Day of the rope for Gelflings in a year my fellow skeksis! how are you holding up hmmMMMmm?
The Dark Crystal
Other urls found in this thread:
Netflix I will subscribe for 20 years if you renew this kino
I can't believe you fags like this reddit furry shit
@darkcrystal posting good shit today
>finish show and movie
>like it a lot
>tell my friend about it
>''dude those are muppets and muppets are for children. I aint watching that gay ass shit''
>he went to watch Avengers Endgame 4 times in theaters
Reddit would hate this show because of the JQ. And furry? Where's the fur?
Daily reminder to dispose of any Podlings you see.
Do you think there will be Gelfling concentration camps in the second or third season?
This show is so fucking good.
already have a thread
This one was here first.
shut the fuck up retard
That thread was made by general yes? Dont go there hmmmMmmm
Sorry, I didn't quite understand what you said, please remove those many cocks from your mouth and try again.
Faggot propaganda
Same here bro
You all only like this show because is a metaphor for jews controlling the world which is all bullshit.
Skeksis in their prime must have been like demigods, seven foot tall four armed hawk men with super strength on a world where the next most advanced race are three foot tall elf manlets.
>Reminder that in the movie even an old wisened general could cleave a rock in two so hard it glowed orange from the impact
How the fuck did a show so blatantly about jews make it past the netflix censors?
Hunter and Archer's MalVa UrSkek combo must have been an absolute force of nature.
No, they were like all uRskeks, scientific loners with a diminished sense of ethics. Why do you think they were banished to Thra?
How tf is this show about jews?
>tfw you're in love with a puppet
it hurts bro
looking forward to it lads
You cannot save her, user. She is lost to us.
so if the mystic died and took out his skeksis counterpart does that mean anytime a skeksis died it also took out one of the mystics?
haha get rekt
They showed this happening in the film.
my favorite part is when deet sheev'd a guy
I remember that now I forgot which order it happened in
smelly cave gelflings will all be exterminated. The original protags were wood and mountain clans
Anyone have a .gif of the Collector's head blowing up.
TF is this?
japanese poster, probably for the japanese dub
This show does have some nice media surrounding it.
>SkekTek happy and having a good time
don't compare the based skeksis to jews
Butthurt I see hmmmMMMMmm?
Big nose, owns a lot of the wealth and they looks like the scheming jew character
What is that?
deet the chemical
also known as DEET
Ah I get it!
>Just finished all the episodes and watched the movie
Brace for it to not get renewed user
Enjoy your 5 more seasons of Stranger Things :)
Say something nice about the saviour of thra
Remove podlings
For a bunch of vultures, these guys are some pimp motherfuckers.
Fucking ugly little wart.
I love this little fucker.
That's some amazing craftsmanship.
I'm only 5 episodes in but this is one of the best things made by anyone in years apart from Mad Max: Fury Road. I need more high fantasy that takes it's characters seriously.
> hawk men
idk, seems more like vultures to me.
This is now a podling thread. Post cute potatoes
Best boy
Should I watch this first or the original movie?
The show is garbage.
Hup is the Everyman, the Phil Coulson in a world of deranged demigods, the Krillin in a world of insane Goku-tier beings, only his circumstances are arguably more dire than that. He knows that he is weak and unimportant, that he’s so goddamn scared of the hunter and the darkening that he wants to cry but his love for Deet and Thra is greater than all of that so he does what he can to defend his friends, and that’s why we love him. Hup’s recklessness and stupidity is overshadowed by his conviction and willingness to enact change, and that’s what makes him so great. He’s got a hear of gold and is ten times the hero Rian could ever be, truly /ourguy/.
Movie, then show, then movie again.
Based beyond belief Hupposter. Get cucked Rian
>tfw they're real
Hup's my favorite character since Samwise.
hmmmMMMMM, work so hard for no pay, board custodian deserve more reward, yes?
holy shit
>cleave a rock in two so hard it glowed orange from the impact
That's fucking badass.
Movie first definitely.
>the army of northern virginia will never storm into thra and save Deet from the eternal yankee skeksis
Fucking STOP
Haha Deet is the best!
Watched the movie for the first time. A couple of observations:
- It aged far better than I expected
- I was convinced that Mother Aughra was voiced by the same person in the series and the movie... it was not. That was really well casted... they sound identical
- The world in the movie is so empty and deserted. I liked it. The first season was pretty brutal at times, I can't imagine how other seasons might be since there's going to be a extinction grade massacre at some point
- I found it weird that the words 'Thra' and 'Darkening' were never mentioned in the movie
- Jen is bound to be Rian and Deet's son
- Essence draining didn't kill the subject. Why?
>The world in the movie is so empty and deserted.
well the darkness won so.
Absolutely fucking based.
Why are Hupposters the most based and kino posters in these threads?
stop talking about this gay shit you ponyfags. k, thanks.
- Jen is bound to be Rian and Deet's son
This is the one thing I'm very unhappy about. There's absolutely no need for there to be romantic feelings between them. It's boring, uninspired and unnecessary.
How is this anything like MLP faggot?
The show is way to dark for children, s2 is gonna be even more brutal.
