The Boys

>interracial couple in the first 3 minutes
>white guy committing a MeToo crime
>religion bad

Why does everything have to be such obvious far left propaganda? It used to be more subtle at least.

Attached: the boys.jpg (1900x784, 177K)

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Calm down mongoloid, the black guy kills his gf if that makes you feel better.

Have you ever thought that maybe you could be the one bringing political propaganda into everything?

>interracial couple in the first 3 minutes
And a Black guy smashes through the POC girlfriend.

This is your brain on /pol/.

Usually I'm not behind sjw themes but it didn't seem forced at all in this show

>religion bad
no, rich preachers begging for even more money from their followers = bad

It's garth ennis shit, of course it's college tier anti-white nonsense.

>black man rams gf so hard she explodes
BLACKED bbc cuck propaganda if i ever seen one

I'm so tired of retards being triggered by everything.

does it take effort to be this much of a faggot or just come naturally?

Mind you language bigot

Most adults aren't spending all day being offended by much leftists.

what was the point of this character?

Attached: queenmaevefilm.jpg (295x300, 23K)

The metoo thing was not so bad. They later show that is all part of the bussines for them and dont actually care about feminism

Why do i need to confronted with the harsh realities of systemic problems in a ficticous superhero universe????

I just want superheroes to fight, man i love beamfights.

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To be the "holy shit Homelander, i know we do some crazy shit, but this is just too far"

She gonna get on the side of THE BOYS in season 2, i swear.

Punisher max was neither of those things, critical of the US government maybe.

>Rapist redemption arc
>Critizism of pandering to black people by superhero movies
>White main couple

Fuck off nigger

She was basically a Starlight who had her hopes and dreams of being a "real hero" crushed by reality. Remember when she told Starlight something to the effect of "I guess one of us has to be the idealist" after rescuing her from Homelander's wrath?

She sees Starlight as a reflection of her younger self before she tossed away her ideals, and acts almost like a mentor to the young heroine, encouraging her to stay true to herself even with Vought breathing down her neck.

>the harsh realities of systemic problems in a ficticous superhero universe

those "systemic problems" are as fictitious as the superheroes

She will probably redeem herself but will die because she did the plane thing too

Edgar strikes me as someone who won't take Homelander's shit. Probably had every supe baby installed with a bomb inside in case one of them went rogue

wait, what?



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No way The deep will end up as a good guy. Cancel culture is forever.

i think she will kill homelander eventually

intersex porch-monkey

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Literally every part of the government and the legal system and every corporation in the US and Western Europe is pro-diversity in all of its facets. It is not only mandated by law, it is part of the active strategy of every entity that could reasonably be called part of the "system". The fact that lots of individuals secretly hold racist beliefs doesn't make it a systemic problem when every institution with any kind of power is actively working in the opposite direction and has been for decades. You're living in the past.

> The product is tainted with gays and niggers!
> Fuck you racist consume the goddamn product!

Soon this society will collapse

the black guy is a murderous drug addict
the religious guy was a fraud

>secretly hold racist beliefs
Individuals aren't usually the problems apart from the random Nazi or two. The problem is with the system, and the internal biases.

Before you read the next sentence, make sure to look up the definition of "disproportionatly", because it seems like a lot of you yee-haw retards have a hard time grasping this subject.

As an example, lets take the American criminal justice system, people are, on average, judged disproportionatly harsher than other people, purely based on their ethnicity, no matter the crime.

This is a problem, not because the judge is spends his sundays burning crosses on the frontlawn of the negro couple next door, but because he, and the people in the system are unaware of these biases naturally hold.


A clit isn't as sensitive as any person, white man or otherwise, because people obviously have more nerve endings than one small part of a person.
The tweet is really just stupid.

>the black guy kills his gf if that makes you feel better.
It really did. I also enjoyed that he’s a coke fiend.

