully and shame smokers and fat people

if my taxes didnt go to taking care of fatties i wouldnt give a shit if they were fat. as is? fatties should lose weight or suicide

I think we can all relate to our Robbie but imagine the state of the fat mess that thinks his character is a personal attack on her.

No leash, no fathers to beat them, no older women to shame them.

>I looked up a thesaurus for dumb face book posts and used the biggest words I could find to make me sound smarter than I actually am

Alcohol is one of the lamest drugs by far

Alcohol has been with humanity almost as long as dogs are. It also helps with digestion, so in certain parts of globe its recomended to have a shot to dinner.

Is the culture really reversing itself ? Bill is now triggering people again properly. Based.


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>there are only three reasonable approaches to weight loss: adipodite, mega-liposuction and Starvation
>please don't mention dieting and exercise

that's where you're wring kiddo

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>Fat people who are quiet about being fat aren't annoying
My health insurance premiums are higher because companies aren't allowed to charge them extra for the burden they place on the system. Healthy people do everything right and still have to fund fat people's lifestyle. Do you know how much money is wasted every year trying to keep the morbidly obese alive? They're annoying no matter what.

Can you imagine if they put pictures of monstrous fat people on cakes and bread, in the same kind of way they put pitches of diseases on cigarette cartons


God, I hate this fat creep so much. There is something not right with this guy. He's a little too "friendly" with his guests.

you have nothing memeshiter, thx for win

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this. fuck fatfucks.

alcohol has warnings all over the place, drink responsibly, don't drink and drive, don't drink while pregnant, only ages 18/21 can buy and consume alcohol. Then have entire groups like AA telling you to quit and is even used in criminal trials that you must go to these groups as part of your sentencing.

Cigarettes has similar with pictures and bold text all over them shaming you for choosing to buy and smoke. What does food have? Red colours on sugar, carbs and fat content in the very corner under the ingredients? Not really very shaming.

lotta seething twigs ITT

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>lack of education
>Everyone has access to the internet

Easy there Mohammad, isn't there a European you can blame things on?

enjoy dying at 30

>puppets are the only fat ones
this is a good criticism, they need some human fatties as the bad influences then have them do actual exercise that the girl and sporty guy do and have the fatties sweating and breathing heavily on screen to make the kids watching uncomfortable, the puppets are too sterile and inhuman, kids need to see the actual ugliness of obesity.

He would be based if he just stopped saying BLUMF and MUH RUSSIA every other sentence. That's the real thing holding him back.

I don't care about any of these people or their opinions.

I do. Fuck alcoholics and fuck dude weed lmao wastes of oxygen.

>'wow Bill Maher said it's cool to hate fate people - so based and redpilled.'
so many children on this website

you cared enough to post :)

Sounds like the whales who don't understand why their husbands don't want to shag them anymore.


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based fattie

remember this

>we don't bully people


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Enjoy depriving yourself of earthly pleasures while I indulge myself to my heart’s content.

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>"1. Tobacco Use: Smoking is the leading preventable cause of disease and death in the U.S., responsible for about 1 in every 5 deaths. It puts smokers and those exposed to secondhand smoke at risk for serious health problems, including heart attack, stroke, lung cancer and many other cancers."

>"2. Healthy Weight: Obesity puts individuals at risk for many of the leading causes of death, including heart disease, stroke, some types of cancer, respiratory diseases, diabetes and kidney disease. Obesity costs the U.S. about $147 billion in medical expenses each year."

I eat almost all processed foods, and way too many carbs, I lost 160 lbs and now weigh less than anyone I knew in high school. I was the mobidly obese fat fuck in high school, and now I'm skinny and everyone I knew are overweight.

Losing weight is all about starving yourself and eating less calories. Exercise makes losing weight significantly more difficult, you get severe hunger pains as opposed to the dull uncomfort of normal hunger.