Kids were fine with the sometimes dark and brutal fantasy movies of the 80s, kids are fine with LOTR, they'll be fine with this.
> /tv relates with downie cuck
Gee i wonder why
This, 80's kids movies were full of unnerving body horror, existential grey areas and swearing. Disney's dominance has pussified children's entertainment of today and made it look normal.
Fuck off, you actual, unironic homo.
I have a strong feeling you'll defend Deet's two fathers being necessary.
Jim Henson said he wanted to capture the horror and sense of adventure of the original grimm brothers stories. And that he fundamentally believed it was unhealthy for children never to be afraid.
It's very much made for children. It was meant to be a film children watch while holding their parents hand.
Shame kino like this isn't made anymore because of
What makes you think that you fucking retard? I just don't think a major romance plotline of any kind, be it heteros or faggots, is remotely necessary. Plus I hate the trend of everyone needing to be related to everyone else. Jen and Kira can be completely random gelflings and it won't change the story in any way. Now stop projecting on me.
I think aughra commented on how the skeksis grew fat and weak while she slept. Even if they had noble intentions at first they became corrupt from power. It might be a metaphor for government, specifically the US, hence why they are eagles. Power can not be allowed to take root.
Ah, so you're an incel.
Have sex.
They're reptile-vultures.
I completely agree. There's a reason why scary/gross shit is universally popular among kids and will be until the end of time despite any attempts to sanitize childhood entertainment. The Goosebumps series didn't grow to 200+ books by accident.
And you're a faggot shipper. Now go back to your tumblr containment zone.
Is Hup autistic
What the fuck is that?
At the start of the film The Emperor dies and so does Jen's master.
Someone who's invested in seeing 2 fictional characters fuck.
Worse, he's a podling.
>Essence draining didn't kill the subject. Why?
I assume they just suck most of the essence out. Just enough to turn them into mindless slaves but not destroy the body. How they did this, and create more soldiers without SkekTek is beyond me, though.
Deet move to the beat. So sweet.
They use a refraction system instead of just directly shoving the victim into the crystal so I presume the process is "milder" than in the show.
it's PG
yeah I figured it out now other user brought up the film I just forgot
She canonically doesn't wash her hands.
Dumb dirty spooncuck. Deet is made for the Gigantic Gelfling Girth, not the pathetic podling prick.
I want to see Skekna get a hand and eye cut off.
I want to see Skekshod get hit in the head so hard by Skekso's scepter he gets brain damage and has trouble speaking.
I want to see Skekung put Skeksil in his place.
I hated how quickly Rian just got over the love of his live being turned into goop and drank by a screeching vulture.
wait a minute was that this incident?
Skek yeah I wanna see that in the show.
Yeah, I honestly forgot they were even dating 5 episodes in cause of the romantic undertones between him and Deet. Kinda weird since there's no way it was more than a couple weeks from episode one to ten.
Eagles have the vulture neck too.
Chamberlain unironically would have made a better and more reasonable Emperor
Slavemaster's voice at 1:18 is fucking creepish in a way I can't describe. Shame he wasn't in the first season.
The problem with types like him is that the others will perceive him as weak and try to depose him.
Same. Y’all niggas wanna buy a house together?
I wonder how he lost his hand
Skekekt sounds surprisingly lucid and sane for an old Skeksis.
>"rumdibi dabi rivo dali baba doro"
t. some little thing who wants to be a paladin
the fuck
how did you meme me into watchin this
on episode 2
>hence why
>they are eagles
Everyone point and laugh at this mental fucking midget
Oh user, there is so much fun still ahead of you. Episode 3 has an extremely lewd bathing scene.
That is one seriously based individual right there.
The coolest and truest thing Stephen King ever wrote:
>Children fear the dark, but it sings to them.
Skeksis have three cocks. Just saying.
jfc that's fucked up
how'd they get like that?
Brea and Skekok!
That was very cute.
>how are you holding up?
I've started RP'ing with my cats as skeksis as we harass and make fun of my filthy gelfling doggo.
So i understand for plot reasons the Grottan Maudra had to stay in the caves , but lore-wise did they ever explain why he didnt go to the coronation?
6 Windshifters were dispatched with the pieces of the crown but only 5 Maudras go to Ha'rar.
Since English isnt my first language im wondering if i just missed an explanation.
I hope you called out his hypocrisy. Don't let the normies get away with it without any push back.
I was kind of hoping that he'd be a bit more reluctant going down the path of consuming essence, or at least side with the Chamberlain in wanting only the bare minimum amount of Gelflings taken so that they would survive to the great conjunction.
I wanna hug a Skeksis :(
No idea what makes you relate to some sub-gelfling, Podlings are essentially retarded and his bravery is nothing more than the delusional bravado of fancying himself as a paladin. Either way Hup is neither more brave nor more everyman than whatever gelfling there is. Relating to Hup is like watching The Hunchback of Notre Dame and relating with Quasimodo instead of Frollo.
Fucking kek.
eh, it's more of the elven sort of subplot wherein the aryan uplifts the unenlightened by grace. It's pretty well exposed during the lesser service episode.
and he crosses swords with the hunter when none other but his own mystic would dare.