>the American criminal justice system, people are, on average, judged disproportionatly harsher than other people, purely based on their ethnicity, no matter the crime.
That doesn't happen and your a fucking moron for thinking it does.

> akshually as a progressive communist fellow internet user I do declare this capeshit slop is a culturally relevant tour de force about the evils of society and corporate America brought to you by the biggest and most evil corporation in America.

keep on honking brother

I really liked her character, but no one seems to say much about her. I feel, she's the reason why the plane scene worked so well. Really felt 4 her.

Or that particular ethnicity is more prone to crime and not caring about laws or going to prison

Sure but you sound like the typical sheep when your go to is a Christian for religion is bad. Not a Rabbi pedo or Mullah marrying a 9 year old girl.

Sure keep believing that. Whats funny is that you are probably the type of person who would complain about snowflakes just not being able to listen to "facts and logic" and just shape their worldview according to their feelings.

What a great response, i think Socrates had a similar response when he was accused of speaking some bullshit.

>Or that particular ethnicity is more prone to crime
That sounds like something i'd read in "Phrenology today" do you have any scientific data that states this? or are you just listening to your "feelings".
>INB4 Wikipedia
>INB4 Althyp

Hey, let's get a round of applause for Queen Maeve!

Or in reality some ethnicities make themselves presentable when on trial and others and the family that attends act like apes. So of course you are going to be more harsh to the "individuals" who show little impulse control.

no this is just your headcanon. I only meant what I wrote

>fedora tards ruined being outspoken against religious influence
maybe pointing out how obviously toxic religion is in the grand scheme of things isn't such a bad thing

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>Or in reality some ethnicities make themselves presentable when on trial and others and the family that attends act like apes.

It's cool that you FEEL that way snowflake, but do you have any data to support this claim?

Sorry to step on your SAFESPACE, go write your manifesto and shoot up a mall or something.

shouldve inb4 FBI you dumb tranny faggot

niggers and spics kill more people each weekend than mass shootings kill in 3 months

take that in and go DIElate

>racism is a "problem" on the same level as rape

What's it like being a sociopath?

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>interracial couple in the first 3 minutes
there's nothing wrong with them. grow up

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Usually sentencing is based on your number of priors.... hmmm...

Nothing in that study you cited shows that anyone is

>judged disproportionatly harsher than other people, purely based on their ethnicity

Finding differences between black and white drug offender is not proof of systematic racism you imbecile. It would actually be absurdly improbable that there weren't any differences between these groups.

None of that is "far left" boomer-brain.

Attached: leftisbest.jpg (960x540, 51K)

Media has always been political, only now it's being used by (((Hollywood))) as an implicit weapon against white people and communities.

You wrote what you where conditioned to write you weak willed sheep. I am not mocking.

god I can't wait for white genocide. Too bad it will take centuries and by that point racial categories will be redefined in whatever way justifies inequality, like they always are.

Retarded horseshoe posters. As you well know, establishment forces only view specific cases of offense as being legitimate. White men can never be defended in modern media.

Empirical evidence, more to life than your room user.

there's nothing that I wrote that is wrong. You can seethe about it all you want

A true NPC right here, this poster.


imagine believing this

Thanks for showing other white people what you truly think. All we need to do is change enough white minds and it's game over.

imagine thinking the church is some innocent structure without fault.
Jesus himself condemns systems like the catholic church. Its literally run by demons. No self respecting Christian should ever trust the church as a whole. There are wolves everywhere.

Not angry, disappointed, you are conditioned to only be critical of specific targets. You should be critical of all groups of power, especially those you are not conditioned or allowed to criticize.

>White men can never be defended in modern media.
The solution is obviously to cry whenever there's a white boy with a brown gf on tv

>Directed by Seth Rogen and other jew
mmmm I wonder why

>Burn and Pocahontas
ayy lmao

>proceeds to cry out in anguish over Joker being sympathetic towards incels

No, the solution is to boycott it entirely and support media that stays away from this kind demonisation.