Eating processed shit was generally really good for losing weight, because I knew exactly how many calories I was eating. Sure, if you eat a high vegetable and lean protein diet you are going to have less hunger than eating all processed carbs, but it's hard as fuck to gauge exactly how much you're eating when you do that, and if you were fat in the first place you definitely don't have a good internal gauge for how much you're eating.
The times I lost the most weight were often the most degenerate times in terms of my actual diet. I lost tons of weight with a diet primarily of Graham Crackers, Diet Soda, Frozen Pizzas, and microwave burritos.

I think 99% of fat people are just in denial of how many calories they are consuming. I know I was, and even for the first 100 pounds I lost I was still in denial of how much I was overreating, because even when I was losing weight due to my morbid obesity I was still eating way too much for years.
The other big thing is people are scared of being hungry. They think it's time to eat if they're hungry at all, you need to be hungry a lot if you want to lose weight, and need to get used to being hungry.

Maher would devil's advocate everyone out of existence until he's the last man left then he'd find something he doesn't like about himself to bitch about.

It's pretty fucking based desu

>being fat is caused by poverty

fatsos will never learn

/fit will shit on you for this
but its simples eat a burger an fries once a day ok not snacks an shit an the burger and fries its quite easy

Man, I wish this worked for me.

A lot of fat cope ITT, desu. Reminds me of the time when, almost 15 years ago at the beach house, my cousins and I fat shamed and bullied our fat cousin into losing weight. The summers after that he had noticeably lost a lot of weight.

You did good user. Fat people are fucking scum.

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for me, it's a jimmy johns sandwich + chips + pickle

wow why kill fat kev, he's just a lad who didn't hurt nobody

damn this comic makes me seethe. fat women don't need help having sex. it's a huge meme for desperate guys to fug fat girls. that's why fat kev needs the tutelage of a chad just to make it

I don't get it

Libshits REALLY wanna call people fat again, don't they?

Why did her face turn into the German flag?

He's suggesting that she is so large that you would have to fly beyond Pluto to no longer see her.

Gatdamn he looks horrible. How the fuck did they green light this shit? How did Will not say...” fat as fuck...”

Great /fph/ thread

A man makes these comics.

>That comic
Its almost as if women are supposed to have different body shapes from men.

fat people should be executed

heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US, and guess what causes that you fucking idiot

Smoking advertisement is dead in Britain, alcoholics are shamed daily. But yet we shouldn’t tell fat people they’re fat unhealthy fat cunts, fuck James Corden

imagine being fat when all you have to do is eat like a normal human being and walk around from time to time! I will always bully fats because they are weak gluttonous pigs and they deserve it

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triggered fatty. Those threads serve an important purpose of motivating fat fucks, now try doing a push up and 10 minutes with a jump rope.

>brother is nearly 500lbs at this point
>can barely move, barely get out of bed, etc
>despite this he manages to make money because he runs an ebay business
>doesn't make much but enough to have 1 employee (me) and pay my parents rent
>i am his wageslave, he doesn't let me forget how 'superior' he is despite the fact I am a healthy weight BMI 19
>my official job title is 'Bearer of Bulimia', though he sometimes calls me 'Parcel of Bones'
>my job is to get items from his PO box which are to be sold on because he is too fat to do this
>yet he will constantly attack me and critique my work
>have a monthly 'meeting' where I have to go into his room with snacks for him where he discusses my 'performance'
>usually, this is just a discussion of how snack foods and extra fat would have seen me do a better job
>for example, he was complaining it took me too long to get a delivery of teddy bears 'because you kept thinking of cuddling them to keep your malnourished and disgusting body warm'
>my official job goal for the month is to create 'ChocoCheckpoints' across the city with chocolate bars hidden in packages
>motto he has hanging on his door is 'Ribcages don't get Big Wages' with a picture of a cartoon fat man eating a skinny person
>the whole home smells like poo

I make 3000 dollars a year. the worst part is he says the business is going to his online friend if he dies

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This is true.


dangerously based

I'm fit but I agree with him. It's not like fat people don't know that they're fat and should lose weight. The whole "healthy at any size" bullshit is a coping mechanism used by a small percentage of women. Most fatties realize that it's bullshit.