It's perfect. My cats are already assholes to him, and he just wags his tail and smiles as we berate him, the ideal gelfling.
This is a great mental image.
I can smell the latkes emanating from this post.
I wonder... in the next place...will we be joined once again?
Or be rend ..... further asunder.
The show had so many good one liners.
Skeksis are more sympathetic, though.
fuck, that pic is pure fucking kino
Perhaps but Chamberlain has no respect and the other skeksis severely dislike him. All but the Scientist seem to find the Emperor based.
so who's the closest to /fitlit/
>- Essence draining didn't kill the subject. Why?
Because in the show SkekTek is just zapping the Crystal crudely with his pylons, making it blast the subject and burn them out. By later on, he's developed a more refined method of using smaller reflectors to channel the Crystal down the shaft in a beam into the subject, which drains the essence but just zombifies them instead of killing them.
Shit, you're right.
And the Scientist still secretly finds him more based than the Chamberlain.
>literally brain damaged one of his Skeksis for talking shit
>those lunatic eyes on Ritual Master
Are skeksis secretly the good guys?
neither do i
Based Emperor keeps order in his court.
they are condors & vultures you idiot
>no gelflings
>best boi Chamberlain in the center
>second best bois Emperor and Scientist also there
Japan knows what the people want
They're not good, but you can understand where they're coming from, and why they do what they do. They literally cannot continue to exist, because they're a product of the fractured crystal. The crystal needs to be fixed to save Thra, and the skeksis cannot exist if the crystal is fixed. They just want to have fun and be alive, but their aging bodies feed their fear of death, which made them cruel. Everything they do can be understand as them trying to survive 1000 trine so they can become immortal.
>I want to see Skekung put Skeksil in his place.
got any more skeksis highlights from the comic?
they can be weirdly cute
>they never got their wish
Kids like being scared. Kids love horror movies. I remember watching the Fly when I was like 10 years old, and Jeff Goldblum squeezing his fingernail pus in that movie reminded me of the Emperor's pussy finger breaking.
he's voiced by Jason Isaacs, its only natural
Who is the artist?
>killing millions for your own superfluous existence.
I'm pretty sure the artist is Brian Froud, who did all the Dark Crystal concept art for Jim Henson
We all kill for our own superfluous existence
I kind of hope that this show actually demonstrates that Chamberlain wasn't entirely bullshitting about the Skeksis just wanting peace in the movie.
They don't want to get rid of such a nice food source, but with the prophecy and the gelflings going typical 'gotta beat the badies' heroes there could be an interesting dynamic.
Damn. its almost like the those long nose beaks represent a certain ethhnic group.
almmost like. we need to round thhem up. And start throwing some air mixtures that will kill 60 million of them.
T brown Mexican Timothy MCveigh gamer.
and also for Age of Resistance (as did his son, who was incidentally the baby in Labyrinth)
The Chamberlain wanted to spare most of the gelflings, but Skekso is so afraid of death he wants all the essence. Movie portrayed this differently. The gelflings made a prophesy that they'd heal the crystal, so they Skeksis exterminated the gelflings to keep the prophesy from coming true.
Skeksis scientist did nothing wrong!
I see! Thanks
(post more cute skeksis stuff)
So the power of Deviantart....
If i recall correctly a netflix interview mentioend that two seasons is the number they go for to attract the most subscribers relative to the cost of production - since this show inevitably cost a shit-load to make I figure we'll get a season two and thats it unless it becomes god-levels of popular like Stranger Things managed to do.
>Gelfling dies: bummer
>The thought of one of the skeksis dying: actually makes me kind of sad irl
I love those madlads
He's right, but the difference between him and I is that both are bullshit
everyone loves skesis over gelflings
I'm glad the skesis get a happy ending
I find it interesting that Jim Henson originally wanted the podlings to have multiple eyes, like eyes on a potato. But test audiences found it too grotesque.
I really did not like the final episode of this. The sense of scale is extremely vague in terms of how many gelfling there are. You'd think a couple hundred gelfling could easily overwhelm 5 skeksis.
How many skeksis are there? Just those half a dozen retards in the castle? The world seems less populated than a dark souls game. I like mystery, but you can't set a scene with political rammifications without explaining a bit more about the world.
16 at the start of the series, 14 by the end of the season, 10 by the start of the movie, 8 by the end of the movie.
Thra is a small world. I think Henson notes states it's only something like 700 km long.
>father finally believes Rian
>immediately dies in the next scene
One Skeksis in armor with weapons is more than a match for any gelfling. Even at 999 trine, Skekung is strong enough to split a stone in half with a sword. And all these Skeksis have been drinking essence, making them rejuvenated and super strong.
>I find it interesting that Jim Henson originally wanted the podlings to have multiple eyes, like eyes on a potato.
omg what the fuck man
>We're not your pets.
Brutal skek
Can someone explain why the mystics didn't just go to the castle and merge with them? Like why did it take so fucking long?
They're passive lazy fucks.
they needed to wait for the great conjunction and the shard to reform the crystal. that was seriously the plot of the entire fucking movie, do you not know how to pay attention ?
Id rather a dozen puppets than a cgi army
But the cgi is fake.
