Why are people afraid of spiders? I really don't get it.
Because they look and move like unnatural hell spawn
I think it's the way they move. They're much faster than you think they're gonna be and that freaks me the fuck out. Can you imagine if spiders were the size of cats? It's absolutely horrifying.
They are pussies basically. A fucking giant spider like OP would be horrifying though
Many things.
>their speed. A slow moving spider is no issue, but a faster spider is horrible
>their legs, having so many seems unnatural to us, not to mention the way they’re placed makes it look like they’re always crouching in attack
>the way they just lie in wait, until you look away and it’s gone
thats snakes, spiders move like autists - as you would expect them to
They disgust and frighten me on a visceral level. If you don't feel it yourself then I can't convey the emotion in a way you'll understand because it's not backed by reason. Just instinct.
Because they're absolute pussies. Spiders rarely bite anyone, and even if they do the vast majority will do so little that you won't even notice. Spiders keep households free of pests, and the most we ever do back is spin somewhat irritating webs.
Arachnophobia is one of the most bizarre phenomena out there
I don't mind most spiders but the giant house spider freaks me out sometimes they have no chill whatsoever.
>And he screamed a mighty scream.
Seriously Tolkien?
Because a little spider bite is disproportionately painful and the necrotizing venom makes the wound more prone to infection, which could well be a death sentence in the primeval world that our lower brains still think we're in.
Stupid weaklings, you're afraid of your own shadow.
The truth is, there's nothing wrong with spiders. They're a beneficial part of the ecosystem. They even keep your house free of pests like flies and wasps
*hits pipe*
>so then he fights a giant spider
wow cool story you fucking stoner degenerate
>kicks your cunt in while laughing heartily
Fuck you my wife cheated on me with a spider and now I'm raising their 300 children
it's irrational user, can't explain it
for some reason i'm fine with spiders, but insects(especially flying ones) are absolutely repulsive to me
Do you think Suaron ever fucked his vampire messenger?
>god of Chads
you forgot that the concept of the spider web is horrifying by itself
t. spider
You are factualy wrong and also retarded.
how the fuck did the Balrogs defeat that Lovercraftian hellspawn?
maiar dont have penises
you dumbass
Their movements are uncanny. I've watched insects move and don't find it creepy, as their six legged gait seems natural. Spiders however evoke some sort of odd visceral disgust in me when I watch them move. The way they rear back when they're aggressive is also creepy as fuck, it's a behavior you would expect from a more evolved animal, so when a spider does this it looks like an impersonation as done by an alien creature attempting to pose as a native species.
That said I've been trying to get over my fear for a while and generally let the sub thumb size spiders I encounter live, so long as they stay out of my food and clothes.
they slapped it with fire whips
(there was a lot of balrogs)
they can take human/elven form, how do you think thingol fucked melian to shit out luthien?
Just like my mingaru dojins
What you're implying is that anyone who is afraid of spiders is scared of them because they actually think they're in danger, which is retarded. People are afraid of them because they look freaky and it illicits a reaction in some people, it's not a rational thing.
yeah there's something completely alien about the way spiders move, much moreso than other insects, I'm not afraid of them or anything but they're definitely odd.
Maiar have produced spawn with mortals. Valar probably can do, though Melkor would have been the only one to do it.
>Ywn spend tens of thousands of years impregnating progressively larger lizards to create your own incestual dragon waifu (male)
melian took "human" form because she wanted to cuck thingol but why on earth would sauron shape himself a penis for a pleasure he was above - having said that morgoth literally wanted to rape luthian so i dont know
I almost died from an allergic reaction to a spider bite when I was a kid. Now I freak the fuck out and slay any spider on sight.
only melian has ever had a child that i can recall
>but why on earth would sauron shape himself a penis for a pleasure he was above - having said that morgoth literally wanted to rape luthian
sex is about power user
if you weren't a virgin you'd know that
Reminder: Sauron raped Pippin