This can’t be real right?? Tell me that’s photoshopped, no way he really got that fat he was always a skinny ass motherfucker how does that suddenly happen??

Fuck that nonfunny fat fuck.

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Wtf? I love Corden now knowing he hates drumpf

fat kevin is the fucking best

>It's not like fat people don't know that they're fat and should lose weight
If they know it and don't do anything about it, that's even worse than HAES.

Looks like the Aussie shitposter

Fat fuck

They're food addicts. It's like smoking, everyone know it's bad for you but once you're addicted it can be difficult to quit. What makes food addiction worse is that you can't just flat-out quit food, so the source of your addiction is something that's necessary in order to stay alive. I'm sure it sucks.

I seriously hate fat people.
I'm scared of getting married and having childrens because my wife will get fat and i will probably kill myself.

How can someone not resist eating like a pig?
I barely move and eat 4 meals every day and im below the normal weight i should have. How fucking disgusting do you have yo be to get fat?
I'm curious. How much do fat peoppe eat?

Some people can’t lose weight no matter how much they try depends on the person plus years of being that fat slows down your metabolism like a motherfucker even eatin*like 400 cal a day they’d probably still gain weight

As a smoker I have no right to shame any fat person since what I'm doing is arguably a lot more stupid.
'Least I'm not an alcoholic.

Lose weight

Everyone is a food addict. They're gluttons.

People who smoke and drink can often be pleasant to look at. But those who are fat? YUCK get out of my sight.

THrn maybe they shouldn’t have gotten fat in 5r first place! God why don’t these dumb fatties use time travel and just stop themselves from ever getting fat I mean god it’s not that hard just stop being fat

>Some people can’t lose weight no matter how much they try
Have they tried eating less?

This, but only kinda. If Corden can't answer how many calories he eats in a day, he clearly hasn't tried losing weight through diet and is a lying faggot.

While I don't agree with Corden, a similar argument could be made against Maher and people who smoke pot.
And the funny thing is I'm sure he'd get pretty pissed off about it. Everyone has an achilies heel.

>sportacus can only eat fruit
that's actually terrifying, imagine how liquid his shits are

Shut up, lardass

I hate this fucking sissy bullshit they are trying to push in society right now. I'm fat and believe fat people should be shamed.

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Maher is somehow wrong let me explain
We have to let them praise being fat, let them be even fatter than a whale, they'll die from that
It's like a self culling
All the retard will die from there own feces because they can't move their lardass body andthe survivor will sane of mind again

The 1983 marine barracks bombing in Lebanon was funny, t least if you were Bill Maher in his early career.
Can anyone help me find the video of his comedy routine where he made a joke about the marines being killed in Lebanon? Much appreciated.

>fat people aren't lazy or stupid
Obviously correlation =/= causation but I do find it intriguing that obesity is related to being uneducated, stupid and poor. Food for thought, not that you needed the excuse to eat.

Yup. The only things you shouldn't shame people for are for things they can't control. I don't mind people shaming me for smoking, I know it's killing me

>Tell a number between 1 and 10 that
>Is odd
>Is not a multiple of 3
>Answers with 1, 5 and 7 will be deleted
The brains on that guy

I fucking despise James Corden

>I will ignore any rational response because it completely refutes my argument

Instead of
A missed opportunity desu

imagine fighting him in real life, I would break all his bones. how is promoting vegan diet to children legal? they will be so fucked up

>fat cells being willing
That's not how that shit works. You think the brain asks the fat cells for consent before being broken down for fuel?



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I'm a smoker and an alcoholic and overweight but I still fatshame because I'm just a hateful prick.

Fat kevin can still help me move my sofa or dig a ditch, I've worked with dozens of tubby pot-bellied men on building sites who could work all day.