The final battle was a weak point in an otherwise strong season. It gets dragged out too long with nothing decisive happening despite the skeksis having a decisive advantage for most of it, which makes the skeksis seem kind of pathetic. I understand there is only so much they can do with puppets and they had a lot of plot threads they needed to tie up, but that sequence needed to be paced better somehow.
I kind of agree, but I try to look at it as part of the bigger story in that the Gelflings needed to have a pretty decisive victory, make it look like they really could win and take back their whole world so that when the Garthim is revealed, you get why the tables have suddenly turned. Its a pretty dark note when you remember that this is the last big moment of freedom for the Geflings, and even then when the Hunter arrived on the battlefield it looked like the whole battle had shifted.
So all the characters are going to get genocided but two gelfs, because the cardboard cutout protagonist is still alive.
Bets on which two manlet elves will fuck?
I just want him to be happy lads...
To re-merge you need to insert the lost shard of into the crystal during a great conjunction which only happens every 1,000 trine
that comic was absolutely gold
I don't like how they made the skek castle so small and dark. In the movie it was huge, brightly lit and decorated lavishly with bright reds and earth colors
that comic was absolute gold.
Did you not even watch the movie? That one snow kingdom shows like 100 houses.
so do i watch the movie or the show first?
The show has a few moments that only work if you've seen the movie - but at the same time the movie is considered pretty odd, with very little dialogue for example - so if you think you'd need something more refined to get invested then watch the show first - otherwise the movie is the better choice.
Movie. A lot of the show wont add up, or seem out of place because they reference the movie.
Don't listen to anons above. Show can easily be watched without the movie. Movie puts many newcomers off the show because it frankly isn't all that good, apart from the puppetry and Skeksis of course. If you do decide to watch movie first, bear in mind, show is much better paced.
Which one names the jew more?
>>> /pol/
The show I guess, since it somewhat explains how their society works and has the birdbois guilt tripping starving farmers for garbage they dont even want
Never thought Netflix would allow this show that aslnswers the JQ
>tfw no deet gf
Not everything about authority is about jews, you've got /pol/rot in the brain dude
Go back to /pol/
Rent free, honestly. Get a hobby.
No wonder the Gelfling lost the war. These things are death machines. Scientist is underappreciated.
t. Skektek
Is there a reason to not side with the skeksis?
why should I support the manlets?
>that filename
Ugly bird bad.
Zionist spotted
Probably the murderous dictatorship that was killing the planet by absorbing its life energy.
I vaguely remember Henson referring to them as something like "part vulture, part lizard, part dragon" in the making-of doc for the original film.
wtf the art for this comic is fucking atrocious when compared to the static 2D kino that inspired the series
success demands sacrifices
Unprovoked, nobody is even making this about /pol/shitter faggotry
probably thinks it makes him look cool
imo the nasty bird lizard heads are cooler than skull mask
Would be amazing to see an illustrated comic by Froud, but it's madness to expect this kind of detail in a comic.
Poor Gruenaks.
so is that pic actually canon? Cuz when the skeksis unfurled their haunches in the finale it basically looked like a withered-as-fuck version of those wings.
God, imagine if we got a flashback to the day 1 skeks in season 2. But then again, they probably already showed their super-younger selves in the comics?
Why do the Skeksis read from the Torah?
probably wouldn't be worth all the effort of making the Young Skeksis puppets for one or two scenes
I figure the wing modifications were something they added out of vanity to look young again. Kinda sad when you think about it.
He looks just like that BDSM fuckface from Farscape.
ending was terrible, unless theirs going to be a second season.
Otherwise it's like they just stopped and left open the whole corrupted deet thing, after they showed Deet and Rian are Kira's parents.
>yfw Season 2 is Gelflin getting absolutely SHOA'd
...did you watch the movie? The show ended at least a few hundred years still before the movie.
>when you realized henson was aware of the jewish problem and the skeksis are jews
>also TFW henson dies suddenly for no reason one night shortly after said comments from him.
I think so, it's by Brian Froud himself
Executive producer said they have a season 2 all planned out, It's up to netflix.
Jim knew about Spielberg.
Will you give it a rest? These are the last comfy threads without you zoomer faggots making it about Jews.
Does he accidentally have 2 tongues there?
Looks like skyrim loading screen
are you this braindead that you think literally everything about bad people ruling the world is jews? It doesn't even make sense, if it was supposed to be the JQ they should have at least tried to be a secret conspiracy right?? They rule the world and everyone knows it - at least have your delusions be consistant.
That would be a good meme.
Have a dark crystal creature is skyrim like loading screen and the info could be something to redpill about JQ
seeing the not-deathbed emperor in action was one of the best parts of this show. Honestly one of the best pure-type villains ever put to screen, right up there with Sheev.
PS The "" clip needs to be uploaded to youtube already so I can link it constantly in these THRAeds
>still rent free
Scorp pulled off being a world class villain dressed in a gimp suit, he's based
oh you sweet braindead summer zoomer child. Go back a mere 10 years and fucking nobody was aware that jews were running the show. Everyone thought they were just these poor babbies that Hitler had a hard-on for for no reason. The internet pulled the curtain back on them severely.
