Fuck christians

fuck christians

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>doesn't exist
>largest religion on earth 2k years after the founder got BTFOd

Seethe more Romanigger

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So that bear could easily kick Aslan's ass, right?

What was daemon seperation supposed to be a metaphor for? Priests raping kids? Circumcision?

Aslan canonically has the powers of the Abrahamic God so probably not.
>inb4 jobbed to a knife
Jesus metaphor and came back to life

But not muslims inshallah

what is this? some pagan shit?
lmao the Christian God is literally without and within the universe at the same time in all places and points of time.
what is that, some gay bear?

mental castration church does to you
>oi you gotta be miserable and joyless for the rest of your life you hear me? pleasure BAD, celibate GOOD
this is why Lyra noted that everyone who had undergone the "cut" was boring, joyless and lifeless

>immediatly goes atacking gays

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gay means lame

sure it does

>lmao the Christian God is literally without and within the universe at the same time in all places and points of time.
Same thing in the HDM books.

>ask what this is
>user gives me an acronym

Underage get out

sorry I didn't recognize your shitty YA series

No but Will Tres Dedos (Forma del amor) could

i wonder if this guy understands that his shit was a bona fide cliche by the time fucking xenogears did it

What about jews? Are they still based?

it is a better read than the bib*e


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Sounds boring as fuck.

>anecdotal evidence

but it can't be better than Tolkien. I feel like I ruined every other fantasy series by starting with the Silmarillion and LotR

of course it is not better than Tolkien, nothing is, doesn't mean it is not very enjoyable

tolkien is literally just the bible with the names changed to pseudo-finnish shit

>largest religion

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What happens when you google "HDM books"?

Ya it is western anime that

yeah I remember how there was a race of immortals who fought over some jewels. also yeah that part where the one guy has to clairvoyantly watch his son suffer and fuck his sister. oh yeah that whole part too where God's subordinates help him create the universe with a fucking song and they live on the earth and help out the race of immortals and stuff. how bout when one of god's subordinates makes his own race of sapient beings, that was in Exodus right?

fucking kys you reductive mong

>boring, joyless and lifeless
Sounds like SJW

t. never read the bible

Yahweh is a weak bitch. Literally the only people he beats are Lot's wife and Job's children.

>Vocal atheist, humanist, progressive and Jedi

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he literally destroyed the city they were running away from

Then you’ve got nothing to worry about.

>gets called on his bullshit
>deletes his post
why are christians so cringe

who deleted his post

The west is dying when no father will slap blasphemy out of their child, until they are alone and suffering, and comitting blasphemies against the holy spirit, in surrogate living, on surrogate everything, on a digital mockery of the world, out of boredom and desperation. Just begin to think what you'll have to do to right this - you coward.

i always heard this movie being anti christian but ive never watched it. Can someone spoon feed me?

Christianity destroyed Rome from the inside
it is a plague

It isn't, some people like to pretent there are metaphors or some shit but it's all bullshit. It's a silly fantasy kids movie with talking animals, that's it

Based historically ignorant retard.

post her huge fucking tits

are you saying that Christians are better than romans? woah
true tho

How are those book and movie sales doing for you bro?

What's so amusing about that?

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Tolkien is one of the worst fucking writers of all time. He was an autistic genius who created one of the greatest, if not the greatest, fantasy worlds ever imagined but he was a fucking awful writer.

>let's spend an entire book building up this epic dragon and then have some rando kill him with one arrow
>let's knock the main character out so he misses the big battle

absolute retard. and don't get me started on that tom bombadill nigger.

How many of those are nonwhite?
Most whites in current year call themselves Agnostic or Atheist.

Religion can only attract a lot of people if it's aimed at the poor and uneducated

ignore the other guy replying, he's a retard. Haven't seen the movie but I just read the books for the first time cause my sister bought them and the basic idea is there's a guy that works out how to fracture the boundaries between parallel dimensions and wants to unite everyone from every world to rise up against The Authority (God) and kill Him.

>let's spend an entire book building up this epic dragon and then have some rando kill him with one arrow
>let's knock the main character out so he misses the big battle
So it's okay when Indiana Jones and Big Trouble in Little China does it but not Tolkien?

>i always heard this movie being anti christian but ive never watched it. Can someone spoon feed me?
The protagonists spend most of the series thinking they're fighting God, but then it turns out that "God" was actually just an angel pretending to be God and the real God fucked off some time in the past, but God definitely exists in the setting.

Whoa so this is the power of atheist literature!

But why? i am a christian but i do or try to respect all other beliefs.

I would want to climb up the extension chord and stick it to the man if he existed.

>p-please d-d-d-don't be mean to me i l-l-love all r-r-races and f-f-f-f-f-faiths
typical christcuck

Explain Scientology.

*wipes cheese dust off fingers*
*tips hat*

So I guess jews are the best because they managed to destroy everyone

Goddamn, calm down Major Kong. We don't gotta do that anymore.

>*tips hat*
You're not even trying user.

Most intelligent man in the world is a christian, meanwhile Stephen Hawking was a bitter hack that died alone. Really makes you think.

>I didn't get it so it must have no meaning beyond talking animals
seeth more brainlet

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He was writing epic mythology not the mass-produced opiate escapism of modern media. Smaug going down to a legendary arrow in one hit is very much in line with mythology where monsters were puzzle bosses.

>Most intelligent man in the world is a christian
Ken Ham?

If Ringo Starr believes in God so do I.

>lol! I'm gonna Stan for organized religion and strict moral conservatism that would rip away anime tiddies in a heart be because I just HAVE TO OWN THE LIBS! I HAVE TO! MO MATTER WHAT I CAN NEVER EVER AGREE WITH THEM ON ANYTHING SO I WILL ABSOLUTELY SIDE AGAINST MY BEST INTREST TO DO IT!

Atheists are misguided, but generally pretty chill.
Christians and muslims are a blight on the world, converting folks by the sword every few hundred years. They're dangerous.
Jews aren't into conversion, so they can stay.
Polytheism is the light, however.

I figured this would be lost on the wannabe boomers that occupy this board now, but it isn't "atheist literature". it explores the nature of man, conscious thought, what makes a human a human and why is that different to other animals, is there a creator, etc. etc.

Did God really exist? I don't remember that and I just read it haha
As far as I knew, the "Authority" was something formed from Dust that was trying to claim to be the creator but I don't remember it ever being confirmed that there was an original creator.

>Have sex incel I'm going to take away your weeb bigot tits because they are sexist and transphobic

Yeah and that could be done in an interesting way but he was incapable of writing in an interesting way. That whole pointless escapade going back to the Shire after defeating Sauron in the books shows how incapable he was of understanding how to write an interesting, well-structured story.

Post your copy of the Bible timestampped.

Objectively wrong. Most whites are Christian in most countries. Overwhelmingly so in the US.

Translation: The boredom the cultureless anti-Christian faggot felt in church because he had no concept of aesthetic beauty as a child. This apparently functioned to transform him into a cultureless faggot as a manchild.

Bravo. Bravo. There's a reason this chickenshit series only got one movie.

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It's a children's book user.

>taking LARPers this seriously
Fucking cool it, you retarded no good monkey nigger.

Read the city of god and btfo