Meanwhile fat women are still as physically fucking useless as regular women, they just don't look good either which is the only real use a female body has.

>get used to being hungry

This is the truth. I'm down over 100lbs and it's getting to the point where feeling overly full is more uncomfortable than feeling empty. The idea that there MUST be a way to lose weight where you never feel uncomfortable is the biggest lie the diet industry tries to sell. It's all lies.


I actually love this idea

>The idea that there MUST be a way to lose weight where you never feel uncomfortable is the biggest lie the diet industry tries to sell.
Well, there are amphetamines but being fat is probably preferable to risking becoming a speedfreak.

>because I knew exactly how many calories I was eating.

This is what the average person can't wrap their fucking minds around. I hate the "I just eat smaller portions" meme. That approach is blind luck and only works for a small group of people with good metabolism and consistent diet. For the rest of us fat-gened people that eat more varied things, we have to count in order to lose weight faster. Smaller portions is just aimlessly throwing a dart on the calorie target. Sometimes you're under, sometimes you're over. You end up averaging too much.

As for your approach though, you can also do that with a kitchen balance with home-cooked meals. It just takes a bit more time than quickly popping in processed stuff. But once you get it going, you'll memorize how many calories per 100 g of whatever (chicken/pasta/yogurt/etc) is and it becomes second nature.

>t. Lost 45 lbs in ~ 5 - 6 months on a diet of chicken, fish, milk, eggs, veggies, pasta, occasional garbage, greek yogurt, sandwiches, sausage and very little processed shit

Based and Kung pilled

>using double cream instead of milk
What the fuck. How could anyone delude themselves into thinking that's OK? Cream's serving size is measured in fucking teaspoons, that guy has poured a pint of fucking double cream over a bowl that already has too much cereal in it plus jam for added sugar. It boggles the mind that he could think that's an acceptable daily breakfast.

What's Sam Biddle's current opinion on bring back bullying though?

keep going strong user

I got down 40 in the past two months and I'm happy as fuck.

Friendly reminder we're still both fat fucks and we need to keep losing

>I think 99% of fat people are just in denial of how many calories they are consuming.
Nah man, more likely they're literally violating physics. If only the fucking patriarchy wasn't so entrenched we could be exploiting the same process to send people to the moon at not just a fuel saving but MAKING fuel on the way there. Learned all this in a feminist science studies class that I took online. I have a diploma.

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Excuse me, but I ordered a zima, not EMPHYSEMA.

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James Cordon-Bleu

Bullying: Good for nerds and virgins, bad for fatties and sluts

it's true in 'murica
sugar and mcdonalds is government subsidised

I legitimately didn't realize that was supposed to be a woman until one of the replies mentioned it.

>2500 calories for breakfast
god bless America

>Smoking ciggs is just 100% being a fucking retard who wants to look cool
>Alcohol is based as it objectively makes you feel amazing, you get at least a few hours/great night out of it and it literally changes your brain chemistry in the moment
dumb fuck zoommer

fucking kek

They're literal addicts. Their brain has been rewired to rationalize their addiction.

Interesting considering Corden is a well documented bully, narcisist, elitist, liar and all round scummy person.

Everyone whose met him has a story about how he's an utter shitbag.

>Parcel of Bones

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>That approach is blind luck and only works for a small group of people with good metabolism and consistent diet. For the rest of us fat-gened people that eat more varied things, we have to count in order to lose weight faster
This is the stupidest chain of words I have read this month so far.
>Some apples are 1.1x the size of other apples, so it's IMPOSSIBLE to know what you're eating!
no retard
>m-muh genetics
People weren't morbidly obese 200 years ago. You are. It's not your genes.
Hardly a factor unless you have serious, hospitalization-worthy damage to your digestive system

They always try to deflect to smokers but at least smokers pay higher premiums and the taxes they pay on smokes over the course of their life more than pays the difference for their healthcare in most western countries. Add to that a shorter life span meaning less pension/social security pay outs and they are way, way less of a drag on society than the morbidly obese.

what else could it possibly be?

before you answer that question, let us know what you think causes the difference in iq between whites and blacks.

she looks like the mask's ugly sister

No, but we do print warnings on the packaging, advertise against it, subsidise medical programs to kick the habits, and tax the absolute shit out of them to pay for all of the above and more.