Nobody cares about your obsession mate
If you had sex you’d be a lot less angsty about Jews
Are you now backdoor defending Hitler?
Like 80% of Henson’s upper management and performers were jews I doubt he secretly hated them
Also was a member of the Hollywood friends of Israel
I think you’re just obsessed
They don’t skesis language was based on Sumerian and ancient Egyptian
He’s just being a trans ally
There isn't. Going by the logic of the dark crystal, once they fuck off and become UrSkeks, the planet would be healed, and no one can call you out if you helped the Skeksis. There's only two gelflings and the podlings left, no one can give a shit if you were a Skeksis supporter. The danger is that the Skeksis don't treat their allies well, like the spiders.
I had sex last week and it's true I'm not really "angsty" about them at the present moment. Just apathetically aware of the situation. I also think white people on the whole 100% deserve their fate of being ESSENCED by them as a result of their own damned wanton weakness/ignorance btw. Might makes right, this is just the nature of things.
Ritual Master has the weirdest eyes after Heretic
lol the skeksis are the bottoms
Your obsession screams incel give it a rest and try to focus on something else for at least a little bit this shit isn’t healthy
Sure is funny how basic Google searches disprove how Jews don't even run entertainment or media. I must not be a gigibrained Chad like you.
you know what screams incel? calling other people incel unironically
From the wiki.
>When they first appeared, the Skeksis were vibrant, agile and brightly colored creatures, though in the later years of their reign, their secondary arms became withered and atrophied, and their bodies decayed. When their bodies began to atrophy and rot away, they took to wearing large ornate robes to make themselves look more intimidating
Stop replying to the /pol/cel let him yell about jews by himself please try to keep these threads comfy
skeksis = kikes
If you cry about Jews in off-topic conversation, then what would you prefer to be called? What doesn't hurt your feefees but still gets the point across that you are a ginormous faggot?
sure is funny that you felt the need to exert calories searching that and also correcting the record about it on a podling symphonic composition bulletin board
*Accidentally wrote a double negative. Meant that Jews don't run media.'re the one bringing that disinfo up?
So then according to the incel view of this show whites are manlet stupid weak bug and Rat people that get btfo?
He’ll their only chance the dual glaive was given to them by a skesis
Skeksis reek of white colonialism.
>Technologically superior voyagers who arrive in a land populated by "primitive" tribe societies
>Bribe leaders of land with trinkets and promises of knowledge.
>Exploits the land and its creatures and feel it is their right as they are a superior species.
>Ohhhh it is the skeksi's burden to care for dirty, sad creatures of Thra
>Where would gelfling be without skeksis? Skeksis gives so much, but asks for so little. Without skeksis, gelfling would still be living in dirty cave and eating moss, yes?
No, his teeth are catching the light in a weird way that makes them look like a second tongue.
That's probably because they are identical to human eyes.
to the casual observer, I ask: why would random anons be so invested in defending jewish interests? like lol just don't fucking reply oh wait you can't because you're literally here to shill for isreal
I really love how my macro caught on. Five minutes in Paint well spent
Skesis were inspired by Henson’s reading of the Seth Materials and visually by Lewis carol drawings of crocodiles
There’s really not anything deeper
Lmao at JIDF flailing
infinitely more based take except for the fact that is right canonically
It's just disinformation that is unironically shit from propaganda pamphlets and you should be confronted anytime you blatantly lie, about anything.
>anyone who doesn’t want some aspie screaming about Jews in a ducking puppet show thread is a Israeli agent
Paranoid schizo
>new notes from someone familiar with the notes of an army doctor who heard from another soldier that hitler was gay after the soldier was ordered to torture a random german woman for two months after the war.
Damn strong evidence, my dude.
I'm directly admitting that jews rule over whites because modern whites on the whole are fucking garbarge, yes.
This seems to have triggered some sort of frenzied swarm response from you kike shills for some strange reason
Why do trannys chimp out over this show so much
Or you know, you're getting corrected because it's disinfo?
I thought tumblr liked those show because they Skeksis are all hermaphrodites and Gelfling society is matriarchal.
I think rather than a conspiracy by Israel against you people are just tired of your incel screeching in a thread with nothing to do with it
>nobody mentioned trannies or Jews until some retard starting crying
Nothing exists in a vacuum. Even if Hensom did not mean to refer to any rl villany or group with the skeksis, the consumers of his work will evidently do it.
who in their right mind gives a fuck about correcting disinfo on this anonymous shithole hell pit of bastard memes and garbage? why are you so invested in correcting the record on here of all places?
Apparently not most nazis are trannies and seem really worked up over this show
Wait there are nations that the skeksis went to that are objectively better off now than they ever would have been if the skeksis never arrived? There are gelflings now living among the skeksis with a quality of life that is unimaginable to the gelfs in their country of origin?
Wow yeah i guess it is an analogy for white colonialism.
You're the mongoloid who's bringing it up.
Skekok is canonically the most attractive and sexually desirable Skeksis.
They are? I mean, they clearly aren't supposed to be read as them even if their species doesn't have gender. Nobody looks at skekSo and sees anything but a man/king lizard bird thing.
