Why do leftists ruin everything with heavy handed propaganda, can't you at least be subtle about it?
Why do leftists ruin everything with heavy handed propaganda, can't you at least be subtle about it?
Why isn't that negros hair curly?
Can't you be more subtle about your whining?
Why do faggots such as your self throw politics in to every single thread?
You are the one whining, im just stating facts.
Call Netflix and ask them why everything they do has to be biased political propaganda masked behind entertainment.
>obsessed with politics so much that you must insert it in to everything while ignoring things that came out pre 2014 because that goes against your world view of the scawey SJWs
KYS faggot.
she wears weegs
>moving the goalpost without making an actual response
Please, dilate.
I dial hate ;)
>meme meme meme
le buzzword of the month
KYS. You gotta go back to what ever hugbox you came from faggot.
Still no response, you seem upset.
>every character on every series/movie is either a fag a nigger or a trannie
What did Netflix mean by this?
>he thinks this only started in 2014
2014 was the tipping point where a significant number of people were finally tired of it. It was by no means the beginning.
>Why do leftists ruin everything with heavy handed propaganda, can't you at least be subtle about it?
They need to make sure it's very clear or else someone might not understand it and accidentally get mansplained to, and that's a risk no one is willing to take.
Basically, subtlety is gatekeeping and problematic.
It means you are obsessed with faggots and niggers, so you go out of your way to find em to be "outraged".
rent free bitch nigga.
>calls others upset
>constantly talks about things that "upset" him
you are just another outrage junkie.
>you go out of your way to find em
I don't need to "get out of my way" they are LITERALLY in every single series and movies that Netflix has produced.
>you are just another outrage junkie.
>lost the argument 3 replies ago
>keeps using insults
>bubububut im not upset!
yet everything that came out before that year gets a pass.
almost like a certain event happened that got a bunch of perpetually outraged faggots flooding the site.
Though 2008 was the start. people started to be delusional about how "important" Yea Forums is and thought every board was Yea Forums
Everything you said only exists inside your mind.
and yet i just dont watch those shows. you are going out of your way to find em. because you are obsessed with them.
>le replying means you are upset >XD
You gotta go back.
>and yet i just dont watch those shows. you are going out of your way to find em. because you are obsessed with them.
>if i say the exact same thing even after i lost the argument that means im right
Are you 12?
just like SJW/niggers/faggots live rent free in your mind.
>You gotta go back.
You ARE upset, thats why you use insults to argue.
Not at all, everything i said is factual and easily verifiable by just looking at the Netflix catalogue.
Liam Neesons your man for nigger hunting
dont like it? dont buy it. simple as that. welcome to capitalism.
>you have to be twelve if you dont obsess of non issues that dont effect you in anyway!
outrage junkies everyone. they think throwing a temper tantrum every time they see something they dont like is a sign of "maturity"
>le upsetXD
No U.
>Not at all, everything i said is factual and easily verifiable by just looking at the Netflix catalogue.
Stop noticing patterns, you stupid incel
It's just coincidence that Mindhunter and Dark are the only shows on netflix that don't feature BMWF pairings.
Have sex please!
Fucking coincidences man.
Netflix is fucking garbage regardless of your shitty politics. Stop watching garbage and watch something good that doesn’t offend your sensibilities maybe?
>every series/movie has interracial couples
>every series/movie shows blacks (or some shade of brown) being the victim of something
>every series/movie has homosexual couples
>every series/movie the baddies are white males
>every series/movie has muslims with hijabs
>every series/movie the only religion that is insulted/ridiculed is christianism
>even though the population of these degenerates is less than 1%, they are represented and put on a pedestal inb 90% of entertainment
What did they mean by this?
stop watching kike medja
There is no such thing as kike free media.
watch better then an dont ever pay user
Than dont watch anything.
If it stops being profitable they would stop. Too bad you outrage junkies just keep throwing money at them.
You can straighten black hair pretty easly with chemical straightener every few months
karl marx had nothing to do with this. leave your basement and go rub lotion on your mother's cunt, as per usual, idiot.
>I’m judging stating facts
>Not even stating, OP is questioning
>not even questioning a fact but an opinion
Do you have an American education?
Seek therapy, Schizo
>There is no such thing as kike free media.
user meant to type, "stop PAYING for kike media".
Free kike media is tolerable.
>using "liberal" and "leftist" interchangeably
>missing the direct exposition from the character that says most people are so far up their own ass they can only comprehend her as a little angry girl out for revenge instead of being the fucking monster
I'm sorry there weren't more trigger warnings before each episode you colossal crybaby faggot.
the biggest struggle a woman can have in her life is rape.
its just funny to me.
OP is brainlet faggot that can't realize that was her cover story but he probably didn't watch in the first place
Everyone itt is a fucking faggot and should kiss instead of rant both sides of a redundant argument
dont forget being swarmed with male attention at all times.
imagine the horror if every woman you see tried desperatly to fuck you
i know you are joking but this would actually be a fear of mine since I know I would have to fuck them all and the chances of me becoming a father would increase.
>finally an actual white straight couple who act like a normal male and female
>turns out the women's a fucking space spider with a teeth vagina and they're living in a apocalyptic hell hole
What did THEY mean by this?
So Based you must be oldfags here
lurk moar
"But only THREEEEE can be Green Berets."
They dont. You're just an insecure rightist
Capitalism is an illusion. Netflix is not profitable, but it still exists because it's subsidized propaganda. You can't just vote with your money. They control every media outlet, and they'll infiltrate or kill off any outlet they don't control.
You are not stating anything (not even facts btw), you are asking a why question.
Why questions are stupid. The answer is always "it's genetic" "because i feel like it" "because of the big bang" or something similar.
JIDF is here you morons. They've doubled their forces almost on all the most popular boards here since infinity chan was taken down.
no, you're just losing the chan culture war.
>losing the chan culture war
Literally a year ago there wasn'y even half this much threads breaking out into divided arguments that derail the thread. Fuck niggers threads and all that shit, everyone played along. Suddenly almost EVERY fucking thread here it's usually one or two divisive fags who conviently seethe the most on anything on Jews when before no one cared here at least.
Bye and also post your nose.