Also people who drink and smoke are usually cool and badass, if you tried to bully them they'd likely pull a flick-knife and approach you while snapping their fingers.

>the guy says you have to count
>use a trivial example like an apple to btfo him
he's right. fatties can't just know how many grains of rice or beans or whatever they should be eating

>mental discipline
ah there it is, the shaolin monk has spoken everybody

do manlets also simply lack mental discipline? do drug addict just have to dry a little harder? how about IQ? it's only a matter of paying attention in class right?

>i will delete comments suggesting diet or exercise

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>Metabolically disprivileged
I've read some shit

Fake and gay

That pie on the windowsill example seems oddly out of place and somewhat specific given the context of the rant.

problem is the US government is evil and works for megacorporations

>never skip breakfast goy
>make sure to eat at LEAST 6 meals a day
>LOTS of USDA-approved agricultural products like corn and onions...
>a bit of subsidized sugar could spice things up
>we can't tell you how much sugar is in Kahlua on the bottle, it's a trade secret goy


you are fucking retarded

Why do they treat this shit like they're an ethnic group? I get that there ARE some people who have a genetic predisposition to being overweight, whether it's the result of a thyroid issue or poor, poor metabolism or something else.

But that's a select few who have a real, genuine medical problem; most of them are just too fucking lazy to get up and do some shit other than eat and sleep and bitch about how hard it is to be fat after eating and sleeping.

Do people really still take this seriously? I thought fat-shaming was the hot-button topic in 2015.
guys i found the video of this


fucking lol

Not sure why you're attacking me like that. Way to cut out the rest of the first part that puts it all into sense. Smaller portions is bullshit and you know it. There's an example right in this thread with the guy eating double cream cereal. Obese people like that don't actually know what real portions are, especially when they're so stupid they substitute milk with heavy cream. Your apple analogy is dumb. There's so many foods out there that you can wildly overestimate/underestimate calories, like grains and cooking oils/jams/spreads. People weren't morbidly obese back then because food was harder to come by and because they didn't have sedentary lifestyles. So back then, even the worst metabolisms still had to expend as much or more energy than they gained. Now that we DO have these things, those with worse genes at the bottom end are getting hit harder. You can't possibly tell me everybody has the same level of gene expression and that there's no range. Present better arguments instead of calling me a retard.

I fucking hate fat people.

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>people that eat more varied things

You fat fuck you don't deserve variation. STOP FUCKING EATING. Seriously if you are overweight and you eat more than once every 72hrs you need to shut the fuck up giving any kind of advice. And that one meal? PICK TWO THINGS. Steak and berries. Chicken and carrots. Eat like a pound of each and then STOP FUCKING EATING FOR 72 MORE HOURS.

It's so fucking simple and people try to make it hard because they are goddamn spoiled ass pussies.

> We fit shame.

Fucking quote of the year right there.

Is bill maher the only based liberal talk show host?

No he's a fucking piece of shit.

No he's not based
He's a whiny leftist faggot with retarded opinions.

Fat Kevin is so cool

Alcoholism and especially smoking is way worse than being overweight. Smoking increases the risks of getting pretty much every single disease in existence.

Wew lad, stop taking so much test, it's making you sound inexplicably aggressive and mad for no reason whatsoever. Go have a jog

Nobody takes it seriously since it's a self-resolving issue since any fat-acceptance proponents will most likely die in their sleep before 40.

damn. imagine marrying that hog

t. seething amerifat volcel who wishes he lived in a thin country

Both my parents getting diabetes scared me into watching my eating habits.

You lose so much weight just from avoiding bread and sugar.