>Henson meant jews even if he didn’t because I’m obsessed with Jews and the universe is determined solely by my own worldview
me on the right
>Thor dressed as a woman once, here's why that's a good thing for Trangender people.
>Bugs Bunny, Transgender Icon?
how am I screeching? like lol just scroll past the posts nigga close yo eyes lmao. Do you even realize how many people you've made go HMMM as a result of your feeding my shitposts with attention? you come lately kikes are so fucking stupid you'll completely undo the cunning conquest of your forebearers yet, I swear to G*d
>ignore how they are basically funneling the life force of the entire planet and enslaving podlings, and demanding resources from all seven clans so they can eat like fat pigs
Oh man I hope Skektek has a happy ending in season 2. They abuse him so much.
How much disinfo has laws preventing it? Are there laws against saying the Illuminati controls the world?
>enslaving podlings
The podlings are an idle race, and they are objectively more useful serving the Skeksis
>demanding resources
They ask for so little, but do so much for Thra.
watch them all go dead silent after this post kek
1.) The Dark Crystal is not a political work and there’s no real analogies for anything outside of vague Tolkein style conservation of nature
2.) Skesis did nothing wrong
3.) ignore Incel posts
I¨m saying obsessed /pol/ tards will see jews in anything that is evil and has a beak.
This is such bizzare logic to me
>Go into a thread crying about Jews
>Gets called retarded
>"Well you see, if you kill your enemies, they win"
Fuck off brainlet.
So they're chinese?
lol go dilate or something /pol/tranny nobody cares about your tantrum
>not a single human being has ever been arrested or sent in prison for Holocaust denial alone
Why do most evil things have beaks or hooked noses? Why are hook nosed Goblins in charge of the banks in harry potter?
I plant shitposts in the ground, watch grow into (You)s
Have you not seen the movie?
Because Nazi propaganda likened them to goblins and the caricature has stuck because it was well circulated during the most photographed, well documented war of all human history?
>being this retarded
You go to prison for it in like 6 different countries. Saying "Jews run the world" is legally considered Antisemitism in the USA.
Jesus Christ I've never gotten more (You)s in my life than from farting out some half hearted criticism of kikes on 4channel's Yea Forums. You (((people))) really have no self control, do you?
Don't worry, I'm sure that he'll get new pets, and that his pets would never hurt him if they were released.
The goblins in Harry Potter aren’t even bad at least try to inform yourself on something before you start screaming about Jews
I havent finished the series yet, but I have a suspicion that a good chunk of all the gelflings will manage to seek asylum in the underground gelfling civilization. Everyone already thought they were extinct, there's no reason why they don't end with a bitter-sweet "half" of all gelflings are culled, but enough seek shelter underground to continue under the skeksis noses.
Neither of those things have ever happened or are true. Shill harder, /pol/cel. It doesn't work here
Just nazi propaganda? They were the first people to ever dislike jews or try to get them to leave their country?
What can you tell me about the Haavara Agreement?
>hehe I was pretending to be retarded
Calm down tranny
You have poor reading comprehension, I said the modern caricature is literally a direct result from Nazi propaganda.
Sorry user. I have bad news.
Maybe move to Somalia where that shit is encouraged then. You’ll fit in great there
absolutely seething
Don't worry, he is very warmly embraced by his many animals friends.
So this is fake news: the woman wasn't arrested for Holocaust denial, she was arrested for antagonizing her Jewish neighbors and sending threats, her sentence was commuted and she never saw a single day in a prison cell. Oh and the one tidbit your webzine forgot, she is a literal Nazi...
>it should be illegal to question any history
Good thing we found those WMD's in Iraq.
Based gay ally
I mean you tards always chimp out when based anons point out Hitler was a tranny
You forgot your source.
Havana used to have a vibrant gay nightlife which is why the Nazis were so interested in it
Only an idiot would believe such obvious propaganda.
Okay, this thread got seriously fucking weird. Why was it worth keystrokes to you to set us all straight on the issue like that? This thread will be dust within the hour. Why are you so invested in making sure Jews (always capital J, mind you) don't get badmouthed in the most temporal medium known to man?
It's the actual German case I'm citing tou disinfo /pol/nigger. Next you're going to post that story about the Nazi saluting dog.
You know that it's bullshit, so stop wasting everyone's time. The woman was a literal card carrying Nazi member. Abloo abloo, she may get fined!
Thank you skekZok
I like how he calls them his even though he did jackshit to make them
Haavara. Not havana.
>the fucking CIA should be trusted
oh god that's funny.
Why are you derailing this thread about Jews in the first place? Nigga, just let it go and Huppost.
Everyone hates skekTek so they all probably do that to piss him off.
I think it’s more people who want to talk about this show don’t have to deal with one autist spamming politics in it
You’re not being followed by secret agents give the martyr complex a rest
If you have the case to cite then paste the link.
Otherwise you're just a troll worse than any /pol/ boogeyman. At least they're honest.
They're his because he has authority over them, and led them into battle. It's like how when you buy a car, it's yours, even if you didn't make it.
Havana not haavara
Hitlers interest in Havana night clubs was well known
>You’re not being followed by secret agents give the martyr complex a rest
>The FBI has never presented posts from chans as evidence
so much for high verbal intelligence.
Who will voice him when he appears?
do you care that there are threads you don't want to post in?
do you care that there are boards that you don't want to browse?
This is the nature of chaos. Just pick and choose the shit you want to talk about you dumb nigger. Why try to mini mod
He commanded them to total victory.
Gelflings are weak shit 8 skesis with swords was enough to seriously threaten their civilization
SkekUng did jackshit
>according to the cia
wew, such evidence.
>/pol/ is just a boogeyman and always honest
Loving every laugh you dumb faggot
Hopefully someone loud and barking.
everyone shut up and post Jim Henson's Creature Shop Challenge Skeksis
>since 7 May 2018 she is serving her latest 2-year jail sentence after being picked up at her home by German police.
You're only exposing more people to the truth.
Yea user you’re so important and the gubment is stalking you
In fact i hears from pol that they’re sending a drone to come get ya this very minute. They’re tracking you by internet. Quick get off it!
You know why she was eventually sentenced, shill? Because she failed to appear in court...
>Skekung led them to victory
>But by the time the emperor is dying the Chamberlain's faction with Skekekt and Skekok was in favor, while Skekung's faction with Skektek and Skekna was marginalized.
Stop spamming in places you’re not wanted you’re just making more people hostile to you if anything, oh brave keyboard warrior
Prove it.
The red spikes are dumb
He sort of looks like what the Satirist would in my mind though
Prove that a majority don't want it.
Translate the page and stop shitting up the thread with your absolute faggotry and fake news. I'm not going to feel sympathy for a fucking Nazi. Get over it. The German government wanted to get her for years.
If you want dark crystal discussion without the incel autism I’d advise Yea Forums
You've been getting called a retard for over an hour now by a dozen posters.
Prove Hitler wasn’t a tranny first
>’s fake news!
Give it a rest tranny
Kek this one was so bad.
All that your link says is:
>The accusations are always the same: Haverbeck is said to have repeatedly denied in writings or other publications, the mass extermination of the Jews in the Third Reich.
>I'm not going to feel sympathy for a fucking Nazi
She was never in the nazi party. Is anyone you don't like a nazi now and the world has lost all meaning?
those eyes are way too far apart
You have to prove he was. CIA propaganda is bunk.
Prove it.
Yeah it looks like it has brain damage.
It was years and years since the end of the Garthim war, going by the ages of Jen and Kira. So plenty of time for SkekSo to lose apprecation of SkekUng's contribution.
Someone needs to combine this meme into Skesis posting
>She was never in the nazi party
Just stfu ZOGolem, and Seize all kvetching you blithering dunggobbler.
>arrested after she fails to show up for prison
>show up for prison
So her sentence was extended? Are you honestly arguing that they commuted her original sentence and gave her one just for avoiding going to prison for holocaust denial in the first place?
Keep it up.
>angry incel noises
>Born November 8, 1928
>became evil nazi at age 10.
>has sexual fetish for abortions
Good luck not dying out.
Nobody cares about your nazi granny whore stop whining
Originally, she was charged with what is called an incitement charge, the maximum is 5 years user. Minimum is a fine. The reason for the charge was that she was threatening neighbors and giving out anti-Semitic pamphlets. Then she made it worse for herself by doubling down and refusing to show up for hearings, which gave her a small sentence, which she made not appearing again, to her sentencing
I don't get why this single case, dealing with a literal Nazi, is somehow your hill to die on? It's the only case in German legal history, where anyone has gone to prison for incitement charges. That I know of.
You aren't "secretly redpilling" anyone here by acting like a tard.
>proven wrong
>"n-n-n-nobody cares, uh, uh, uh INCEL hahaha got em!"
>Her husband was Werner Georg Haverbeck [de], who during the Nazi period was temporarily engaged in the national leadership of the Nazi Party, founder and director in 1933 of the German Imperial Federation of Nation and Homeland [de], as well as writer and publisher, historian, folklorist and parson of The Christian Community.[1] From 1982 he was also a scientific advisor of the Ecological-Democratic Party (ÖDP).[
>proven wrong
She literally calls herself a Nazi you fucking retarded /pol/cel.
>threatening neighbors
How exactly? Who was threatened by an 80 year old woman?
So anything negative about jews? Oh how terrible.
> Then she made it worse for herself by doubling down and refusing to show up for hearings, which gave her a small sentence, which she made not appearing again, to her sentencing
And you argue that had she showed up they wouldn't have given her any time? That's the best argument you can make?
>literal Nazi
Never in the party. Keep making the word meaningless. You old ass millennials can't die off soon enough.
>Are you honestly arguing that they commuted her original sentence and gave her one just for avoiding going to prison for holocaust denial in the first place?
Yes, because that is what happened?
>every german in germany was a nazi.
No, she doesn't.
>Her husband was Werner Georg Haverbeck [de], who during the Nazi period was temporarily engaged in the national leadership of the Nazi Party, founder and director in 1933 of the German Imperial Federation of Nation and Homeland
Wow so all you have to do to get out of a holocaust denial case is just not show up? They won't even add the two sentences together? How easy.