> Hard to lose 3lbs a month.

Two of those are more or less predetermined by the life lottery (though of course proper nutrition and upbringing helps max out the chances of not raising a mouth breathing manlet). Comparing the discomfort of being being hungry for a few hours a day to being dopesick is also retarded.

I think Maher is a goon, but he's incredibly based on this point
Fuck fatties

dangerously redpilled

What's it like to be so obsessed? I've never had to care about another country the way you do about mine.

God bless this user and God bless America.

Smokers get bullied to hell and back nowadays

Being gay

For all here he was deported back then cos he was under sus for Loads of Cheese Pizza ,
But You Yanks tuck that other brit comic scumbag like the other guy , who got caught raping a neighbhours dog drunk /coke and he got sectioned an was battered black an blue as we hate animal /kid abusers , he got moved an raped with peados , Justice an his lawyers said wanking in no big deal in a park /fapping and dog started licking, he buggered an he thought liked It , the Burly owner heard screaching pup Nearly beat him to death , an Bloke , said my Staffie is Manly pooch not a fucking Poof , an we Never got justice ! John Oliver .. !! BOOOOM !!!

a week Later he went to LA LA Land ,.

Jerry's depression bursts through in some segments of Comedians in cars getting coffee.

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"fat shaming will only make the obesity epidemic worse!"
-signed, a fattie who wants to be called brave for gorging on food


>fat shaming is just bullying
>bullying just makes the problem worse
two unsubstantiated claims that are contradicted by at least some real world evidence. Two claims that will just be accepted as fact by the general public because they came from a fat fuck in a necktie on a high quality television feed. I hate this fucking country.

>mixing humor with heartfelt outrage
Where is the humor?

Being Fat is a choice, prove me wrong.

>I'm already eating 3000 calories a day, but if you say something about it I might just up it to 4000. And it'll be YOUR fault, bully!

It's a choice for adults, it's child abuse for children.

unless the kid is getting force fed, it's still his choice
of course kids are expected to be stupid so you cant blame him too much

I can't prove you wrong for capable adults. As someone who put 50 pounds on last year after my dad died I accept I made a lot of small shit choices that screwed me in the long run. Any overweight person who can't say the same is a liar. Now if their point was that society is making it increasingly harder to not gain/lose weight with increasingly processed food and sedentary lifestyles I would completely agree and empathise with them. I recently stopped working in offices after six years and I feel like a new man. We need to keep having these difficult discussions no matter what because people need to know no matter how hard it is we always have a choice.

This to be honest.
Being fat isn't the same as being a drunk. 99.99% doesn't give their children alcohol. Go anywhere, do anything, you don't find adults letting an 8 year old drink. You will find adults feeding children fast food more than once a month though. That happens a lot. We do need to shame people though. Shame them for being fat and not cooking for their child. It's not ok to eat nothing but garbage food and sure as fuck is not ok to give it to kids and get them hooked on that life style. Though, as an adult, people do change. It may be hard, but you can learn new life styles, if you don't even try, yea fuck you fattie.

Has this guy figured out how to raise a daughter and not be a cuck? Honestly, think about it rationally, if you raise your daughter to be fat, nobody will fuck her.

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>Do liberal and conservative anglos share the same goal?
No, but they should. Only Whites put ideology above ethnic self interest.

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>See humans have always been retarded
You already sound like an alco

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yeah exercise is for suckers, it's all about diet.

If any fat fucks are reading this, ignore it. Eating healthy is not a fucking bland chore, going for a long walk is enough exercise when you're carrying so much excess weight. Learn a language or listen to an audio documentary or something if you can't enjoy wandering around without a distraction. If you can't be arsed to look into nutrition, just remember to eat plenty of different (naturally occurring) coloured food.

Robbie Rotten is really skinny though

>dude just walk around
>dude eat PLENTY of different colors

lol this is like the "just b urself" of twig advice

fuck u twig

>Robbie Rotten is really skinny though
Most skeletons are