Every member of the Nazi party and it's affiliate news agencies...yes, those are Nazis. What is wrong with your fucking brain tonight?
>She doesn't consider herself a Nazi
She fucking wears the swatzica armband and hangs the Nazi flag in her home.
>every german in germany was a nazi.
You realize that if she didn't act like a complete fucking idiot, they would have just fined her right?
>She fucking wears the swatzica armband and hangs the Nazi flag in her home.
The what? There's no such thing as a nazi flag any more than there's a Jap flag. Nazi is a propaganda term the communists invented.
this is too stupid to be bait at this point. You have actual mental illnesses.
You realize that if it was true it wouldn't need laws protecting it, like every other historic event?
Oh, you're actually pretending to be retarded. Thanks for ruining another thread, /pol/cel. And yet another group of anons still continue to think /pol/ is full of faggot idiots.
>husband nazi
>therefore wife nazi
>therefore son nazi
>therefore grandson nazi
>for ever more.
wew lad. Nice original sin argument.
>now the Holocaust isn't true because a really touchy German government that was nearly destroyed during WW2, has trouble handling Anti-Semetism
We had the Enigma machine, cuck. They never called themselves nazis. They never even sent anything relating to an extermination.
We had the Enigma machine. They didn't know we had it. We never intercepted anything relating to the purported mass killings of jews.
Deal with it.
>She was literally an author that wrote over a dozen books defending the Nazi Party and was involved personally with German Imperial Federation of Nation and Homeland
How does one become big brained like you?
If only we had evidence of some secret conference where all the members wrote their names down and sent coded messages back to Hitler or something...
>how dare you want revenge for the brutal rape and destruction of your entire country
what monsters. I know if two of our buildings got knocked down we'd get over it and never talk about it again.
The number one killer of German lives was Nazi Germans though?
We had the enigma machine and monitored their communications. If such a message had ever been sent we'd have gotten it.
If she had written that napoleon had his supply lines sabotaged and that's why his assault on russia in the winter failed, would she have been sent to prison?
>He's a Holohoaxer
Nice larp, I too love The Dark Crystal. Great show and movie. Thanks for the discussion.
>muh enigma machine
We weren't intercepting ALL of their messages, it was mid to late war material, by then the camps were already in full swing. Hitler never wanted the final solution to be sent through traditional coding, but there were memos and other transmissions about it. Mostly on paper, since the Allies couldn't track written messages in Europe as much as Morse or radio, since the German intelligence wasn't broadcasting plans on anything but radio and Morse for the majority of the war...Christ.
>by then the camps were already in full swing
And we never intercepted even one message about it? Ever? Not a single one about any random detail? How much gas to get, how many jews died that day, nothing? Even when they had no idea we could read their code?
The Allies literally found entire rooms filled with Nazi documents collected over the years on the camps, user. It was internal information they weren't broadcasting on radio or Morse.
Holohoaxers are the dumbest faggots on earth. We have entire museums worth of material from the Party on the camps. We have camp roasters, Nazi medical records...
>the evil messages were only sent by hand and then burned immediately! i know this sounds like the most convenient excuse possible but it's true! Also hitler was gay!
I hope you kill yourself, Holocaust denial is the most brainlet tinfoil brained meme that you might as well just go full brain damaged and say the Earth is flat.
>The Allies literally found
Did they? Why did the red cross lie then? Is the International Red Cross a nazi orginization?
>that you might as well just go full brain damaged and say the Earth is flat.
It's not illegal to say that though. Can't really compare the two. Should it be illegal?
If your only example is a single Nazi grandma acting like a full retard and getting herself put in prison, then I can sleep well.
>It's illegal, so it must be a grand conspiracy and a hoax
This is how retarded you sound.
Did calling the earth flat ever kill millions of people?
Wait, why did it take until 1996? It's not like they would have been prevented from examining the camps immediately after the war?
Why is it illegal though? There's been a lot of ethnic genocides in history.
When has denying the holocaust killed millions of people?
An Allied coalition extensively examined the camps though, /pol/cel, you realize this is the most heavily documented genocide in recent history right?
>Why did it take so long to admit they colossally fucked up and could have saved lives?
You have the same meme arguments.
US personnel investigated all of them?
>Why is affiliating with a literal death cult that called for the extermination of Jews a bad thing to align yourself with?
>The Soviet Union, just a few years after the holodomor and with gulags still in full use, is the sole source of allegations of death camps.
I would assume so, since it was the US troops who initially liberated the first few camps.
>is the sole source of allegations of death camps.
What do you get out of blatantly lying to people for? You never win these arguments, even if you truly believed them. You and I both know it's bullshit to pretend an entire genocide never happened.
>Iraq had WMD's.
So present it. I can't wait to see all the evidence of US troops and assets in soviet-occupied areas.
Or are you saying that all the work camps were death camps?
>This thing that never had any evidence for it, is the exact same as a well-documented event, confirmed by literal Nazi Party members, pictures, thousands of testimonies and physical evidence
>present evidence for the concentration camps
We are on page 10 and you are clearly baiting me. The Holocaust happened, faggot. What do you gain from lying?